
Visar inlägg från november, 2023

Classic Why even launch new content if half the people can’t log in and play???

Been waiting for this day to try the new season. Over an hour Q and when I got in it says faction locked? Why is there only one normal realm? WTF ARE YOU GUYS DOING BLIZZ? You would think that they would release a bunch of servers and then merge them later. via /r/wow

Classic All American servers full

I remember why I quit. Can't play with anyone I know by the time I get home from work. Blizzard gets one month of my money. I have a job and couldn't login at 3, fuck me right... via /r/wow

Classic Can you still get game time by being invited back?

Was wondering if this was still a thing and if so, would someone send me an invite? Season of discovery just started on classic and I'd like to give it a shot, but I don't want to subscribe as I'm terrible at remembering to shut off my subscription when I inevitably stop playing again. via /r/wow

Classic Amazing Frost Mage DPS GUIDE

After days of work, I have finally produced the most detailed yet easiest to understand frost mage guide there is! I hope that this will benefit the mage players across the community! Enjoy: via /r/wow

Classic Are you able to recommend me a race/class?

Hey everyone,I am starting to play WoW, and I'd love to hear from you some suggestions based on my style:- Being a healer is cool, but it worries me the fact that I may always need a party or something like this due to my lack of time..I am going to be a casual player! Is there a cool option to balance this but at the same time, still be useful when in a 'full healer' role?- Damage is cool. I remember I played Ragnarok in old times and being a mage casting area skills was so cool. Is this an option?- One hit and kill also are fun! Naturally, I expect some cooldown due to the high damage burst, but would you also recommend me something related?​Thanks everyone for the tips! via /r/wow

Classic My Dream: Night Elf Worgen & Quel'dorei Forsaken customization options

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Why is my particle density whited out on Classic Era?

​ via /r/wow

Classic What class do you think we will get in the World Soul Saga?

So it’s safe to say we aren’t getting one next expansion, however there’s 2 more that we know the name and theme of. just going off the history of class releases we should get one within this trilogy.If I had to bet I’d put my money on the next class being released in Midnight personally, it’s right in the middle and will likely have less draw than the final one The Last Titan because that’s both the climax of this upcoming story and a return to one of the best most popular expansions ever. That said what class fits there? It’s centred around the void so naturally you’d think it would be void based but we already have shadow priests and warlocks have a similar theme too. It’s also centred around elves and I saw a post about Naga here not long ago, if we were to get Naga then maybe a Sea Witch class? Chris Metzen did say something about “standing with the light” so maybe something like that, but then we also have priests (again) and paladins. If they dropped the new one with TLT i have...

Classic Returning player guide

Hey! I'm a returning player to wow after stopping since legion. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by the number of new systems and wondered if anyone had a good guide on new systems in dragonflight? _^ via /r/wow

Classic Help me find this old quest?

I'm trying to think of the name of this old quest. I'm 60% sure it was in one of the earlier areas in WOTLK but what I remember is that it was like a mini solo dungeon boss where you would get gated into a specific area and then they had a bunch of the typical don't stand in the fire, handle a swarm of adds, etc type dungeon things that would happen. via /r/wow

Classic Mining dangerous Dragonflight area made easy

Bild​Want to mine nodes in the Zaqali Caldera filled with elites? Unlock the "can mine on a dragon" and use a regular flying mount . I'm guessing when you unlock the "can mine on a dragon" somehow transfer to the regular flying mount. Doesn't work for herbs. via /r/wow

Classic How do I disable this effect?

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Classic Why is it impossible for people to enjoy WoW if we can't grind 24/7 ?

So for years i've been playing active but now i'm just relaxing and wanting to do keys only but clearly it's impossible. It's been weeks now since 10.2 launch and everyone is at 460++ item level while i'm still stuck at 446 and no matter what key i que up as i get insta declined because lack of gear.​What the hell is this, do i pay for this game to not be able to fucking do what i'd like to do unless i give my entire life for it ? I'd like to do keys and that's it. I don't wanna farm raid and do insane amount of daily quests every week.​I'm signing up for around 200-500 m+ keys from level 9-15 and getting 200-500 declines. It's insane. ​I do Weekly quests but i'm getting the same item every week, and the small amount of keys i do i get the same items over and over again and i have to do 10+ keys just to get 1 item.​What the hell is this ? I love this game but come on. Do i have to give my life for this ? I'm clearly the most unlucky ...

Classic Regarding rogues in 10.2

I have two questions:1-Does sanguine blades snapshot? Or i need to keep my energy above 150 at all times?2-Why top top pve players are changing for sub rogues instead of assassination in amirdrassil? via /r/wow

Classic Need some help deciding what class!

