Thank you

Yesterday I ran Scarlet Monastery for the first time in years and I wanted to say thank you to my group. On Saturday I was admitted to the hospital and was generally having a bad day. Fortunately I had my laptop and the hospital WiFi was able to handle WoW so after a night of no sleep I joined a group running SM. Several times I had to ask the group to wait while I spoke to doctors, received medications, and even got an x-ray. The group was extremely understanding and although they could have replaced me at any time with someone who didn’t have to go /afk so often, they stuck with me and made it a fun experience. They even offered to let me keep running with them after we finished the Graveyard, Armory, and Library, but I decided I would bow out and let them get someone who could better contribute to the group. So if any of you are on Reddit, I’m sure you know who you are, and I’d just like to again say thank you for adding a little happiness to an otherwise bad weekend.


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