
Visar inlägg från oktober, 2020

Classic My seven year old's Illidan costume!

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Classic Why are you playing ele shaman in SL? This is why. 7 lightning bolts going off with the press of 1 button, and this is without blood of the enemy. 92 item lvl. Absurd burst.

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Classic A question for everyone that saw the Shadowlands boot up cutscene with Sylvanas. And be honest

How many of you thought for a split second she was about to put that helmet on? via /r/wow

Classic Which is the best realm on EU atm ?

Im looking to start playing wow and i would love to play on an active realm with as close to a 50/50 as possible.PS:pardon my grammar via /r/wow

Classic Duplicate of pet as Hunter

I haven't played a hunter for a few years, but I just recently leveled one up (level 43 at the moment).I'm BM (with the Animal Companion talent) and just got the mana saber. Is it possible to have two mana sabers summoned at the same time? I've tamed two of them and put all my other pets in the stable. But as soon as I summon mana saber #1, the other pet is a random one from the stable, even though mana saber #1 and #2 are the top of my active pets in the stable. Can I have both mana saber #1 and mana saber #2 summoned at the same time? via /r/wow

How to not miss the boat


What class do you find the most fun in raids?

As the title says I like the rogue but it’s also the only class I got at 60

Fresh start for Horde?

So I’ve been following the Reinforcement events where people have gotten together to roll fresh toons on dead servers (so far being Flamelash and Arcanite Reaper) but both times have been for Alliance. I was wondering if there were any plans to start one for horde somewhere as well. Looking at Ironforge pro I can see quite a few servers where horde is pretty much gone

So, what made you leave a guild?

I've left two guilds in classic, first one literally fell apart because we couldn't clear BWL. The 2nd guild I left after the warrior GM LC'd one of the ZG set healing rings to himself for flask set, when I, as a healer needed it. He said don't worry about it as the next raid healing ring was mine and that didn't settle well with me.In TBC, my guild at the time couldn't get enough raiders for gruul's lair and had to pug a number of spots. One of the pugs won a roll for something and my GM said in voice comms "I really dont wanna give this to a pug so I'm not going to.'' So he processed to lie saying he couldn't give the item to him, then promptly gave it to a guildie, and this was before loot trading was a thing. The main tank quit over it and I gquit shortly after as I REALLY didn't like that and the entire fiasco burnt me from raiding entirely at that point.

Classic Where to find twinking guides

I know xpoff exists, but its so hard to navigate, I'm looking for a guide for a lvl 19 shaman twink. Retail via /r/wow

Classic Found this in pet journal... Not sure if anyone else posted yet!

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Classic New player

New player here just started playing about 3 days ago. I was wondering exactly how to find a group for dungeons works? Will it match me with players of my own level or is it completely random. I would feel bad if it paired me with higher levels and I was holding them back. Any other new player advice would be greatly appreciated also. via /r/wow

Classic So long Impressive Influence. You gave us a great many emissary caches (and faster access to allied races when the reputation requirement was still there). You'll be missed!

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Classic Dk or warrior

Hi, I want to know which class is better in overall... I play warrior since the beginning and I love it, but the Dk looks nice and I don't know which one play... I want to know your opinion.Thanks.Sorry for my English xD via /r/wow

Classic If I pre-order Shadowlands, what content will I have access to now as a returning player?

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the info!​Hi all,Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I did look at the Shadowlands FAQ and didn't quite get the info I was looking for.I'm a returning player, I think I last played WoW with... Cataclysm, maybe? Probably an expansion after that or so, either way it's been a while. I understand from the fact that the current expansion content won't be part of the base game until Shadowlands launches, but what exactly does that mean for a player like me?My intent is that I'm bored right now and am looking for a game to play. Shadowlands looks interesting, so I thought I'd pre-order it and maybe start working up a character to get ready for the expansion. Will I be able to do so without the latest expansions, or will I be blocked a ways back until Shadowlands officially launches and the current expansion moves to the base game? Does it make sense for a player like me to get back into the game now or will I not be able to enjoy an...

Classic 2 tank strat: Sheepdog and Shepherd

To clarify I'm going to raid for the first time ever when Shadowlands drops along with my guild.This is a strategy I came up with for raids and I wanted to know how it could be modified/improved on. Or if it's basically something people already use and I'm effectively reinventing the wheel.So how the strategy works: You use a high aggro tank (such as a brewmaster monk) that acts as a bulwark 'sheepdog' to hold the general attention of adds, taking the brunt of the load.The 'shepherd' tank corrals and controls the adds the 'sheepdog' pulls, focusing on keeping them around the 'sheepdog' and managing their load, while also pulling adds aside so the DPS can quickly decimate them one by one.The big advantage to this strat are to allow you to split responsibilities between the tanks, allowing one to act as the center of attention while the other manages control of the groups. This might also be a mildly useful strat for teaching new tanks how to ...

