Classic Need some advice on playing casters.

This is mainly for pvp, with some light pve mixed in. So been playing wow since early bc, and have pretty much always been a melee only kind of guy, mained paladin for close to 10 years, with all melee alts. Once i got all the melee classes level i wasnt really worried about leveling anything else, and just decided that the remainder classes i would use expansion boosts to level, and man i dont know if i am just booty with casters or what..My biggest problem with playing casters i just feel like no matter what i do, i am dying all the time. I have seen a lot of casters who can deal out quite the punishment before even getting to half health, but for me I feel like i can never even get a spell in. Been trying Mage and lock lately, and once prepatch hits i will probably end up giving Shadow priest a try, but no matter what class it has been i just feel like i am not doing well at all, So some general tips to playing them, or even more indepth ones based on class or spec would be appreciated. Note, because of these feeling of not doing well, i havent really locked down a spec with either mage or lock. via /r/wow
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