
Visar inlägg från december, 2021

What were character specs like during original launch of WoW?

How long did it take for min/maxing to become the way of life? Were people playing awful specs while learning the game? If so, how long did that last? That sure would have been fun.



Classic [NSFW] How are these players naked in retail wow?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Is the Darkmoon Faire completely missing from the calendar for everyone else?

I'm assuming this is just an oversight and it's still programmed to happen each month. Should the next one be happening on January 9th? via /r/wow

Classic Looking for my old guild mates from US Daggerspine 2005-6 era

First let me be clear I did not delete or block a single one of you on Facebook.It was Facebook I removed myself from about 2012.I won't name anybody by name 'cause I'm not tryin' to put people out like that but I'd love love love to catch up with any of you.Going to list in Alphabetical since I think it'll make the most sense to remember.And I'll post 1 of our old BC Black Temple pics.I am Andrew: Troll Druid Reechani with the Turtle polymorph which was rare in those days.I was on point with my CC & that was my main claim to fame but didn't care so much about hittin' high on those meters which did get to be an issue as we pushed into Sunwell so no hard feelings about the benches occasionally.Players I remember & a not naming in order of favs I love you all seriously you were like a family to me:CaernCalyonaCentre/Center pretty sure it was CentreClearcastGungrolMaise I'm sorry I said I wouldn't but I can't remember your Moonkin...

This is the greatest feeling ever


Classic Trying to pick a main for Arena

I've class trialed' every class now, and have done some testing beyond. I'm having trouble deciding between these three classes though--WarriorRogueDemon HunterNew Arms warrior is shockingly fun and mobile, and it just feels awesome. Plus, I love the versatility of being able to pick up a shield for extra tankiness in a pinch, and having access to a tank spec is never a bad thing. Fury is eh, don't love it, but Arms is awesome.Rogue is awesome, I particularly like Outlaw and Subtlety, but not having access to any sort of tank spec for world quests spooks me a bit. I particularly like the controlly sort of playstyle both can do in PvP, though they are fun on landscape/in PvE as well.Demon Hunter is just super fun to jump around and be an annoying little crapper--and it's just lots of fun. Love the Demon Blades/Felblade/Momentum gameplay loop.I'll be honest and say I know absolutely nothing about Arena or PvP, so any advice on which to pick to start learning? via...

Found these at the grocery store for $4 each, from 2008 with chance of in-game loot card?


Classic Best class to play in random BGs with my Holy Paladin friend?

I have every class pretty much. I'm just wondering what class would maximize the synergies? via /r/wow

Classic honest stupid question.

So I have not played wow sense like it came out so I wanted to give it a try again making the same class and race I did my very first time. I seen allot have changed for sure even looks 10 time better than I remember.So I was just wondering seeing as I lost my job 3 month´s ago now I wonder how much gold would it cost me to get enough tokens to pay for a sub.yes I know I will never get that gold as a try to level 20 player but in the feature if I maybe can afford one month it would be good to know what my goal of gold collecting would be.I know it´s stupid question but I did the same when I played Runescape and eve online I asked what kind of in game money you need for paying for 1 month. via /r/wow

Classic Is M+ still as stressful and hectic as before?

Hey,​I quit retail maybe a month after shadowlands release partly because M+ dungeons (and raids) were so stressful and hectic and people were toxic af. Did they change something about this or did people get more chill ? Or is it the same ? via /r/wow

Hosting alt raids in a nutshell


Classic Minimum requirement to collect Legion raid transmorg

What is the minimum level requirement to collect transmorgs from Legion Mythic Raid?Can I just create a level 1 toon, have my friend carry me through and trade me loot/collect the mog? via /r/wow

Classic Thirsty incubus art!

Title says it all, there was a beautiful fan art that was posted here but, removed! Please send me all your amazing fan art that you've come across and please respect the rules by not posting tonnes in the comments. I will curate and send anyone what I've compiled.;) via /r/wow

Classic The Great WoW Exodus 2021. (Colourized)

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Seller has made over $10,000 selling WoW mounts

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Heh. Funny Guild Name

Bild via /r/wow

Bartender 4 for 2.5.2

Hello, anyone know if Bartender is working for the latest version of Classic TBC?

Thunderbluff copium how I missed thee


Classic World of Warcraft

Why do the armors and weapons designs get uglier at higher levels? That's why they have Transmogging. Are they going to take Transmog as Racisit ; then rename it? via /r/wow

Classic Help identifying an ability

I have this showing in my Hekili queue and I don't have it keybound and can't figure out what it is. I'm playing as a prot pally if that matters. Thank you! via /r/wow

Skullflame Shield: Is it actually being used?

Everyone who planned on playing a protection Paladin in TBC probably remembers the craze about the Skullflame shield towards the end of classic, people literally paying thousands of gold just to have it on their prot pallies.Now that we're deep into the expansion ... is anyone actually still using it?The farm videos of Prot Paladins I've seen seem to utilize end game prot gear instead of Skullflame Shield or Petrified Lichen Guard.

What are you most excited for with Phase 3?


