Classic Burnout - a problem I face A Lot

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, I wanted to talk with the community about a problem that I find myself facing a lot. How does one deal with Burnout? I have recently started up a YouTube channel lately and well I have seen some tremendous success for a starting channel I can’t quite help but feel stressed out most days with making quality content, well still doing my grade 12 and streaming like I always have done. There is just not enough time in the day to do everything I want too. Should I just make certain days scheduled for certain channels such as Monday a new YouTube video etc?Another thing is I want to have an audience for both Retail and Classic WoW/Soon to be TBC but I don’t know what to make videos on when it comes to Classic versions. Reason being is I think general levelling videos would be very boring which is my current stage.. maybe I will come up with some guides or class videos, let me know if you have any suggestions please, thank you! via /r/wow


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