Classic Want your pre-patch transition to be smooth? Help your AddOn authors test their 9.0 updates on the PTR/Beta!

Help your developers look for transition issues with the patch, so they can have a chance to fix any issues before they cause real damage during the actual patch.Copy your live server Saved Variables over to replace the ones on the PTR or Beta, then test and make sure your addons transition smoothly with your existing data.You can find your Saved Variables in your WoW installation folder, under \_retail_\WTF\Account\, and then a folder based on your WoW licence name. If you have an account from back before accounts, it'll match your licence name. If its WoW1, then it gets named some arbtirary number with a # at the end. Inside you'll find a folder named SavedVariables. Copy this one over to where the matching folder would be on the PTR/Beta.So, for me, for example: F:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\TEELO\SavedVariables\ copied everything in the folder over to G:\World of Warcraft Beta\_beta_\WTF\Account\83522#4\SavedVariables\.Then, install the beta versions of your addons. Look around for where your addon author has betas up for testing. Maybe they have them on curseforge. Maybe they have a Github project. Maybe they have their own website with a section for their betas.Once you're in-game, spend some time doing your usual thing. Use the parts of your addons you would normally use, to check that they still work the way you expect.The AddOn I'm developing, Altoholic, has its 9.0.1 beta available here. Its been up for a couple of months, but so far only one user has actually reported any issues with it. via /r/wow


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