Doesn't WoW Token Make Botting WORSE?

Hello all,​I was just sitting having a thought and I figured I'd share.As things stand, when you purchase game time on an account you need to use real money to keep that subscription going. This means all accounts, even bots, must spend money to pay blizzard to keep their bots active. (sure, this can be done with stolen cards etc, but let's pretend its all on the up-and-up).Doesn't in theory adding a wow token give bots a way to pay with subscriptions with ONLY in game currency they can easily farm? Thus making botting essentially FREE. No real money investment required. Use bot to farm gold, use gold to keep bot farm running, never spend any real currency to run bots.Wouldnt this in theory make the problem WORSE?I'd love to see some opinions from u/alexensual, u/asmongold and the like on this, or if this discussion has previously occurred, I'd like to hear the counter argument.​Thanks


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