
Visar inlägg från september, 2020

Classic New Round Of Beta Invites!

Check your emails/launcher, just got an invite! via /r/wow

Classic Bevin, the pyromancer & Siegfreddo, the paladin! (Commissioned Art by Rickomics)

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Classic If I buy epic edition SL, will the 30 days gametime be applied on the 26th?

I wanna pre-order, but I dont wanna start WoW back up until the SL release, been gone a long while, but also wouldnt wanna waste the 30 days free time..(no i can't just play it not, work is tooo heavy atm XD)lmk please! much appreciated. via /r/wow

Classic Fuuuuu - why so late blizz, I don't want it Now!

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Classic I guess better late then never? Lol

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Classic In the theme of Ardenweald and the Ardenmoths, i designed an outfit in the theme of them. (Art done by me)

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Classic The return of tier set bonuses is upon us.

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Classic Denathrius if he was in Adventure Time

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Classic Anyone else planning on hanging at lvl 50 for a while?

I have been an on and off player since release and I have to admit, I might be most excited to hang at level 50 for a while with a character and be able to experience multiple expansions of content as "current" level challenge (if I am understanding that all pre shadowlands content will be 10-50).I recently switched servers as well, moving to a RP server, leaving all my 120s behind and starting fresh.Plan on taking some time to revisit old content, refocus on achievements and reputation and just enjoy the ride. So much I never did or explored!Let's go prepatch! via /r/wow

Classic Shadowlands Beta - Covenant Abilities Tuning and Class Changes

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Classic Raid Lockout / Mount farm

Hey,can somebody tell me if the Ulduar Lockout is still working?I cleared Ulduar on a Twink with Yogg still alive. Hearthed out -> opened a group -> invited my twink and entered the instance while the Char with the lockout had lead.​Still it didn't work and I got into the cleared instance from last week?​Anybody know whats the problem?Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic The best part of a new expansion is getting to ride around on the ol' Deathcharger again.

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My luck outside of raid rolls on BIS gear


What are your biggest Classic regrets?

My biggest regrets are probably pretty tame compared to others but I'm interested to hear what other people's regrets or mistakes in Classic have been so far.For me I made a night elf, a gnome, and two humans all that made it to 60. All dudes. I wish I had made one of the two male humans a female cause the lack of variety triggers me really bad. One human male is more than enough. Two just makes me not want to play one of them.I also wish I had invested in certain materials early. I had a lot of money to invest into a couple things like Black Lotus or Edgemasters that could have made me buckets of money down the line. My profession choices were more towards raiding not towards gold farming which helped in some ways but hurt in others.

Classic Leveling without Chromie time (post squish)

As in the title, this question is for after the squish occurs. If I pick a racial starting zone, what happens when I get to 10th level? Does Chromie appear and offer choices for which xpac to level in? Can I ignore her and just keep playing? (Old world, I suppose, since that's where most starting zones are).If so, does everything scale to my level? Can I play it 'in order' ( old world, Burning Crusade, etc) with that same character?Say I haven't purchased SL. When I get to 50 will I just be able to keep progressing through the expansions, hopefully with everything scaled to 50? via /r/wow

Classic Want your pre-patch transition to be smooth? Help your AddOn authors test their 9.0 updates on the PTR/Beta!

Help your developers look for transition issues with the patch, so they can have a chance to fix any issues before they cause real damage during the actual patch.Copy your live server Saved Variables over to replace the ones on the PTR or Beta, then test and make sure your addons transition smoothly with your existing data.You can find your Saved Variables in your WoW installation folder, under \_retail_\WTF\Account\, and then a folder based on your WoW licence name. If you have an account from back before accounts, it'll match your licence name. If its WoW1, then it gets named some arbtirary number with a # at the end. Inside you'll find a folder named SavedVariables. Copy this one over to where the matching folder would be on the PTR/Beta.So, for me, for example: F:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\TEELO\SavedVariables\ copied everything in the folder over to G:\World of Warcraft Beta\_beta_\WTF\Account\83522#4\SavedVariables\.Then, install the beta versions...

Classic Been playing for 11 years it’s about damn time.

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Classic Beta invites? check your inboxes!

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Classic Found this on Screenshot folder.

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Classic Black Drake

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Classic Blizzard Announces Covenant Tuning is Underway on Shadowlands Beta

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Classic The reputation gain bonus is gone, does this mean its prepatch?

The reputation bonus which we've had for a while now and as far as I know, got prolonged to when prepatch hits, and now for me it's gone. Now my world quest only give 75 rep :(.Anyone else? via /r/wow

Classic "Darksteel bastard sword"

I have tried to get this transmog for so long now, I just cant´t get it.It´s supposed to have a chance to be dropped by "Dark Iron demolitionist" But I can´t find it, I go exactly where it says that they are supposed to be.​​Im new, so is it something obvious I don´t get??​Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic Isn't it time everyone learned common?

