
Visar inlägg från maj, 2023

Classic Can you dodge the blackout barrel move on the 2nd boss in freehold?

I know you can line of sight (by standing behind the "house" pillar) both of the gunshot abilities to make them deal 0 damage, but can you sidestep/dodge the barrel? Is the trick to just constantly move during the cast or something? Thanks via /r/wow

WoW classic HC Youtube video being ripped off (exact same title)

Here is my original video I made from a year ago for a how-to on Bride of the Embalmer in HC:​Here is the video that they made from 2 weeks ago, recreated, even the same title. Is there anything I can do about this?

New player confused

Hey guysI was thinking of starting Wow since I have a lot of time on my hands and nothing better to play.Could someone explain the difference between classic wow and wrath of the lich king? Im guessing It's basically DLC but they have separate options in the launcher so I'm not sure which one to press.I also saw someone say "wait for new wotlk server until u start playing". Is this something to worry about or are the servers good enough as they are?From what I've seen wow players basically treat the different patches (like tbc and wotlk) like different games so is that something i need to research or can i just play it blindly?

Classic Which addon is this?

​can any1 telle me which addon this is? I can't remember where this came from and want to get rid of it. It shows only evoker interrupts somehow. Its not a WA :D via /r/wow

Classic The Trading Post for June is all Abuzz - WoW

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Classic The Trading Post for June

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Classic Make Classic WoW More Fun n' Easy

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Why is my expertise so low? Rogue


Classic How do you get your weekly splintered spark of shadowflame?

I always end up getting one every week but I kinda need one right now and I'm not sure how? via /r/wow

The Gold Selling Underworld of Classic WoW is Worse Than You Think...


Classic Transmog should unlock for all great vault slots regardless of what item you end up taking just like it does for quests.

Maybe a hot take but wouldn’t it be nice if the great vault worked like a quest when it comes to unlocking transmog?With quests, if 4 weapons are on offer and you pick the staff, you still unlock the appearances of the 3 weapons you didn’t choose. Extending this to the great vault would help so much with collecting tier appearances without impacting player power gains at all. For example, I could’ve unlocked my tier helm appearance today but I needed to grab a big trinket upgrade instead. Would’ve been cool to at least walk away with the helm mog even if I’ll need to get the actual item later on.EDIT: Also thinking about it, wouldn’t this be a small incentive for people to fill out more of their vault if they care about collections each week? via /r/wow

Classic Please, Diferent transmog for visage and Dracthyr form And automatically coming back to visage form after hover

Please make chosen identity works also after hover effect ends to make Dracthyr automatically turn into visage form.Allowing Dracthyr chosing separated transmog outfit for visage and another for dracthyr form would be grat too.Not always the same transmog fits in both forms via /r/wow

The document that the Hardcore addon devs submitted to Blizzard regarding the features they want to see on official Hardcore servers has been leaked. It includes a guild banks, Heroic dungeons, a system to prevent dungeon spamming, anti-griefing measures, etc. See screenshots for complete list.


Blizzard Closed my Classic Account for Doing Their Achievements

Hey all,My main raiding account got permanently closed on May 26th for no reason and Blizzard has been failing to respond to me with anything but canned messages and I am losing hope. I have been raiding on this account since classic was released and am pretty much devastated by what has happened. I feel like I am being punished for no reason other than going full degen and working my butt off for a title.I was working on the Insane in the Membrane achievo, had done 218 Dire Maul runs for Steamwheedle Cartel Rep. I did this from May 20-25 (full degen mode, 14 hours a day some days) and had moved on to Stratholme and Scholomance to get the mats for Libram turn ins for the Shendralar rep. I had 57 abom stitchings and 35 skins of shadow) from running those on May 26th, while swapping to my rogue to farm heavy junkboxes while I waited for my dungeon lockouts to reset. I have never used any software or scripts or whatever to cheat (what is the point of getting something if you don't wo...

