Classic Clutch Rescue Appreciation Post

So I've been playing a priest for the past 19 years, and I've definitely saved a lot of lives (and ended a few 😂) with lifegrip. But I've never been saved myself, until last night.I was in an 18 BRH with an aug evoker, and the purple stuff came out on the last boss, and my dumb ass ran right into a sleep cloud. I watched in horror as the purple came towards me, and I knew it was over.. and then suddenly the evoker swooped in at the very last second and scooped me up into his strong scaly arms to fly me to safety. I've never been more impressed by a player in my life.Now I know how it feels to be rescued. So props to all our priests and evokers out there doing the lord's work, keeping dumbasses like me out of danger. You're the real ones. via /r/wow


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