With Pandaren and Thalassian crosstalk and other special mechanics, as well as the fact that every Warcraft game in existence had Orcs and humans speaking to eachother... Or Elves speaking common, etc. etc... Isn't it time everyone just learned common? I'd even make it so that Horde races had common as a default second language instead of Orcish, and humans would be the lone wolves with common only.I just think this is an unnecessary relic now. via /r/wow

Classic Started playing again need advice!

Started playing WoW classic and I’m a level 18 Human warrior. What areas would you suggest I should stick to for questing and levelling? I was doing some bits in Darkshire but kept getting fucked over by wolves and spiders lool think I’m too low lvl. Any advice would be great key appreciated! :) via /r/wow

Classic How about having Staves casting some spell worth bringing into rotation, like the Wands auto cast? I see these weapons being total useless, just being carried around with zero interaction or just used as a broom when in melee range.

​ via /r/wow

I Griefed Some Bots


Classic Kael’thas will take over and rule Revendreth

Putting this here so when it happens I can refer to this post and say I called it. via /r/wow

Classic K Blizzard

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Classic Blizzard has ridiculous account policy...

This is from a ticket I put in to try to get access into my bnet account created in 2009 in my brothers name, which for some reason makes him the legal owner of this account and has nothing to do with any other info... Just the name on the account. Near the end I am told that the only real way for this account to be put under my name is to have an official government death certificate. Can anyone explain why it is so difficult to change the name on a bnet account that you've been playing on for over 10 years please. Guess I'm just stuck hoping my brother dies sometime soon. via /r/wow

Classic Need some advice on playing casters.

This is mainly for pvp, with some light pve mixed in. So been playing wow since early bc, and have pretty much always been a melee only kind of guy, mained paladin for close to 10 years, with all melee alts. Once i got all the melee classes level i wasnt really worried about leveling anything else, and just decided that the remainder classes i would use expansion boosts to level, and man i dont know if i am just booty with casters or what..My biggest problem with playing casters i just feel like no matter what i do, i am dying all the time. I have seen a lot of casters who can deal out quite the punishment before even getting to half health, but for me I feel like i can never even get a spell in. Been trying Mage and lock lately, and once prepatch hits i will probably end up giving Shadow priest a try, but no matter what class it has been i just feel like i am not doing well at all, So some general tips to playing them, or even more indepth ones based on class or spec would be appreci...

Classic People that covet spectral tiger mount

Question for you all. Ive been out of the game for years now, but back in the day (what, 2011?) I had a level capped Huntress. I had a bunch of rare critters and my crowning glory was my Spectral Tiger mount.I see people selling the reins for them for sooo much money and I’m broke af due to COVID fallout. Anybody know if selling my old account would be an option for me? Would it be worthwhile? The mount is attached to my old character though so idk if anyone would even want it.Tl;dr can one sell their old account for a bit of real cash if they’ve got a spectral tiger mount attached to their character? via /r/wow

Classic Druid keybindings suggestions

Anyone have recommendations on druid shape shifting keybinds? I use A and D as strafe left and right, and every other key surrounding those two are binds for skills. My assumption would be to use a single key like ctrl as a global plus 1-4 for each form.Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic Just found out about mythic+ in SL

So my friend that I run mythics with all the time just told me about the changes coming to SL and I am incredibly disappointed. I can't pvp and usually don't have time to raid. So mythics have been my go to source for gear. After hearing about the changes I feel like the Dev Team told me to bend over and took advantage of me without lube.How the hell did they think this was a good idea? I mean, I guess I can live with the ilvl drop, but the fact that only one person gets gear per run is the worst idea I've heard of. Like what the hell?So players that don't like raiding are just boned. Players that don't have time to raid are boned AND betrayed. Seems legit. That's Blizz for killing my desire to play SL after getting me pumped all year.Is there somewhere we can give feedback? Even though we all know it's just going to be ignored because "we know what we're doing." Even though history shows they spend a minimum of 2/3 of an expansion trying to f...

Classic I quit 2 Weeks into BFA, now I returned. Is there anything I should still do in BFA?

Is there anything left to do in the Game thats worth my time? I feel like grinding Gear etc is a waste of time. via /r/wow

Classic Can I beat WoW on Level 20 Starter Edition?

I recently got WoW, first time ever playing. I play on a Laptop (Not strong at all but manages to still play) [Acer E-521].My person is Undeadmedic He is a Horde - Undead - Monk Realm is ThunderlordI only have the starter edition and it is still downloading though I am able to play (over 20gb for my laptop will take weeks the speed it is going.) I already hit level 20 and the game recommend that I upgrade with subscription. I made it pass the part where Sylvannas the Bashee Queen got report that the undead you was with got ambush and got blew up in the caves.There are so much quest but since all the enemies I fought the same level as I am (lvl 20 or lvl 21), will I be able to beat the game or final boss only in starter edition?Keep in mine, I am new to WoW and only know a bit from Hearthstone the card game. via /r/wow

Classic WoW needs FF14's "Trials" - I took a break from WoW to experience Final Fantasy XIV, and this was my biggest takeaway

