
Visar inlägg från januari, 2021

Classic Help!

Hi everyone - my bf is a huge fan of wow and plays a lot. I don't know much about the game, just things he shows me here and there. His bday is coming up and I want to do something special related to his interests. How can I incorporate this game? Any suggestions? Anything I should know, wow related? Lol via /r/wow

Classic The old Battlenet launcher was better

Honestly, it just looked and felt better. Aesthetically it was appealing and calming. This new launcher is a like a madhouse with tabs, ads, and news everywhere with seemingly no rhyme or reason. There are 3 different forms of news/updates now. A horizontal feed, a small vertical feed, and a large vertical feed. ALL for news and updates. ALL different sizes and scroll differently. Why? Who thought any of this was an improvement? Now it looks as chaotic as any other useless launcher. via /r/wow



Can I still find groups for quest and dungeons if I got back into Classic now?

I never got to play Vanilla way back when... but I gave Classic a try when it released and had a blast with it. I’d like to try it again now, but are there still enough players to run quest/dungeons with? I have no interest in lvl boosting.For me, in any adventure game or mmo I’ve played, I’m one of those players that enjoys the journey and adventure. I love questing and exploring in WoW, and other adventure mmo’s, like FF14. When I get to end game, I tend to lose interest and stop playing. I just don’t find the end game raid grind fun at all. When I get there, I either take a break, or make a new character. I love the journey, which is why I’m hesitating on trying Classic again. If I can still find groups for content before endgame I would be interested.So, what’s the state of the game now? I know theres no single perfect answer, as it can vary by server community. But I’d still like to hear from players here.

Why is it that after 15 years when you're disconnected while on a gryphon and log back in the gryphon is gone and you just fall?

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What spec would you use to level a paladin duoing with a healing priest?

Would you go consc then prot to build for aoe tankiness with shield spikes and other dmg on hit effects or full Ret or something else?

Classic Chocolate cookies from the Official WOW Cookbook

This is my first Reddit post. via /r/wow

Classic Fixing Druid Bot/multibox Farms

Just remove the ability to herb with the travel form unless you have:1.done the druid mount quest line from legion in its entirety.or2.Have completed the story campaign of the respective Patch via /r/wow

Classic Returning player looking for tips on working towards BfA Pathfinder achievements (I don't have SL expansion)

I've came back to the game after a few years' break. I don't have Shadowlands (or plan to have soon), but I want to focus only on Battle of Azeroth for now and unlock flying first. I'm level 50 and so far I have completed the Loremaster part of the achievement (I only did most necessary quests needed for it to complete). Are there any catch up mechanisms since BfA is already past content? Which part of achievement should I focus on? The Wowhead pathfinder tool shows I need to do an Azerothian Diplomat, Wide world quest and complete war campaign. Should I focus on one? Or start all at once? I would love to hear the tips, because I know nothing about BfA except for the quests I did for the Loremaster. via /r/wow

Classic Looking to faction & server transfer should I wait until after reset for great vault?

Hi Reddit,Quick question: has anyone recently had issues with their great vault on transferring faction or server before the weekly reset?I am looking to server and faction change at some point in the future. I have to work out whether this is likely to happen as I also need to consider mythic raid lockouts and any bugs with that. via /r/wow

Classic Macros not working? new to usiing them, can someone help me out?

#showtooltip Fear/cast [nomod] Fear/cast [mod:shift, @ target=arena1] Fear/cast [mod:ctrl, @ target=arena2] Fear/cast [mod:alt, @ target=arena3] Fear(there is no spaces between the "@" and "target=arena1" for example, i did that because it kept changing it to u/)I think the idea is pretty clear, i want to be able to use the same button with modifiers to attack different players in arena, or just cast on the target ive selected when not using one. I dont have anything else bound to the keys, i read somewhere that can mess it up. i unbounded everything except 1,2,3,4 in the primary action bar just to try to figure it out. I dont get it. Please help! via /r/wow

Classic 29100 dmg 77% to 0% in 0.3 seconds with 1 ret ability

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Balance Druid in Torghast

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Mage or Warlock for first max level?

Not sure which one I want to pick. I'm thinking mage will be more fun in pvp but I think mage has no real solo power which I admittly like to do and while Warlock is no tank I'm assuming with the void they will be able to solo some stuff others can not.I know you guys can't really tell me which one I will enjoy more but eh I'm looking for some kind of opinions/advice on picking Warlock or mage. Which do you all prefer? via /r/wow

Classic 3 Friends starting off from level 1 - Which Alliance race? Retail

Hi allWe haven't played WoW for about 8 years. We've bought the complete version so ready to get back into it on the Alliance side on retail version.I heard that Dwarfs and Gnomes start off in the same starting zone - is that correct still to this day? We don't want to all go the same race, so trying to think of the best way we can split races but also group up to play together... via /r/wow

Classic Can rogues still detect traps in Shadowlands?

