
Visar inlägg från september, 2019

Soul Shards aren't item? Question about Warlock macro

Hi there. I have a macro that deletes a soul shard from my bag. Nice and simple. What I'd like is to have the icon for this macro display a count of the number of soul shards I own.If I do something like#showtooltip Sweet Nectar I get an icon that shows a Sweet Nector and a little 12 under it, because I have 12 of them.But if I do:#showtooltip Soul Shard I get an icon of a soul shard with the name of the macro under it, but no count. Does this make sense to anyone?

thinking about trying wow classic

ive played wow on and off during BC but never got the chance to try out classic wow, im really looking to play a healer spec and was wondering what the best choice would be for classic wow and tips for a newb ? (im only really interested in the pve)

Classic being my most wholesome MMO experience pt.2 : A random alliance warrior helping me kill Cyclonian and communicating this to me only through emotes *cries*


I just had my first PvP encounter and it was amazing!!!

Lvl 30 warrior here, questing around Hillsbread with random priest I grouped up with. We were at the Yeti cave, I was there to light the fires for a quest while the priest was looking for Hobert’s sword (dropped by the yetis).I finished mine pretty quick, cave was already cleared when we got there, so I decided to stay with the priest and help him finish his quest. We were farming yetis inside (there was an ally player there as well but we didn’t bother each other). Once all the yetis were gone inside we decided to go back out, maybe those have respawned already.As we were walking up I have noticed 6 red name plates in the entry and a bunch of dead bodies. Thought we were done for. Clicked through their names real quick none of them has targeted us yet so I assumed they haven’t seen us but they were all 32-36 except one of them he had a skull (does that mean he is lvl 60? I’m not sure).We stayed back waited a bit to see what they doing, they were pretty much camping all the bodies the...

Not sure about the Vegan part.


Blizzard's policy of applying silences instead of bans is really stupid

So I fucked up last night, used some language that was maybe a bit too edgy. Not anything too crazy, no racial slurs, no homophobic slurs, just maybe telling some guy that his mom sucked a certain something. And some f bombs. Anyway, yeah I probably crossed a line.But what is my punishment? A month long silence. Silenced until november 1st. I guess I have been an edgy boy in retail in the past (althought that was LONG ago, literally haven't played retail for over a year), and these silences just get longer and longer with each one. But the result of that is that you can get an INSANELY long silence for even minor offenses. A silence means I can't whisper anyone, I can't reply to anyone's whispers, I can't use say, can't use yell, can't use chat channels. I pretty much can't play the game for a month anyway, because not being able to do these things means not being able to get groups. It's no big deal in retail, but in Classic it's an absolute wa...

Am i the asshole/ninja?

So we re running sm lib, having a great time, the dagger drops from the boss it has spirit and intellect on it.. I am a rogue but it is a huge upgrade for me it would replace my sword from dm. So im contemplating if i should need on it there is a mage and another rogue. The rogue is in the same situation and is waiting for me to decide and he will do the same. I see that the mage needed. I decided to need. The other rogue needs as well and gets it. We get kicked for ninja. I get called ignorant and told to google what ninja means.So am i in the wrong here?

Thunder bluff rep

I read you can turn in these yeti hides for rep is that in the current path or brought in later because I don’t see a quest turn in at feralis?

Ever been in a dungeon group you wanted to fail but didn't?

So, lemme give you some context here. I just had the WORST group I've had so far in classic during a ZF run.​I'm a troll priest, sitting in gadget inn soaking up rest XP and writing my webnovel while waiting for someone looking for a healer for a ZF run. I get an invite a few mins later and away we go. Group is 45 mage, 47 warr, 50 lock, and 46 feral drood.The crap starts almost as soon as I get to dungeon. Seems my group has started a fight with a bunch of alliance as I was riding over. The lock dies almost as soon as I get to the instance while yelling at me in party chat for heals. Now... I'm not opposed to PvP. It's a PvP server but we're here to run a dungeon not PvP and I know damn well it's my group who started it. IMO you need to wipe your own bottom if you picked the fight. We fight, my group wins eventually, I rez the lock and we go inside.The first thing the lock says to anyone in group, after being rezed is asking the mage for water. Which would be ...

Thank you

Yesterday I ran Scarlet Monastery for the first time in years and I wanted to say thank you to my group. On Saturday I was admitted to the hospital and was generally having a bad day. Fortunately I had my laptop and the hospital WiFi was able to handle WoW so after a night of no sleep I joined a group running SM. Several times I had to ask the group to wait while I spoke to doctors, received medications, and even got an x-ray. The group was extremely understanding and although they could have replaced me at any time with someone who didn’t have to go /afk so often, they stuck with me and made it a fun experience. They even offered to let me keep running with them after we finished the Graveyard, Armory, and Library, but I decided I would bow out and let them get someone who could better contribute to the group. So if any of you are on Reddit, I’m sure you know who you are, and I’d just like to again say thank you for adding a little happiness to an otherwise bad weekend.