Classic Question about the first treasure goblin loot of the day

Is it possible to not get anything? I know that the chance is higher but not guaranteed. But i have all the items except the mount and for 2 days in a row for first kill i've gotten just a small amount of gold. Not even charms (even though my character doesn't have them all) So i'm just wondering if the 35g or whatever is also a part of the loot chance or if i'm just unlucky. via /r/wow

Classic WeakAura gathering checklist?

Looking for a weakaura that tracks any and all daily/weekly things that need to be done for mining/smithing to maximize knowledge points via /r/wow

Classic Blizzard, It's been months now. Can we please fix the giant spell alerts when some abilities become useable?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic If I fits, I sits

Bild via /r/wow

We are 20+ weeks deep into Ulduar, what item have you still not seen drop?

Still havent seen the 25m HM Hodir staff yet myself

I found this old meme (It's still relatable even to this day)


Classic Should I draft him?

Bild via /r/wow

Some of the long-time Classic Hardcore Streamers, such as Tactics, have signed an NDA with Blizzard regarding future game decisions.


All of classic, I wasn’t a raid logger, until this week, anyone else?

Honestly, I love classic wow, it’s my favorite game and has been twice now. Ive worked from home for the past 7 years, and tend to be on wow quite a bit. With it running in the background while I answer my work emails, I may do some dailies, catch a random dungeon, etc. But after this week and the token coming out, I haven’t logged on since raid ended. I feel no interest in doing a daily, or a random dungeon what so ever with game sanctioned RMT. I’m curious how many other people who actually play the game, even through the the end of phases, are feeling this week. Has it changed your game login habits at all.Ps. As someone who’s played this game for almost 20 years, I know wow addiction isn’t awesome and it’s great that I’m not playing as much this week. Lol

Doesn't WoW Token Make Botting WORSE?

Hello all,​I was just sitting having a thought and I figured I'd share.As things stand, when you purchase game time on an account you need to use real money to keep that subscription going. This means all accounts, even bots, must spend money to pay blizzard to keep their bots active. (sure, this can be done with stolen cards etc, but let's pretend its all on the up-and-up).Doesn't in theory adding a wow token give bots a way to pay with subscriptions with ONLY in game currency they can easily farm? Thus making botting essentially FREE. No real money investment required. Use bot to farm gold, use gold to keep bot farm running, never spend any real currency to run bots.Wouldnt this in theory make the problem WORSE?I'd love to see some opinions from u/alexensual, u/asmongold and the like on this, or if this discussion has previously occurred, I'd like to hear the counter argument.​Thanks

Classic Am I dripping or is this a damn Spongebob reference

Bild via /r/wow

Mike Ybarra, reacting to my twitch comment about Wrath wow tokens

This is not a post created for inciting hate on Mike, just to report what he said. it's not easy to verify this since the vod was deleted, that said anyone that saw the live stream can confirm this is 100% realhttps:// comment he reacted to was:"thank you for being so in touch with the community Mike. Instead of removing braindead LUA exploits and hiring more gms you decided to take a slice of bots money and now the token. Go ahead ban me, it will help defeat RMT surely"he continued by saying "i know you want to find someone to complain about the game but i'm not the right person" something like thatI got permanently banned from the chat shortly after and the vod was deleted at the end of the stream.Probably sadly he's not lying

The reason for why RMT got as popular as it is aren't the bots, it was the lack of punishment for getting caught for it.

Roughly 2 weeks suspension for getting caught and rarely even getting the gold you bought revoked? It was and still is just simply worth it to eat the punishment and take a vacation.If Blizzard had dished out permanent account bans for buying gold during late classic/early TBC, I have no doubt we would not be where we are today. The demand just would not be there.

Classic Rhapsody in Blue (Dragonwrath Mount) What are the requierements?

