Classic Why is it impossible for people to enjoy WoW if we can't grind 24/7 ?

So for years i've been playing active but now i'm just relaxing and wanting to do keys only but clearly it's impossible. It's been weeks now since 10.2 launch and everyone is at 460++ item level while i'm still stuck at 446 and no matter what key i que up as i get insta declined because lack of gear.​What the hell is this, do i pay for this game to not be able to fucking do what i'd like to do unless i give my entire life for it ? I'd like to do keys and that's it. I don't wanna farm raid and do insane amount of daily quests every week.​I'm signing up for around 200-500 m+ keys from level 9-15 and getting 200-500 declines. It's insane. ​I do Weekly quests but i'm getting the same item every week, and the small amount of keys i do i get the same items over and over again and i have to do 10+ keys just to get 1 item.​What the hell is this ? I love this game but come on. Do i have to give my life for this ? I'm clearly the most unlucky person when it comes to loot and still blizzard wont do a shit about it ? There is people like me who can't fucking play this because of eityher not playing META class/spec or basicly impossible to get gear.​Well done blizzard, you're doing an amazing job ruining the game for people who want to "casual" play this game while being good. Wish there was a refund for the 15 years i've been playing.​Yeye i'll get alot of hate which is fine, i'm used to it. But lucky me we're all free to throw out our opinions. via /r/wow


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