Classic Darkmoon Faire quests

Seems Mysterious Grimoire, Monstrous Egg and other similar items don't grant quests this time — says 'You have already completed this quest' :(And there was no Moonfang's Pelt from Moonfang either. Is the Faire broken or there were some changes with pre-patch? via /r/wow

Classic Over 70k honorable kills missing from my account

Years ago, I believe around MoP or WoD era, I noticed that my honorable kill count was way lower than it should be. I ticketed a GM and they told me it was merely a display bug. They said I could see the real number on the armory and track my progress that way.I tried this out, and it worked! I continued to check my progress online every once and a while. When I checked more recently (right before prepatch) though, the armory was suddenly showing the same low number as my achievement progress bar in game.Now, I had earned the 100k honorable kill achievement in 2010, but when I looked at my progress for the 250k achievement, it displayed 73k/250k. My main alone has 145k honorable kills.My armory shows these discrepancies: GMs are saying 73k is the "correct" number, that they can't give achievement credit, that I should just submit a bug report, etc. I posted on the bug forums and submitted a bug report in game. Hoping I'll have more success on r...

Classic Heroic Operation: Mechagon solo?

With enough gear is this soloable by a Warrior? Want to farm some weapons. via /r/wow

Classic Im quite new and was wondering what class and race would be best if I wanted to play a summoner type character?

I'm finally building a PC and especially excited to finally be able to play WoW. I love the idea of summoning creatures/the dead to do your bidding and was wondering what class would allow me to best do this.Any extra tips and help would be greatly appreciated such as links or documents or anything else.Thank you. via /r/wow

Classic Good news! Death Knights for everybody!

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Classic Say what you will about Warlords of Draenor, but the level of polish is clear.

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Classic Requirements for mythic bfa dungeons.

Hello! I'm a new player to wow in terms of late game content, I've ran some dungeons with a friend of mine and he told me that we could easily do mythic bfa dungeons, however they are not available for me. I have ilvl61, have not done bfa campaign and I don't have the heart of azeroth. Is the heart necessary for me to do the mythic dungeons? I'm not sure as I couldn't find any info on it. Cheers! via /r/wow

What items from Classic will maintain relevancy in TBC?

I main a rogue, struggling to find a list of "pre-raid BiS" that includes BWL/AQ40/Naxx items potentially.I know things like Scarab Brooch can be used well into TBC, or the KT turn-in trinket for BT, but what else is solid, especially for Rogue?Bonus points if someone can link me a list :)

How is TBC going to work?

When TBC does drop, will it be fresh start of carried over? If so, what happens with classic. I must know!!!

War effort what?


Classic LifeDrain spec on warlock!

I wish warlock had some sort of lifedrain spec. I love the concept of drain life. It was huge in wc3... It feels like more of a secondary skill as is. via /r/wow

Classic WoW Frame Drops/Performance Issues

Anybody noticing any issues with frame-dropping in areas with heavy particles? Even with all the settings turned down (particle/spell density, etc.), there are still massive FPS drops. Also tested in DX11 Legacy, DX11, DX12, same issues all the same, though I think DX12 comes out slightly ahead via /r/wow

Classic Found these codes while cleaning my room dont know if it's any good but I hope it helps

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Classic More like MOOSE us to Safety, AMIRITE?!!??!?!

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Classic “ aww you don’t wanna have to choose a covenant? That’s too bad, I guess you’ll have to just deal with it”

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Classic Newbie questions

Hey just started on wow. Currently at level 50, playing as horde. Are there any prequest/requirements for joining world bosses ? My mate an I joined a party earlier on for empress shek zara but when we arrived we couldn’t see our party members or the boss. via /r/wow

Classic Noone can except, mage, dark iron dwarves, shaman and anyone with an heartstone which is available for free in every inn

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Classic Shadowlands map size

Today I stumbled upon the thought that I haven't checked out how the Shadowlands map looks like so I decided to check what the zones look like. And I was kinda amazed. Shadowlands looks like a very small 'continent'.Maldraxxus seems like a somewhat big zone until you zoom in and see that the it's basically surrounded by a lot of mountains. Ardenweald and Rev look fairly small.Is it just me who thinks it looks small? Are there any references on how these compare to other zones? via /r/wow