Hello,I have Dragonwrath on my Priest since CataSaw today they added a mount to get for the weilders of the staff.I have dragonflight but did not advance at all in the campaign, like not AT ALLIt seems that there is some kind of Dragonflight campaign completion requierement to get that mountAccording to wowhead the quest Rhapsody in Blue is not part of a chain, and can be taken from Kalec in the Veiled Ossiary, I went there, no KalecAccording to a youtube video I saw, Kalec gives a quest at the Archive in Azure Span, been there, no KalecWhat part of the Dragonflight campain am I supposed to complete in order to unlock the quest to get the Dragonwrath mount?Thanks via /r/wow

Classic To the Neltharus 16 group that spent this evening wiping (Apologies and you wont see me again).

Bild via /r/wow

Classic How to make/use mouseover macro for incorporeal?

I play ret. I have never used, or even really understood, mouseover macros. How would I set up a macro for incorporeal? Ideally, it would cast turn evil, and if turn evil is on CD then it would cast repentance. That way I could use it for both incorporeals, and it would just end up using both spells. Is this feasible? And how would I get it to not accidentally cast on some other mob if I happen to mouse over a different mob or click one? Maybe these are dumb questions, but I really don't know the first thing about this type of macro. via /r/wow

Is TBC really more niche than HC?

I don't understand it because I am all about keeping your progress and loved the idea of era, I am not sure I even want to try HC. But I assume HC servers are going to be permanent. I enjoyed TBC alot, but its problems did bother me, so now I can only hope for a next one managed better. Flying mounts were not what killed pvp, it got focused more in certain areas of small Outland and I think phase 2 was really when servers went one-sided because griefing at TK graveyard and SCC cave were too much for many guilds. Wotlk style summoning inside instances can help this. The NPCs for the spirit towers in terrokar can be made unkillable. I am not sure about the idea of raid-wide bloodlust, and I am very against TBC dualspec, but if these are also changes necessary to make TBC lovable for everyone, I won't be against them.

Classic Possible Bug And Need Help

Hey, all. I’m currently trying to do the Warlock Green Fire Quest Chain. I’ve gotten to the part where I need to talk to a Warlock trainer to learn more, but I seem to be having an issue. I’m Horde btw. The place the quest is trying to take me is in the Cleft of Shadow, but the trainer is located in the Valley of Honor. I’ve tried talking to both people at both locations, but nothing is actually happening. Can anybody suggest what I’m doing wrong? Was this just something that wasn’t accounted for? via /r/wow

So, basically, if you support GDKPs you're a gold buyer and should be banned?

That's the argument I get. Frankly, the game would be better if gold buyers were removed. GDKPs would actually be a lot better. The concept behind them is better then SR pugs. But, so, according to this subreddit anyone who does GDKPs is a lazy gold buyer and deserves to be banned? This subreddit has gone full toxic.

is there a guide for honor point items?

hey guys I'm new to the game... there is a set "hateful gladiator" that i got interested in, but there is 2 variance of it(on some pieces, like neck or back there are multiple variances) salvation and dominance, and they are almost exactly the same, except some minor differences, for example the waist variances,one of them gives a flat crit rate buff, and the other one gives a spirit buff, but then, cause im a mage (fire mage and im using a spec called TTW that i saw on youtube, if that helps) and use molten armor my spirit stats will convert into crit rate, so im not sure which ones should i get.

Classic Kazix by me @scriosart

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Should additions like the Chronoboon and removal of the debuff limit be included in Hardcore servers?

Simple question and discussion for everyone here. I am under the impression that both of these things were received quite positively, and I believe they would make the endgame of hardcore servers more enjoyable. Thoughts?

Classic What should I do with these dragon isles supplies

I have around 60,000 and I went to see what they buy and it’s about 600 items long. What are the actual cool things to buy? via /r/wow

Classic I wish they’d add last names as an option to characters

I started in a medium server and have always wanted to move my characters, but I’ve grown pretty attached to them and their names. None of these names are available on the bigger servers, so I’ve just decided to stay in the one I’ve always been in. Lots of other games allow for a surname or spaces to include last names. With this, the options really open up. Has there ever been a reason they haven’t done this? via /r/wow

Why doesn't blizz just lower the gold cap?