While leveling, can the very best prot warriors hold aggro on the very best aoe dps?

Curious about theoretical top of the line performance. If you have a prot warrior who knows all the tricks, spams battleshout rather than demo shout, uses revenge off of cooldown, etc. Can the strongest dps classes in the game still pull aggro off of them?I guess what I'm trying to ask is, if I lose aggro at all as a tank, is it always my fault? Because I recently learned some new tricks for holding aggro better, and I wanna put that to the test and see if I can improve.

5 instances per hour in Classic, abusable?

Currently the Instance limit we have on classic is 5 dungeons per hour PER character. Is this not supposed to be account wide?This was added around a week after 1.7 Launch as seen from this archived link - does not specifify if the instance limit is per character or per account, but im sure you can see where this is going. With Dire Maul right around the corner (Blizzard Time™) the famous dungeon farm really ramps up, especially so with layer removal.I am talking about Lasher and to some extent tribute farming, one is safer to bet on than the other, Tribute if it works is in the ballpark of around 100 gph, while lasher farming is around 50-60 gold per hour allegedly (This depends highly on if private server drop rates were remotely correct or not, as this is a figure that is a lot harder to estimate since its not set drop tables)However, this also extends to when Zul'Gurub comes out with crocodile packs. Bijou farming is insanely profitable for a while after...

Motivation to keep going?

Level 28 warrior here. Running SM with my ~35 boys. I’m pulling ~1% DPS and virtually no Aggro. Any tips to keep going and not re-roll? Feels pretty pointless running dungeons and not being able to tank.Bonus: any leveling tips to catch up?

AITA for needing on this staff as Enh? Clear upgrade for me.


First epic, what a roll.


Classic Disney's Frozen is basically warcraft.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic What do you think of this mount skin? I think it would fit perfectly in this game.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Where we landing boys?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic BFA Pathfinder Pt 2 rep grind....

I just came back to the game after being away for a year and finally finished Pathfinder Part 1, how bad is the rep grind for part 2. I didn't think I'd ever be finished with those Turtles and it almost drove me insane! Is part 2 as bad as they were? Maybe it was just because I returned to the game after being away but it seemed to take forever! I Just wanna fly! via /r/wow

Classic Can I get the dungeon artifact skins still?

So im a rogue, level 110. Can I go back and solo the legion dungs 50 times for the green lightning skin? Its for the thunderfury skin I got for artifact. via /r/wow

Classic Confused about jaina storyline

I'm really struggling to. Work this out, as far as I can tell its a total mess. I arrived in boralus, I was sent to prison and so was jaina. I have a whole load of stuff to do to try and expose ashvane and get jaina freed. I get sent to tol dagor to rescue her. While there, she is nowhere to be seen. I finish the quest and nobody says anything. Do they not care any more? The next I can ascertain is talking to Katherine proud more and she says she is afraid we will never find jaina. What am I missing? There seems to be a massive glaring hole in the plot here. I'm reluctant to continue with any of these quests now because I am confused and I don't want to miss anything. Please help. Thanks :) via /r/wow

Classic Anyone else having this issue with the default raid frames?

I use the default raid frames for healing and have it only show debuffs I can dispel and never had this issue till I just started playing again after this patch just came out, but when I hover over the debuff to see what it is it'll show the text for other things instead like the sated debuff or the mythic plus debuff.Is there a way to fix this or is it a bug of the new patch? via /r/wow

What addon is showing skill trees on inspect? any idea?


Which PST PVP Server should we (kinda noobs) start on? Which pop is most balanced?

We were thinking Whitemane, Bigglesworth, or Fairebanks. Bigglesworth was our top choice because I heard it had the best Horde-Alliance balance in player population and had a good community. We're not new to WoW, but we will be new to PVP.Thank you

Classic Returning player question

So, as the title states, I'm a returning player of 6+ years. Mainly working on my 90 spriest and an 80 arc mage. Currently trying to focus more on the mage tho. Curious to know in terms of making money, what would my best options might be? Currently only have MoP but plan on getting bfa in the near future. Should i just level per usual and sell all greens/mats or work on professions making money that way? Any and all help is appreciated! via /r/wow

Classic Goblin alchemy has gone too far

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Quest seem to be broken

the mountable griphons used at the quest in crimson forest seem to be broken as even tho there are 4 of them you cant mount em to get back to base as the quest implies via /r/wow

Classic Cairn Death Cinematic

How is it that there wasn’t a cinematic cutscene for the death of Cairn? If there was one and I just missed it, can you give me a link to watch it? via /r/wow

Classic Any ways to see where the realm is located physically in the realms list and not on Internet ???

