Classic 8.2 made me really sick of WoW, and here is why:

So, I have been playing this game since Vanilla Naxx release, and with all modern WoW new-bad stuff that happened in the past few expansion I kept myself calm and fine till 8.2 hit, and here is why: Because I enjoy this patch so much - zones, quests. Imo maybe even the best content patch so far but.. Then you have this core problem of retail WoW which is - there is literally 0 rewards of doing those quests if you dont have PF 1 or already farmed past Revered (unlocked flying). I was kindaaaa “fine” with it when you released trash zone like Broken Shore, but when you make such good stuff as Nazjatar and Mechagon and all that in one patch, I cant get over of so much wasted potential. Lets take for example Sons of Hodir zone/faction (or IoQD?), alright it was decent zones/quests but not even close to Nazjatar, but what made people excited to do those dailies and made it overall 10x better feeling? Well, REWARD! PROGRESSION SYSTEM!!! Even “minor” as Shoulder enchant!!! When will Blizzard learn, after how many wasted patches-expansions with freaking cosmetics as main reward (keep cosmetics at exalted), that players are the most interested in power of character/progression? New horse mount skin yaaay thank you very much aka fuck you Blizzard. Give us TBC PvP system (the most important thing imo), WotLK gameplay and Vanilla mmo feel (or atleast keep it at TBC/WotLK level). Or overall just give us progression system… I so much want to invest my time into grinding this game (honor, rep, badges whatever will make me more powerful) but its like that every patch feels the same, its just doing 30-40 +10s dungeons per season and I am at max item level and I dont have a reason to play the game anymore, which makes Mythic raid pointless also. Too long post already for Mythic raid discussion but I will just type, why not add atleast ONE item(tier sets removed, hello blizzard?seriously?) that will make your character stronger than others if you kill i.e. Mythic Azshara? Or some sort of seasonal buff atleast so it would make some sense to do that. I will still play 8.2 cause yeah its amazing patch-wise, but come on try to fix simple core things so you dont have to bring 15 year old WoW to please your players. via /r/wow
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