I'm a returning player (since wotlk). And my favourite class back then was hunter, which has changed so much I can't say I like it (what happened to their melee attacks and deadzone?)Anyway I've been doing some research and I've come to decide on a class but I'm not sure which one to pick. I'd like some people's opinions, pros and cons if you will.Mage, Deathknight, Paladin, Demon Hunter.I'd like to keep my options open for end-game if i get that far. These activities would be high tier Dungeon mythics+ and random Battleground pvp. I've zero interest in Raiding or Arena PvP.Which class would be good and have fun playstyles? I'd prefer not having so many keybinds I develop carpal tunnel. Just a moderate amount.Class with cool utility stuff would be nice also (it's what made me love the hunter feign death + jumper cables or disengage into parachute etc)Any other class suggestions would be welcome as I really don't know too much about the c...

Classic Which race/class combo has the coolest animations in your opinion?

I’m a new player and after creating a lot of characters to see how they look in game, i need to settle on one so i can finally enjoy the game. I need opinions, i don’t care for what’s best for gameplay, just what looks the coolest. I’ve decided to be on the Alliance faction. I can’t use trial characters for some reason, so i can’t test endgame abilities.I want to know what race/class combo do you think that has: •Coolest cast or melee animation•Transmogs that fit the race better for their gear type via /r/wow

Classic Question about the 10.2 quests

If I level up a brand new character from 1-70, will the emerald dream quests be available or I need to do some quests/renown? via /r/wow

Classic Clutch Rescue Appreciation Post

So I've been playing a priest for the past 19 years, and I've definitely saved a lot of lives (and ended a few 😂) with lifegrip. But I've never been saved myself, until last night.I was in an 18 BRH with an aug evoker, and the purple stuff came out on the last boss, and my dumb ass ran right into a sleep cloud. I watched in horror as the purple came towards me, and I knew it was over.. and then suddenly the evoker swooped in at the very last second and scooped me up into his strong scaly arms to fly me to safety. I've never been more impressed by a player in my life.Now I know how it feels to be rescued. So props to all our priests and evokers out there doing the lord's work, keeping dumbasses like me out of danger. You're the real ones. via /r/wow

Classic Where do I start?

Bit of a backstory to begin with…I played WoW back in the glory days and started with The Burning Crusade and worked my way through the patches up to Cataclysm back in 2010. I quit just before Mists of Pandaria and so have had a good 10 years away.My question is this: where do I even begin getting back into WoW? I would love to play WoW Classic if that meant I could relive some of the best gaming days I’ve ever had, but would this mean I would have to grind new gear, or would the best gear from that era still be the best? (Full 25man HC raid gear) Are there many people that play WoW classic? via /r/wow

Classic Did they just forgot?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Current state of crafting orders (I provided mats for a R3 illimited diamond)

Bild via /r/wow

Classic I want to switch to caster

I was playing as Monk in BFA, but in DF I don't like them. I loved all specs but now I hate them. I want to switch to caster, but I'm not sure. My goal is solo content, solo PVP, and low m+.I'm choosing between Warlock and Evoker. Currently leveling as Aug Evoker and it's much better than Devoker. Good damage and a lot of shields and heals. Warlock is also a lot of fun, but I'm scared to play only DPS characters because as Monk I was always switching from WW to Brew and sometimes to MW. I'm playing duo with a friend who is RDru and RSham so I've been forced to tank a bit for quick groups. Any advice about these classes? I want a tanky and easy-to-play class. Evoked looks great with their mobility but I'm not sure I could do solo as much as Warlock with a pet. via /r/wow

Classic Playable Tuskar would be SO MUCH BETTER then Earthen for a neutral race :( (the earthen as showed could be just a new customization)

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Potentially returning - Some questions

Heya! I've quit during SL (around 9.1.) after 12+ years of WoW, since we all know SL was a train wreck and Blizz themselves too. I've switched over to another MMO, but DF and the new xpacs peaked my interest again. Before trying out WoW again after that long break: As I don't want to pay subs for two games (besides the first few months), I wondered how easy it is to farm gold for the wow tokens nowadays (EU player). I was never stupid rich, as I had missed the gold farm from WoD sadly, but it was always enough for raiding supplies.Did the game truly recover from SL? DF seems enjoyable, but after Legion the game went down (even Cata and WoD were enjoyable tbh) the devs lost my trust in producing good content.How's the casual content? I've always been a semi-hardcore player and enjoyed both sides, I don't want to log in just to raid/m+.That's all. Just wanted to hear the game is in relatively good shape and not that nostalgia's tricking me into playing a ...