Blizzard Discussion on TBC Battle Chickens

Bild like 1-2 players may wind up choosing how drums work moving forward due to the way the new Community Council works. I'm curious to hear what the rest of TBC WoW players think. Personally, I'm not crazy about the way the battle chickens work now. Having to put engineering on all 5 of your melee group's players, then do the obscure method of guaranteeing a proc, is quite the hassle, and it's such a massive advantage that it's currently the only way for melees to parse well.That said, melee really needs something like this to stay competitive with the range in TBC, mostly due to fight mechanics as most TBC players know. I don't really like blizzard's answer either.IMO, the best end result of any changes would be:-groups only have to have their melee bring engineering, so maybe squawks are capped out at 3.-chickens would be a little easier to use. maybe make the proc just guaranteed on the first hit regardless of wh...

Classic She never misses her mark....

Bild via /r/wow

Finally, Kael'thas has fallen...


Classic Which soundtrack/music still gives you chills to this day?

WOTLK cinematic/Arthas death for me (with special mention to grizzly hills ambience music). via /r/wow

Classic [OC] [Commission] Countess Mothicar Portrait by MischiArt

Bild via /r/wow



Are free xfers still available off of dead realms?

Title. I didn't want to renew my sub just to xfer to the masses as I didn't feel the itch. I'm getting that itch now.. so are my toons vanquished behind a pay wall again?

free transfer request shazzrah official forum request

A guildie was told from a GM to make a post on the official forums to ask for free transfers.

Classic Guardian Druid Mage Tower (finally) Completed

First off I'm a casual (almost 50) boomer (i.e. i'm as lowly as it gets) I got started a week later than everybody else. I did no gear farming, consumables grinds, no vid watching. My only "prep" was the fact that I did the MT back in legion and it was *only* when the artifacts went thermonuclear with AP and you could use Luffa legendary to stay in bear form and swipe/thrash Variss from outside his circle. I just knew (mostly) the mechanics. My dumb druid is my main, I quest/grind in bear form. Even with that, it took me 220+ attempts to get the thing done this time around.TL;DR: i'm going full cliche: "yes, if *I* can do it, you DEFINITELY can"Talents:Brambles - good synergy with SotF, lower CD's on Barkskin for P2, and add help for P1Wild Charge - those damn infernals every now and then will tag you and having this for a save was goodBalance Affinity - a cookie cutter way to deal with P1, Boomie spells to attack from range and tag eyes with 2 dots...

To gank or not to gank That is the question.


Classic Chances of a new class with the next expansion?

I feel like they probably have a skeleton crew working on Shadowlands while they have all hands on deck for the new expansion.They will need to pull all the stops to get people to return to WoW so they will add a new class and do some really epic over the top stuff. Do you think they will have a new class and perhaps some Elite Specializations or Ascendancies for current classes? via /r/wow

it's mostly true though


Classic What are some “easier” to get armor sets for lower level players?

I’m a lvl 40 mage and I’m in it for the long haul to eventually get better stuff but as of right now can’t really stand how my character looks, it’s silly but are there any easier armor sets to get as a lower level? via /r/wow

Classic are our class pets gotten weaker in SL

I need help, so I am doing story missions in Shadowlands and my damn voidwalker keeps dying...The dude is so weak. What's going on? Like literally, he can't even handle more than 1 enemy. Sometimes my pet will die vs 1 enemy in Shadowlands. I am talking about my warlock pet, Voidlord/Voidwalker, aka the Tank. Are hunters facing the same issue? Why my pet is dying so much. Should I go demonology? Right now I am affliction. via /r/wow

How to replace Kael'Thas new voice with the original

The new voice for Kael'Thas is not bad at all, but if you like me prefer the original work from Quinton Flynn, I have a zip ready for you that will replace the audio files with the originals.You will simply have to unzip the archive and put the Sound folder inside \World of Warcraft_classic_Like this: the game if it was running and voilà!You can test the new voice lines by using the in game commands like:/script PlaySound(11256) ---- [The intro]/script PlaySound(11273) ---- ["goes nuts" - its really called like this in WoW files]This zip also replaces the voice for his future encounter in Magister's Terrace.You can test these lines by using:/script PlaySound(12413) ---- [Intro]/script PlaySound(12421) ---- [Death]EDIT: Warning! This might violate the game's EULA. But it is nor detectable nor really bannable, from my own experience. But use this at your own risk!

Classic As a non-WoW player, what are some notable locations and references to be made about Stormwind City? Memes, memorable quests, etc. (More info in post)

Hey hi. So, I'm doing a showcasing of a bunch of VRChat worlds for the winter vibes, and one really cool one I found is "Stormwind - World of Warcraft - Winter Veil Christmas 2020". As someone who has never played WoW, I was blown away at how the world creator managed to port in the entirety of the map (as far as I can tell) with tons of locations and details and stuff. So I wanted to do this part of the video right and at least make sure for any WoW fans that might see that on the list that I cover important locations and such. Things to bring up like specific locations of quests, story beats, or just cool places in the city that people like to vibe.Thank you in advance! via /r/wow

hunter pet has less hp every time i pull him out?

every time i whistle for my pet he is missing more and more hp. sometimes he'll have as low as 10%. idk if this is just how the game works or if there's a way to fix this. Haven't played in months so idk

Classic PC for Shadowlands?

