joined -REDACTED-'s Ony GDKP on Benediction hoping to get my T2 Helm finally. Two of them dropped, and I was the only lock in the raid. Perfect!. Minimum bid 50g, ok that's normal, I bid 50g. -REDACTED- bid 75. Bah, hes bidding me up, which isn't something I'm willing to accept. So he takes it. Then he took the second one in the same way. I made some mild argument about understanding that everyone wants money, but being ok with bidding someone up is Dbaggery. I was shouted down. I was told I should just except that people are going to bid me up. I was told 100g is still super cheap (not the point at all imo). Etc.In short, not only did -REDACTED- take my item at a loss, but I had become the bad guy. Life is a joke sometimes.Afterward we ported to SW for the payout. Figured I stay and see how it played out. We lined up and I was kicked from the raid, as I fully expected. "Buy or pump" was the official reason given, but since I was top ca...