Be excellent to each other, unless you have a profit motive, then be bastards. LuL. joined -REDACTED-'s Ony GDKP on Benediction hoping to get my T2 Helm finally. Two of them dropped, and I was the only lock in the raid. Perfect!. Minimum bid 50g, ok that's normal, I bid 50g. -REDACTED- bid 75. Bah, hes bidding me up, which isn't something I'm willing to accept. So he takes it. Then he took the second one in the same way. I made some mild argument about understanding that everyone wants money, but being ok with bidding someone up is Dbaggery. I was shouted down. I was told I should just except that people are going to bid me up. I was told 100g is still super cheap (not the point at all imo). Etc.In short, not only did -REDACTED- take my item at a loss, but I had become the bad guy. Life is a joke sometimes.Afterward we ported to SW for the payout. Figured I stay and see how it played out. We lined up and I was kicked from the raid, as I fully expected. "Buy or pump" was the official reason given, but since I was top caster dps I'm sure that was a lie. I msged -REDACTED- about that fact, but was immediately ignored. Of course.Now, I can hear you thinking, "Bla bla typical wow loot drama." and "You knew it was GDKP yada yada". Ya I know. But how many times have you said "be excellent to each other", or some other feel good trope. Face it, wow reveals the black pit at the center of human nature. We can be wonderful to others, right until you add a money motive, then we turn into bastards.If it was just the one guy that did it and everyone else was angry about it, I'd at least feel a little better. But even the crowd had become angry with me, as if by not submitting to this hustle I was somehow robbing them. This is what cuts the deepest. That others were willing to allow this abuse, so long as they profit from it.Now you may be thinking I'm super upset. I'm really not. I'm an adult. This is a game. Moreover, its the end of the expansion. This is not at all worth being upset about. But I felt it was worth sharing simply because it is such an interesting commentary on human nature.After all my dear humans, this is why we cannot have nice things.


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