Noticed a few times traps were visible in arenas, but doesn't seem to be the case in duels. I've also read that the current detection spell rogues have is mostly just cosmetics.How does it work? via /r/wow

Classic Chromitime

Do I need to buy shadowlands expansion to use chromitime? via /r/wow

Classic Need a good gaming laptop for WOW

I assume this monster will get me max FPS? recommendations are welcome. Thanks. via /r/wow

Classic Hey guys, I've put some time to create video about Ulduar's Race to World First history. I've spent a lot of time on it, so hopefully you'll enjoy it

Bild via /r/wow

Classic A drawing of my troll when she was still a baby

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Classic It's that time of the expansion again...

Where I just log on to all my chars, clear old raids for mogs, farm some consumables for gold and be done with the week. Having zero incentive to do any mythics, raids, torghast or even world quests. via /r/wow

Classic Macro for mounting in different areas

I am famliar with /cast [flyable] Invinvcible But, is there any way to create a macro for different mount call for different zones? I mean combining if statement with working variables in macro section. I am not that good at writing macros so I dont know how much freedom macros have but I look for something like;/run local zoneName=GetRealZoneName() /cast [zoneName="The Maw"] Corridor Creeper /cast [zoneName="Oribos"] Invincible /cast [zoneName="Revendreth"] Sky GolemSummon favorite mount kinda works like this but this way I can specifically select for zones for herb farming or in the maw. Would appreciate any tips on working with variables and if statements on creating this via /r/wow

Classic I know everyone likes to meme the night fae table, but I can't even complete lvl 36 missions with my best lvl 41+ followers now

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Classic That hurts ☠️

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Classic How do you farm gold?

I have mining and herbalism on my MM hunter, I've never made it over 100k gold. Any tips? via /r/wow

Classic Worgen druids are just Zoan fruit users.

That is all. via /r/wow

Alliance leveling guild / reroll projects?

Hey all,Horde raid logger here. I’m looking to casually play through Alliance content before the TBC rush. Are there any active reroll projects or active leveling guilds that people are aware of?Thanks much!

To Duo level a Druid/Mage what would be the best option?

Just rerolled on a horde server because I introduced my younger brother to the game, I made a second account on my Battlenet and played with him as a Druid and him a Mage.We got to level 29 and he doesn't want to keep going, it just isn't his cup of tea and that's fine, but I want to keep going. I want to play TBC and on.I'm going to keep leveling this Druid but I was thinking of Alt/Tabbing with the Mage behind and get it to 60 so I can solo some dungeons on it.With Boosting off the table since I just rerolled would the best option be to just quest with both of them alt tabbing and killing mobs at a much higher rate in a party?Or should I look up how to for the Mage and try and go the AoE farming route? I was thinking gather mobs on Druid in Bear form and Mage does all the work?Any tips or thoughts would be super appreciative. Especially any advice on alt tabbing to play two characters at once. (It's tricky but really reminds me like I'm playing a Final Fantas...

The path I take from the portal area to the flight master in undercity


Classic Classic Dungeon TimeWalk?

Playing Shadowlands after being out of the loop for awhile. Would like to be able to queue for the classic dungeons (Wailing Caverns, RFK, SM, etc). How do I do this? Currently lvl 35, spent some time doing outland dungeons, looking to swap to classic ones (I just enjoy them). Prot Pala, just want to dungeon level, and these are the only dungeons I cant find.Thanks all! via /r/wow

Classic Burnout - a problem I face A Lot

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, I wanted to talk with the community about a problem that I find myself facing a lot. How does one deal with Burnout? I have recently started up a YouTube channel lately and well I have seen some tremendous success for a starting channel I can’t quite help but feel stressed out most days with making quality content, well still doing my grade 12 and streaming like I always have done. There is just not enough time in the day to do everything I want too. Should I just make certain days scheduled for certain channels such as Monday a new YouTube video etc?Another thing is I want to have an audience for both Retail and Classic WoW/Soon to be TBC but I don’t know what to make videos on when it comes to Classic versions. Reason being is I think general levelling videos would be very boring which is my current stage.. maybe I will come up with some guides or class videos, let me know if you have any suggestions please, thank you! via /r/wow

Classic My dogs adopted name was Leeroy Jenkins, I couldn't bring myself to change it. Tattoo done by Caleb Ledley @Memento Tattoo in Columbus, OH.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Wow... no, really... wow.

