Classic Transmog should unlock for all great vault slots regardless of what item you end up taking just like it does for quests.

Maybe a hot take but wouldn’t it be nice if the great vault worked like a quest when it comes to unlocking transmog?With quests, if 4 weapons are on offer and you pick the staff, you still unlock the appearances of the 3 weapons you didn’t choose. Extending this to the great vault would help so much with collecting tier appearances without impacting player power gains at all. For example, I could’ve unlocked my tier helm appearance today but I needed to grab a big trinket upgrade instead. Would’ve been cool to at least walk away with the helm mog even if I’ll need to get the actual item later on.EDIT: Also thinking about it, wouldn’t this be a small incentive for people to fill out more of their vault if they care about collections each week? via /r/wow


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