Hi, do you think my PC will run Shadowlands 60 fps stable on reccomended settings (7) ?GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660Ti CPU: Intel Core i5 10400 f Ram: 16 GB DDR4 2666Mhz (single channel) SSD 1 TB Win 10 via /r/wow

Classic Keep the Legion Timewalking permanently

Player engagement is necessary to keep the game profitable. And I get it - there’s no better way to keep people in a hamster wheel than with incessant grinding. But when you’re releasing entire expansions that felt like they never left the beta (BFA/SL), then it really feels like these systems were created not to make gameplay interesting but instead to compensate for the lack of interesting gameplay and content.I’m not sure where the design team is going for Blizzard or what the vision is. But I’m starting to feel extremely fed up with Blizzard trying to keep players engaged through boring, player-power tied grinds (Breath of the Dying, Pathfinder, Tier 3 artifacts) instead of keeping players engaged through interesting game content. Compared to many of its competitors—MMO or otherwise—World of Warcraft simply doesn’t keep up with adding new content, balances or tweaks being few and far between. Players are turning to games like FF14 or Path of Exile because they are not throwing the...

Classic So my friend just told me this...

"I left my phone on the dinner table and my cousin walked in. He picked my phone up and looked through my group chat with some people which we do sexual messaging.""Oh God... That must have been awful...""He came to me and asked me to explain. I cried until he asked me if he could join the group." via /r/wow

Classic [Need Advice/Help] Returning player since Wrath needing a lot of catch-up.

So just to preface this post, let me provide a little bit of background.The last time I've played Retail WoW seriously was in WoTLK. I raided ICC a bunch, then took a long break until Mists of Pandaria. I played a Druid mainly and was sad to see they turned Tree of Life into a 30 second buff on a 3 minute CD and apparently removed Insect Swarm from Boomkins which totally blows my mind as Insect Swarm was one of their main DPS spells.I'm thinking of coming back to retail in Shadowlands, but I don't fully know of everything that has changed since MoP or even WoTLK. I'm used to the WoW where you'll see people dueling/pvping outside of common is that now?How abandoned/plentiful are the cities? If not, where is everybody? How hard is it to find a group to level with?I played on the PTR a little bit and apparently you're able to solo some old raids by yourself.. Is there any way to make them harder/not as "solo-able" for better gear/exp?I...

Classic how do i get shaping fate quest?

im 79/80 renowni dont see shaping fate quest in korthia and have no idea how to get it ;/ via /r/wow

Classic What drop have you given up on getting?

I got it into my head I would collect all the dungeon mogs from shadowlands.In what felt like a reasonable amount of time I got all the plate, mail and leather mogs along with all the weapons that could be gotten with them.Now I have maybe four cloth mogs that just refuse to drop and I’m close to giving up. via /r/wow

Classic New player, need advice on choosing a class

Hello, 1 year ago I started playing WoW for the first time ever. I bought one month and played an Arms Warrior. I loved it and got to over 200 ilvl with him. Now I restarted playing recently and I continued playing on my arms warrior. I enjoy it but since I have never really tried other classes much I want to try them. I have a difficult time choosing one. I think the best class for me is warrior but I still get the temptation to create a new characte every once in a while because of curiosity and I might enjoy other classes just as much or more. Any suggestions? via /r/wow

Classic Seeking answers regarding PVP Island Expeditions.

Hello everyone. I would appreciate some help regarding the current state of PVP Island Expeditions.From my understanding, PVP islands are pretty much dead content now. For some reason, they were omitted when the Island system was reworked for solo play, and it is practically impossible to complete achievements associated with them. I've been listed in custom island PVP group finder for many weeks, and rarely anyone has shown any interest. When I miraculously managed to actually get two other people to join me and queued up for a PVP island, we waited for several hours without being matched to an enemy team. Even my friends are unable to help, as getting into a PVP island would require a cooperation of six people (three on alliance side, three on horde).This problem is furthered by the fact that I play on a level 50 BfA twink character, which may result in our team losing when we get matched against random level 60s. My main goal is actually to obtain the "Blood of the Enemy...

Classic My adorable Scottish Fold kitten keeps me company in-game too! Her name is Moonkin

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Dungeon leveling + threads of fate is the most fun I’ve had leveling up, as a new player.

I’m a fairly new player, started with burning crusade classic at the beginning of the summer and then picked up retail about three months ago. Since then, I always assumed the best way to level was doing quest lines. Do battle for Azeroth, or maybe speak with chromie and do WoD. But that always bored me to tears. I just can’t sit in the same area and kill the same mobs for half a dozen different quests, then move a little bit across the map and do the same thing.But then I realized something. I’ve always been somebody who enjoys playing as a healer or a tank, so I figured I could try doing dungeons as a resto shaman. And it’s been an absolute blast! I’ve met and interacted with so many fun people, some of whom were new players like me, and some of them were veterans who have been playing the game for many years. Yeah, you would find the occasional toxic asshole, but that’s made up for by the huge abundance of people who are willing to be patient and friendly.Once I got to level 50, I ...