I'm a long time Everquest player. I decided to try WoW with some friends because why not. I know I'm late to the bandwagon, but here we are. I paid the sub and screwed around with it for a bit and it was enjoyable enough. So I purchased the heroic shadowlands so I could get with the friends quickly. They are on a full server so I had to click through the warning to get to their server. Tried creating a couple of the "sample" boosted characters to see what seemed fun. I ended up going with the monk. I boosted him to 50. Played for a day. Then I found out the next morning that somehow I was on a new server and not the server that they are on.I contacted customer support and asked for their help. They said, sure, give us more money and we can transfer your character! Um... I'm new, been playing for roughly 2 days now... and you all are trying to get more money out of me instead of helping a new person out? Back and forth, asked for a contact with their corporate, so...

Classic Any active guild doing ironman challenges in Europe?

I want to try the ironman challenge (rules = but I don't think my server is the ideal to do so. Is there any server in EU that has some other people doing challenges? I feel it would be a lot funnier if we could share experiences.Thank you very much! via /r/wow

Classic I’m looking for a group that do raids over the weekend... could someone send me to some people ?

I’m a mage ..... via /r/wow

Classic Oh no...

Bild via /r/wow

Classic A custom outfit I made out of Thrall's new model for my Ice troll themed character. Really wish the game had more rustic armor like this

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Classic Help needed - Alliance

My fiancé and I are new to the game. I played Vanilla through Wrath. Shadowlands is her first experience.We’d like to unlock Void Elves and Kul Tiran but have no clue where to begin. Most of the guides are pre SL or assume you played BFA so we keep hitting walls.We have a 60 each and are geared, just want someone to help shepherd us through the unlocks. Anyone want to chill and get some sweet achievement action on with a cool couple? via /r/wow

Classic Covenant Mission Table Addons

Is there one that will auto place your troops? Like the ones we had for the other expansions? via /r/wow

Classic Decided to Make my Opinion on WoD Known a Few Quests in

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Classic Need help with a macro

I'm trying to make a self heal macro so I can consolidate some buttons on my UI, but I can't get it to work correctly, any insight would be useful. This is what I have so far:"#showtooltip/castsequence Reset=89 Renewal, Healthstone, Spiritual Healing Potion, Regrowth" via /r/wow

Classic Resto Sham Sludgefist

Are folx using ancestral protection totem on this fight? Tanks are getting wrecked. And our mistweaver isn't so good at tank sitting.Thoughts? via /r/wow

Classic Why does my 50 Alliance rogue have transmog options my 20 alliance rogue does not?

My bad if this question is very basic are transmogs based on level or something? the 20 rogue is in S8 armor so i would not think not. but The 50 rogue has 7th legionnaire's Visage and the 20 does not seem to have that as a option. via /r/wow

Classic Crazy Cat Lady title will be mine!

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Coldheart interstitia is the worst wing of Torghast

My god what a slog. The constant dive bombing with impact zones way bigger than the visual cues. The constant unbreakable fears. The densely packed corridors of mobs. I hate it. I hate it so much. via /r/wow

Classic Today was a good day. Nothing better than doing god's work by throwing 8 chicken bots off the bridge in suramar, so that my friend can farm his WoW Tokens in peace to finally join us in shadowlands

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Looking for blacksmith with monelite reinforced chassis recipe- Sargeras

Hello,Any blacksmiths out there have this recipe on Sargeras? I finally unlocked Mechagon and I’m trying to craft my Mount now. Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic No XP in chromie time?

Hey all I've tried googling this and I can't find an answer. I've returned to the game after awhile and just finished leveling my first character from 35 to 60 playing BFA and shadowlands. my second character is also 35 and I thought I'd try chromie time and play legion but I don't seem to be getting any XP from completing quests. what's up with that I thought you could level this way? via /r/wow

Classic Shadowlands is an amazing expansion

I played WoW in Vanilla back in the day before BC. My friends and I tried the 14 day trial hoping we wouldn't like the game which obviously didn't happen. We were hooked right away. I loved the aspect of working together as a team to complete quests. I loved that we each had roles to play that if played correctly would increase our chances of success. Running through dungeons used to be all about strategy and teamwork versus the steam rolling it has become.During the trial we were huge newbs. I remember wandering around Elwyn forest looking for sheep to skin so we could get wool for our tailor. I remember turning my pally into a one button heal bot using macros that select the team member with lowest percent health then chose the appropriate rank heal and heal them. I would tell my buddy sitting next to me "I have to pee. I'm on follow. Hit this button on my keyboard if anyone needs health. By the end of the 14 day trial my buddies and I were officially hooked and wil...

Classic Wishing I didn't have dumb anxiety

I hate that this game gives me so much anxiety when it's one of my favorite games to play. anymore I just wait in Sinfall or Oribos for hours wanting to run a raid or do mythic plus but feel like I'll get kicked or yelled at for making a mistake. I even stopped running raids with my guild because of it. Back in MoP I was running mythic SoO without any worry and got the Pvp mounts, but now I feel like I just can't do anything. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me, just curious. via /r/wow