Classic Affliction Warlock vs Shadow Priest

What should I go for? via /r/wow

Classic Dual spec in sl

Hi! So im thinking of going back to druid for shadowlands. Mainly for pvp feral (I hope it'll be somewhat okay) and pve. Since feral has a record of being a meme in pve I could switch to resto but im not sure if the conduit/soulbind/legendary system will work for duel spec. Any advice? Or should I just skip the druid. Im all in for play what you like the most but I heard feral's are getting rejected in dungeons and raids for being feral and im definitly not up for that hahaha. Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic Is there a recently updated list of best enchants and gems for leveling, and more specifically, for rogue?

I started leveling a rogue and noticed that the Garrosh leveling daggers have 2 prismatic socket each and I was wondering if I could slot some gems to make them dish out some dank damage. Also I'm curious if there is some up-to-date list of best enchants for the heirlooms. I found some lists when googling, but most of them are from WoD and Legion which is a tad outdated. via /r/wow

Classic Purpose of hackers

So I was hacked yesterday. Hacker changed my email and phone number associated with the account and all that jazz. I got my account and everything back but I can’t help but wonder what the hacker did while he had my account. I’m assuming hacking an account and email would be a complicated process and you would think the hacker would know he would have only a very limited time with the account. So why go through the trouble? What do they do on their end while they have the account that would make it worth it? I’m curious. via /r/wow

Classic It had to be done part 2: the nippening

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Classic Uhh, I don't think that I'm meant to have that wep on my back still

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Classic Is there a method to import not only Vuhdo frames but the corresponding spell key binds?

I am moving from my laptop to my desktop and while I have the “frames” my spell hotkeys have changed. When I import a string all it brings is the “frame.” Is there a way to configure all of my spells at once too? I would just manually do it but I have to do it for 5 characters/specs.Thanks via /r/wow

Classic I can’t play races with active offensive racials

I just can’t. Lightforged, Orcs, Trolls. The idea that I have to manage an extra ability to do what every other race does passively is just. I don’t like it. I know the gain is insignificant but the feeling still stays in the back of my head and I hate it. It’s probably some obsessive-compulsive thing. Anyone else has this admittedly weird problem? via /r/wow

Classic Trial/Vet Account, play through all old xpacs?

I quit WoW in 2011 and only 2-3 times reinstalled when I got an e-mail saying I had a free week. But now with the levelsquish and chromietime i wanted to try something: with the content being scaled to my level - is it possible to quest through all xpacs with a trial/vet account only? Or will there be a block somewhere in the progress? via /r/wow

Classic Worth it to be in a guild just to buy heirloom gear from the guild vendor?

Or is the regular heirloom gear just as good?And what level does the guild have to be to have access? via /r/wow

Classic Is everything a waste right now?

I just got back into game last week, and I’m working on professions, my raid IO, gear, and Cloak level. Is all this gonna go to waste for shadowlands? Is it too much effort for nothing ? via /r/wow

Classic I learned an important lesson about keeping an eye on my pet

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[Warrior] Diamond Flask Gear Guide to Loatheb

In Naxx, many warriors will fight Loatheb using diamond flask gear, here is a guide explaining where to get each item

Race that grew up on you

Is there a race that you absolutely hated at the beginning, not wanting to pick it etc. But, later, you started to like that race and fell in love with it?When I started playing classic, trolls looked awful to me, I never thought about picking one. Now I have a troll priest, a troll hunter and starting a troll rogue! I don’t know what happened, but now they are my favourite. Some kind of voodooDid you have similar kind of story while playing WoW? Let’s share it! Tazdingo!

How to make world buff griefing more livable.

If someone is hostile(attacks or dispells you) in town, you can fight back, and kill them, without getting guard agro. It would help...

Classic Account merge and allied races.

Hello!For a very foolish reason, i have two different battle net accounts, one for wow and one for the rest of blizzard games. I got very tired of having two logins and honestly considering i play all blizzard games i just feel bad every time i miss some kind of cross game promotion too, so i deicded to merge accounts before shadowlands release, however painful it might be.There is not much info about what exactly you lose on wow when you merge besides one support page and people who go through with it are usually very vague, so i went to chat with supp but... even there answer was not clear enough for me. Worst of all, GM just plainly told me he does not know if allied races will still be unlocked and that's kind of a big deal.I guess here is my best bet to find someone who might know - do allied races still stay unlocked after the transfer? Will i even be able to access characters that are of allied race? via /r/wow