Hi all,After BfA Madness, I hopped on the FFXIV train with some friends. This post is not intended to go in depth about FF, talk about why which game is better, etc etc - no flame wars here.Instead, I wanted to highlight a system in FFXIV that blew me away, that I dearly wish WoW had.In XIV, there's: 4 man dungeons, equivalent to WoW 5 mans 8 man raids, somewhat equivalent to WoW raids, just a bit more sectioned 24 man alliance raids, mostly equivalent to WoW raids and a variety of other content which can be compared. But one unique system is FF14's trialsTrials are 8 man, single boss fights. They are, in my opinion, the highlight of FF14. There's no trash, no wings, just you, 7 friends, and a big bad. You fight the big bad. You win, it's over, gg.What makes them so special?While some of the success is certainly due to other systems within ffxiv, they still stand strong on their own. Trials are where the artists, sfx, vfx, and designers can really flex their muscles. H...

Classic Got my mechagnome to 110, so I made some art of her to celebrate! [OC, @alchemari]

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Classic THIS....*Breathes* IS RAM RACING!

So after 10 years of training, just when I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my performance....they throw a curve ball at us with the barrels! WTF BLIZZ!?! Also I made a thing if anyone is interested. Its a intro to ram racing. No rams were harmed in the making of this film. it me or did they remove one of the barrels? Did they? Is this a case of the "mandella" effect? via /r/wow

Classic Limitations from back in the day, appreciation post.

This image, while breathtaking, really shows how the view distance improvements can make the world feel smaller. here you can see: Icecrown Citadel; Naxxramas; a temple in a mountaintop in Storm Peaks and Wyrmrest Temple. This makes it look like Northrend is a very small place.With a small view distance and fog you had the feeling that it was all far away.A very good example of this is the entrance to Orgrimmar! If you go to Classic, the farthest buildings weren't very visible, and this gave the sense it was a way larger area and, dare I say it, more epic. In Retail you can see it all clearly, so it's a lot of information at once. Looks cool, but you can see the farthest building as clearly as the ones in front, making it look closer and tighter, and a little more claustrophobic.I do like the option to have a greater view distance, in some places it really makes for some amazing views, but I do feel that something is lost with the technology...idk perhaps...

Classic ram racing.

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Classic This deserves a discussion. Blizzard should be outright rejecting anyone with any public hate speech towards any group.

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Classic Shadowlands Pre-Patch is live!

Hah Goteem via /r/wow

Classic Best Horde Server for Casual Tryhard?

Background about me: I’m a long time, MMO gamer (EQ, EQ2, WoW, TOR, ESO, FFXIV) who took a decade long break from WoW post-Cataclysm and returned a couple months ago. I’ve a couple toons but my main is an Alliance, level 120, iLvl 450, Arms Warrior on Hakkar.In all MMOs I usually have periods of completely casual gaming and other periods where I do sweaty, endgame raid progression. A lot of the time however, I’m somewhere in between. I always work for the best build possible and do as much research and fine tuning as I can, without it becoming a chore. I shoot to be near the top of DPS charts within groups suited to my capabilities, to be able to heal content suited to my gear levels, to learn content well enough to Tank and lead with ease, etc. Sometimes I fuck up though, other times I just want to run casually and not worry about stuff, and I don’t ever want to feel like I can’t PUG without having to worry about randoms jump down my throat.Basically, I’m an MMO Goldilocks: I want my...

Returning a traitor

I am coming back to Classic after a few months off to roll my very first Alliance character ever.I would love to hear your thoughts on who has the best starting zones or class quests so I can experience the most full alliance experience?

WoW Tokens

I want to get into WoW classic, but I looked at the subscription price and it is so expensive, is there a way to get subscriptions for free like runescape bonds?

Classic Wow party game ideas?

I’m attempting to throw my wonderful, child-at-heart husband a wow-themed date night on his birthday. I sadly know very little about Wow in general, but I know he would just BEAM if I managed to pull it off for him.I’ve already got some decorations and the Warcraft cookbook, BUT, I would love to hear if anyone has any ideas as to actual games or activities that the two of us could do together that correspond with the game.I was hoping to maybe come up with a few pub-game-style activities that have a Warcraft touch. We are both very silly, and he would be happy to play something as simple as darts or cards with me, so long as it had a fun, wow twist. He usually plays a demonhunter, if that is important.I think it could also be fun to send him on a “quest” for the night, somehow, if I can figure out how that works... also, any fun ideas for wow themed prizes to put in a treasure chest?Any and all input would be greatly appreciated :) via /r/wow

Classic I drew my Nightborne arcane mage, Lucille

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Classic KUI nameplates working for every nameplate but one? (All my other Addons are disabled, UI has been refreshed, game has been restarted)

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Classic RIP off-specs on Shadowlands

Between the Covenant abilities being good for some of your specs and not others and the Conduits being class-wide and with a 7-days cooldown this is going to be even more off-spec unfriendly than Legion. via /r/wow