Honest question, but why doesn't blizz just make the gold cap far lower than what it is now? There is almost nothing in game that remotely justifies the need needing like 200k+ gold. Wouldn't this just nearly eliminate gdkps due to the cap being?If you can tell me why you need more than even 25k gold I'd be surprised. A full round of dailies can give a few hundred, and consumes don't cost the price of a small hoard on the AH. So it would nearly force the player to play if needed.I do my dailies, farm for materials, and have never bought gold. I still play the game without issue and get gear while doing the content. So what's the other side of the coin? Am I just wrong or just thinking too small? Help me out here.

Classic Does the world boss in the new zone even drop loot?

I've been killing it on three characters since release and I've never seen anyone get a drop in the chat window. via /r/wow

Classic Gotta be honest

This is the first time in a long, long time that I am not enjoying mythic+ whatsoever. I have absolutely no idea what is going on with this game, but basically mythic+ is entirely intolerable to climb keys this season. Every single group I get into is a shit show and disbands within the first 6 pulls or the first boss. I was 2900 IO last season and now I'm being auto-declined to 14's and cannot climb my own key. Also - the crest system is dog s#!@ in my honest opinion. Why would I want to farm 11's to get a specific type of crest? Why must we have all these different types of crests for content, other than to just create a time suck for the game. I'm sitting at 432 ilvl with 2pc right now, I just collapsed my key from an 18 to a 15 in an hour of trying to do keys. This is the first time I've ever really felt like actually quitting this game in a long, long time. Other people have to be feeling this nonsense like I am, I can't be the only person having these fit...

If you kill the Lich King and bought gold to get there, did you really win?

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Classic Weekly world boss question (elders)

I can’t seem to find any groups for this am I missing something? I’ve looked in other and I’ve looked in quests. I’ve checked this multiple times and I keep coming up with nothing. Am I missing something here? I’ve done all of the quests up to unlocking the new dragon. Thanks. via /r/wow

Classic Can’t access older expansions

I have the monthly subscription but I can’t seem to access older expansions such as shadowlands. I’ve tried going to chromie but she doesn’t offer any starting quests. Any suggestions? via /r/wow

we new to this and want to duo lvl

what advice would u give to usalso, how far apart in level can we be until its not efficient to duo lvl anymore?

Classic Thank you for the Blue Dragonflight quest, devs, writers, everyone involved

Another post about this, I know, but I just can't express how much joy I felt during the small pieces of content we get to share without a great enemy, a calamity to bring doom to us all... just an adventure around the world I've grown up in and also grown to love and belong. Thank you so much for all of you guys that are now gone from Azeroth, like some blue dragons, some that felt betrayed and left in anger, like some blue dragons, and to those that chose to stick around... The story of the blue dragonflight is truly a story worthy of World of Warcraft. via /r/wow

Classic It's a prestigious award.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic The blue dragonflight questline is one of the best stories to come out of wow in a VERY long time, please continue to make character driven stories like these!

This single quest line has made me remember so much of...Everything that the world is and has. I hope to see more of this in the future. via /r/wow

New feature for WOTLK to avoid pay-to-win!

I feel like this isn’t being talking about enough. Obviously with todays news of tokens, GDKPs are running rampant. Pay to win is everywhere, but there’s a solution.They added this new feature where you can play the game with likeminded fellow players, and even schedule time each week to raid. You can choose to distribute loot in any way you see fit, whether it be pure /rolling, SR, loot council, whatever. The best part is there’s no gold buying or pay to win involved! You just clear content together and have a great time. Under this format, gold buying literally doesn’t effect your PvE experience at all! It’s called a guild.

Classic All this competing between Wrathion and Sabellian...

... and for what? To have the immature Ebyssian take the throne? via /r/wow