Classic I want to turn into this owl

Bild via /r/wow

Classic I want to turn into this owl

Bild via /r/wow

Classic WOW offline

I can't seem to verify with TwitterX, Forums or Reddit (the real source..haha) ​ via /r/wow

Classic Uhm, did I miss his return? Why is he present in the quest after the raid? (Potential Spoiler)

Bild via /r/wow

Classic New to dragonflight?

Hi,I stopped after shadowlands and after seeing the war within and the 10.2 patch i wanted to give me some WoW.As someone that has never played Dragonflight, do i have to finish all the seasons to get the new one? Finishing the campaign right now and dont know is it worth finishing the older season campaigns?Have a nice day via /r/wow

Classic New player: warlock mana issues (WOTLK classic)

So I am new to WoW (level 25) and when I am killing mobs or in a dungeon, I'm constantly running out of mana. I play an aff-warlock, I put my dots on everything and use shadow bolt or rain of fire to keep my DPS consistent. I feel like I'm constantly having to sit and drink way to frequently in dungeons, more than the rest of my party. This happens every other pack. Am I doing something wrong? I hate seeing everyone go for the next pack while I have to sit, I feel like I'm holding them back and I want to improve. via /r/wow

Classic At what point do you realize that a class just isn’t clicking with you?

Started playing a week ago after my friend got me a month subscription, played through the first two areas on a retribution paladin with a singular goal in mind: Vulpera affliction warlock. I hit level 60 due to his suggestion to unlock timewalking and had a pretty fun time balancing holy runes and slapping dinosaurs with big sword. Now I’m timewalking through the lich king expansion and I’m level 23, and I’m just not feeling the click that I got with paladin. via /r/wow

Classic The best item in all of WoW

​I would absolutely love to see more of this via /r/wow

Classic The new quest contrast options are amazing, but can we also please get a dark background for the dungeon journal? It's horrible to read these

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Dreamseeds

I everyone, I was just curious on what is the best way to acquire Dreamseeds. Unless I’m doing something wrong I find it hard to get them. Thanks for your help via /r/wow

Classic Something Needs to Be Done About WoW's Writers

This whole expansion has had almost nothing of consequence that occured save from Iridikron (the only decent written villain that I'm sure will serve as only a plot device a-la Guldan) and Galakrond's essence. Fyrakk's post-raid cinematic... that really pinned the nail on this expansion's coffin in a story sense. All the characters are poorly written and don't even do anything, and why do all the dragons talk... sooooo... sloowwwwww. As if to pad time because the writers themselves could not come up with anything of substance at all. Power of Friendship!!If this was to be a character-driven story expansion, that's fine, except the characters are all one-dimensional and sit arround twiddling their thumbs and don't actually DO anything in game! And don't get me started on that Avengers style cutscene.. via /r/wow

Classic Is the newest / latest expansion a good jumping on point in Anticipation for worldsoul saga!

As the title suggests I'm interested in getting into wow, I've always had a slight interest in it, as a lot of twitch streamers I watch play it and I occasionally have watched them play it. My only other experience ever with wow is actually when for some reason my dad bought the game for me when I was like 7 and all I remember was making a class spawning in a snowy area and killing a wolf or boar or whatever it was. Im 24 now and been looking to get into a game with social/community aspects and I think wow is the one I wanna try, obviously I would need to learn the game first before even thinking of doing post game stuff.Tldr is the latest expansion a good jumping on point via /r/wow

Classic Why do all the main characters speak in slow motion?

I feel like Alexstrasza is the worst offender, but tons of cinematics have characters saying their lines extremely slowly and not at all how normal people speak and it's super immersion breaking. This is unique to WoW so it has to be some sort of artistic decision, but why? Who wants this? via /r/wow

Classic Someone give me a wow token please.

Do it via /r/wow

Classic I think i found a gear upgrade bug

So i was just gearing up an alt and bought all 415 (green) gear from the dreamsurge vendor and quickly collected some flight stones to upgrade it all to rank 8. While upgrading a piece i was impatiently right clicking another piece of gear that was equipped on my character as i upgraded and to my surprise both pieces of gear upgraded for the cost of 1. I tested this again and it worked. I actually managed to upgrade 3 pieces of gear for the cost of 1 by right clicking them quickly.I tested this with better gear on my main requiring flight stones and crests but it did not work. To be sure it wasn't a one time issues i relogged onto my alt and upgraded 2 more pieces of green gear and it worked again. I haven't tested anything else but come to the conclusion it only works when the upgrade only requires flight stones. via /r/wow

Classic If I were to track one spell from each spec with OmniCD for the purpose of timing with Power Infusion, what should I look for?