Ok, that is an easy question, I'm lost and choose a realm that seems to be located in Los Angeles (BlackRock), I'm in Montreal area so my ping is around 84-90 to the realm in Los Angeles and I know anything over 50 is bad especially for dungeons and raid which cause the ping to even go higher than in normal times, so I don't wanna be the one that won't be able to fight because of ping issues. I also learned now that all my progress on this realm is lost except if I wanna pay for a character transfer to a new realm, so I'm ready to start over, I was barely just a level 27 warrior, but I don't wanna choose a realm that is far away from me, I know they have data centers in New York and Chicago that would be perfect, but in the realms list in game, nothing can tell you where they are located, there's no ping info either there, did someone create something for this, a better realm browser for WoW perhaps. Oh yeah, 1 important note, I play on Normal realms, have ...

Classic So what happened in BfA?

I'm not playing wow (mmorpg is just not my thing), however I've been huge fan of Warcraft universe since wc3 and i really like it's lore. Every expansion I'm surfing YouTube and trying to keep up, however I don't get the last one due to time lack. Any chance some of you give me quick explanation of what happened over all, what Sylvanas did and why? She was always my second favourite character, I had goosebumps from her "For the Horde!" in BfA cinematic and now i hear unbelievable "The Horde is nothing!" it just blew my mind. Also really interested in old gods so if anything I'd like to hear something new. From what I've heard there was something connected to N'Zoth and Azshara and that's all via /r/wow

Classic Brewfest Chowdown has been fun this year.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic The Danish National Symphony has been doing great covers of movie and video game music. Here’s WoW’s Invincible

Bild via /r/wow

After 6 hours of gridning, my watch is complete... (Fuck this quest, and fuck the Horde that make this quest extra shitty for Alliance players)


On the topic of abusing game mechanics, lets not forget about this spot


When you’re enjoying a wholesome classic WoW experience


Me : I'm gonna ding to 60 in such a beautiful and memorable way! Also me :




How is crusader worst than 7 damage for daggers at 60?

I was just in a group with 3 rogues and they all told me for daggers at 60, the 7 damage enchant is FAR better than 100 str from crusader.

Biggest Question about druids (feral)

Just wondering why all BEASTS and HUNTER PETS has the ability to PARRY while Druid's in Cat and Bear form CAN'T?​and yes I am a tryhard feral dps/tank :3

How do shadow priests run out of mana outside of dungeons?

I could be wrong (I probably am wrong) but isn't their rotation, shield, swp, mind blast, wand? I figure with that rotation they should have regened all the mana or most of it by the time the enemy is dead. Only tested this up to level 15 myself but so far no problems. let me know if I'm fucking stupid.

when u /w rando durid in og to heal ur mc pug


Plain letter? (newbie player)

Stockpiling for gold

Hi everybody,Levelling up i decided to stockpile all of my cloth / meat cooking items and herbs that i looted. Through levelling, i knew the economy prices would be near vendor price for quite a while.I'm almost at 60, and it seems that the price of e.g. silk cloth sells on my server at a rate of 25% above vendor price. Do you think this is likely to increase over time? Or will clothes and things stay very near to the vendor price in the future? I'm trying to work out the best time to sell, IE if in 2-3 months the price goes up by another 10-15% per stack then it's worth holding on to?At current server values, my stock is sitting at somewhere around 200gold.Cheers in advance.

Just after dinging 30, getting ganked too many times, I got the much talked about Whirlwind axe and man is it ever satisfying! Thanks to the two beautiful souls, Leirdanah and Blunts that helped me through the chaos. (Whitemane)


Need help with a warlock macro.

Is it possible to create macro that will recognize that I have a pet out and NOT summon that pet again? Something like:/cast [novoidwalker] Summon Voidwalker

Classic Brewfest mood killer.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Do any other beast mastery hunters get delay on their abilities in raid?

I play with 31ms, yet in raid I get delay on my GCDs but only as BM, never as MM.The delay is similar to how open world lag feels. It also never happens while I have aspect of the wild active.It’s not a spell queue window thing, like I said it never happens on MM. via /r/wow

Classic Old player's noob questions

I quit wow in 2010 and as many others, came back to classic and played to 60 now. However what I really wished the game had back then was automated dungeon finder, and I believe that's been the case for a while now in retail.How many "accessible" 5mans or raids there are in BfA, that you can do with the LFP/R? Is it common to have your end-game be just grinding max difficulty 5mans, and is it easy to get parties for them? Because all I'd like to do is try to do 5mans fast, but I have no idea if the mythic difficulties are something you can't consider with automated dungeon searcher.Basically what I'm asking is, can I run the hardest difficulty 5mans in BfA without friends/guilds, assuming my own capabilities are enough, after I've geared up from lower difficulties? Can the matchmaker figure out who's good enough for it to get reasonable group together or something? All I want is to log in, press a button to put myself into queue and get teleported to ...

Memories in Un'Goro...


Never thought I would actually win all 3 whelps... Especially for these prices!


Hallow's End?

Will the Halloween event be live come the end of October? I remember it was the first Halloween on release :). Yahoo vanilla!