Ever been in a dungeon group you wanted to fail but didn't?

So, lemme give you some context here. I just had the WORST group I've had so far in classic during a ZF run.​I'm a troll priest, sitting in gadget inn soaking up rest XP and writing my webnovel while waiting for someone looking for a healer for a ZF run. I get an invite a few mins later and away we go. Group is 45 mage, 47 warr, 50 lock, and 46 feral drood.The crap starts almost as soon as I get to dungeon. Seems my group has started a fight with a bunch of alliance as I was riding over. The lock dies almost as soon as I get to the instance while yelling at me in party chat for heals. Now... I'm not opposed to PvP. It's a PvP server but we're here to run a dungeon not PvP and I know damn well it's my group who started it. IMO you need to wipe your own bottom if you picked the fight. We fight, my group wins eventually, I rez the lock and we go inside.The first thing the lock says to anyone in group, after being rezed is asking the mage for water. Which would be fine, if she didn't life-tap herself down to 1 hp after every f-ing pull. I mean what's the point of getting water if you never use it and instead force me to be your mana battery by way of extra heals.As soon as we start I see a number of problems. First the warr is obviously not prot. He's sword and boarding but takes a lot of dmg, which is fine. It's a leveling dungeon and I'm disc/holy so I've got plenty of heals for him. The problem is he can't hold aggro because the lock is lvl 50. Which, I don't even know why the lock is running ZF at 50. The xp has to be pretty bad at that level and there can't be any gear he needs.Second problem, the Mage must have some kind of bizarre CoC fetish. Because as soon as the tank pulls he frost novas then casts CoC instantly, every time. Which of course usually aggros at least 2 or three scarabs, as well as completely screws up the pull.So, every single pull aggro is bouncing around everywhere and I'm working my ass off healing and trying to keep the lock alive who keeps life tapping for mana even though she's basically our off tank. I mean, common who life taps for mana while dungeon mobs are punching them? So I've gotta drink after almost every pull but we still mange to kill the first boss and make it to the zombie room.We skip the zombies and pull the boss, but low and behold the mage opens two graves right as the tank pulls the boss and we've got mobs F-ing everywhere. We wipe for the first time, but the lock doesn't wanna wipe and runs behind that fat urn in the back which evades all the mobs. The rest of us run back and get a lecture from the lock about running into the 'dead-zone'. That's all fine and good, but you just evade-bugged the boss, who's now despawned and we can't kill. Which is of course the only boss that drops any gear I need.​We move on and get to the pyramid. The lock and warr run down the stairs and aggro an ass-ton of mobs. The mage does his normal nova-CoC combo but no other Aoe. No blizzard, No AE, no Flamestrike, we've got a frost mage, who DOESN'T CAST BLIZZARD when there are 1000 mobs running around and beating the shit out of everyone. This is like a mages one chance to be a hero. I figured his AOE erection would be up by his chin at this point but nope. Just chilling and casting frost-bolts. By this time. I'm frothing mad. It's been such a shitty run for me.We would have wiped here, but the druid hit me with an innervate and popped tranq to keep us going. Props to the drood, only person who wasn't pissing me off all run, and a solid player.We win, eventually by the skin of our teeth and go on to finish the dungeon./End RantI've never wanted a group to fail so badly when we didn't. Have you guys ever been in a run you wanted to implode but didn't. First time for me.


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