so up front i’m pretty sure i want to roll a priest or druid, and that i want to play a supportive (rather than primarily DPS/offensive). in other words, it is a big pro for me to be a “main healer,” which i know druid isnt quite in classic, at least in pvp.i’ve mained a druid in WOD, legion & BFA, focusing on arena. mistweaver too, but the reason i always go back to druid is because it feels much less boring/ability pruned vs other classes. there’s a lot going on w/ druid that you don’t have to think about on other healers (don’t sue me, there are exceptions).if it makes a difference, in addition to the core sham/druid duo i mentioned, we will be pvping on and off w/ a group of ranged dps (mage, lock & hunter).until my other friend entered the picture, i was set on being the druid, although i did worry about not having a magic dispel between me+the shaman, since none of the ranged dps would bring one, basically looking for pros+cons of each (2nd druid vs priest). th...