Just curious, I wanna set up my OmniCD but I dont wanna track the 500 different CDs that everyone has. If I could narrow it down to 1, it'd be great. I imagine something like Moonkin or Feral it'd be their Celestial Alignment/Incarnation but I dunno much about anyone else. via /r/wow

Classic Confused about lvl cap increases/game philosophy

I really liked it when we went back to level 60 with the idea of going back to the roots and not having such crazy bloated numbers for dmg/hpNow after playing some dragon flight it troubles me to see that philosophy being reversed so quickly.Even the numbers in DF are getting a little out of hand, we don't need to be running around with 100k hp and all this stuff and if we are going to level 80 during war within then this game is just going to become super bloated with numbers again and it has only been 2 expacs. I don't get the point with this philosophy it just makes everything feel meaningless, I see this as a complete reversal and wondering why they even made that decision just to ruin it right away anyways? via /r/wow

Classic Quick guide for gearing efficiently in 10.2 (pve)

Just spent the past hour and a half trying to straighten out all the gearing info so I know how to gear most efficiently, and wanted to share so others don't need to do the same. This is not a guide on how to maximize your ilvl each week. That's easy: kill each raid boss at the hardest difficulty you can, and run as many m+ as possible at the highest level you can. This is instead a guide on how to get the best gear for your in-game time. This list is assuming that you are running raids or m+ and getting loot, but aren't specifically farming them over and over in search of particular items. In order: #1. Craft your BIS embellished gear.# These will not be replaced and are available with very little time invested. #2. Spend Aspect crests on embellished gear.# It costs 60 crests for 23 ilvls, compared to the typical 12 ilvls that 60 crests normally gets you. #3. Spend your crests on non-crafted gear as you get them.# Prioritize BIS gear. After that, decide whether to upgrade...

Classic Question about tanking

So I have been playing Wraith classic but I know that I want to play retail. I am just undecided which class I want to play. I do know however that I am interested in playing a tank. In FFXIV I used to main as an Astrolgian (Healer) and a Dark Knight (Tank). My question is are Tanks needed and how hard is it to tank in WoW? Is there any tips and tricks I need to know to survive or is it pretty simple via /r/wow

Classic Well known memes/jokes

I’m putting together a game of WoW jeopardy for some guildies, and I’m trying to come up with some memes/inside jokes that would make good questions. I’ve got the obvious Leeroy Jenkins, Thunderfury, etc. Was hoping that you guys might be able to come up with something good. via /r/wow

Classic Tauren

Hey guysI am hoping someone can tell me where this screenshot is from? Tauren looks awesome via /r/wow

Classic holy moly that rock training dummy was so gargantuan!!!

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Anduin Wrynn's class(s)?

I could have sworn a few years back I saw a like character sheet for the WoW ttrpg or something of the like that showed he was a priest/palidan/fighter hybrid... does anyone know if this is true? via /r/wow

Classic Thinking of coming back but all my mains have problems and indecision is ruining me. Can you give advice?

Ive been wanting to come back to retail for a while but havent because of issues with the classes I like. A big thing is APM bloat or poor performancenote: I dont plan to raid beyond normal, I might do some M+ but nothing crazy like 20+Enhance: I love Shamans, I love melee but enhance has gotten more and more bloated and high APM since MOP. I logged on to level a few months ago saw the shaman build with like hailstorm, lavalash interactions, malestrom management etc etc and I got overwhelmed and logged off. WW monk: I LOVE monk aesthetic but i hate that they dont attack with weapons but its w/e, However everyone says they are garbage dps in 10.2 so that seems like a lost cause , apm is also highMM Hunter: I loved pre cata hunter and still like the fantasy but it feels a but clunky, no pet makes soloing hard, no melee weapons feels wierd and their dps ive raid is rated low in tier lists but the rotation seems simple despite being clunky. So i'm not sure what to do, any suggestions?...

Classic Question About Drakonid Appearance (Nerd Crap ayyy)

Hey folks! I'm a horrid little creature that does RP shit (disgusting, I know).Earlier in the week, I saw someone running around with a Red Drakonid (the big burly Dragon Boyos) with armor on the model. I'm aware of the Orb of the Obsidian Scale that turns ya' into a Black Drakonid, as well as the Glyph of Disguise for Rogue (but no Drakonid I've found can be pickpocketed for their appearance) but I cannot for the life of me figure out where the person acquired the model.I know this is as niche as a niche question gets, but has anyone found a section where you control a Drakonid or otherwise found what I'm looking for? Been eating away at me for a week.Otherwise, hope y'all have had a good day o/ via /r/wow

Classic My Interview With The Devs On 'The War Within' Expansion

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