
Visar inlägg från april, 2022

Is WoW classic worth playing right now for a first time player?

i've never played WoW ever the only mmo i've played is ffxiv and i played a good deal of it but i wanted to take a break and try this out. are classic servers dead? should i just play retail instead?

Classic I drew my Draenei OC wearing traditional japanese kimono for Cherry Blossom Season (which is over tho but it is better late than never)

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Mage, Warlock, SPriest. Is there a compromise?

I am currently deciding between the 3 classes above for my clothie in WOTLK classic. It's getting increasingly hard, because I love them in all different ways. I am mainly PVE, but will assuredly PVP at one point or another mainly 2s and BGs, so this post is mainly focused on PvP as they are all 3 very usable in PvE. I enjoy the mobility of the mage, the survivability of the priest with their dots, and the dots that warlocks have while employing hard-hitting casted spells. My gripes with each are probably due to my own ignorance. Mages seem like they may end up a bit boring and don't have nearly as many sources of damage outside of direct (few dots in PvP) and super squishy, priests seem like they may take too long to ramp up in PvP and look like theyll be tunneled as to avoid Vampiric touch and other casts going off, and I am kinda over having to use my pet to its fullest so warlock has that knock against it for me as well as their general squishiness due to nerfs in 3.3.5. I...

Wrath Atlas loot?

Just wondering if there is a Wrath version of atlasloot for the current tbc classic. It would be great to start planning gear for the expansion.

Classic UI modification assistance required! see my comment for follow up

Bild via /r/wow

Classic ardenweald without fog

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Classic Action Buttons for the All-DPS Dungeon?

If you could skip the queue time and play a Mythic dungeon with all DPS characters, would you?Help me refine this idea.I imagine a bunch of "anima orbs" at the start of the dungeon that let players pick which one new action button they get in the middle of the screen (moveable to the bar of course) for the dungeon.The I'm the tank button says "My attacks cause threat normally (or even more?), but I take and deal 10% less damage." If you press it again this goes to 20%, then 30%, and so on until it loops back to 0%. During the run you can adjust your tanky-ness at a cost to DPS.The second button is the cleanse button, so one player gets the job of removing debuffs from the team. I'm not sure which healer class's version of cleanse would be best.The rest of the options are heal buttons that each give a version of a heal spell: the circle on the ground from Druid or Shaman, a heal-over-time, a big heal with some cooldown, etc. The players could decide whic...

Classic Now hold on a damn minute

Bild via /r/wow

Blizzard's anti-botting system is hard at work! He's been locked in combat for over 5 mins now, elemental slowly doing him in.


Looking for a Gathering Addon

While leveling mining on my paladin I was looking at the different gathering addons.Is there a gathering addon that tracks, when you last were in range of a specific node? There is this memory i my brain of my druid flying through sholazar gathering herbs for inscriptions. And checking what nodes I didnt visit in a while.However since none of the addons I found support this feature I'm not sure if that memory is even real. Did such an addon exist? Is it still around?

Should I start playing now??

Just as the title says. I've played wow before, never retail tho. When classic first came out I had a night elf warrior that was about lvl 30, and when tbc came out I had a draenai shaman that was mid 20s. I didnt stop playing for any specific reason I can remember I think I probably got sucked into different games at the time. Is it too late to enjoy classic at this point??? I want to start a new character but Im worried I wont be able to experience much due to the point we're at, but also wotlk is coming so im not sure.

Classic I made an old school hip hop remix using sounds from Gilneas

Bild via /r/wow

Which one of you did this I just wanna talk


Classic Can I get the Gulper Mount if I haven't completed Maldraxxus?

I've been killing NPC's for like 2 hours now in search of 'A very large mushroom' in order to get the Gulper mount. I got bored of Maldraxxus and enjoy Ardenweald much more, but am wondering if its even possible for me to get this mount while not actually being able to quest in Ardenweald. I've been trying to find it for forever. Have I wasted my time? via /r/wow

The 4th option for what comes after WOTLK classic: Cata Reborn!

Up to now, there's only really been 3 options discussed for what happens after Wrath; Wrath forever, Classic trilogy forever, and Classic + (entirely new xpac). Ion in his interview with Asmongold today hinted at a 4th option that I never even considered : Cataclysm but with changes based on what the community didn't like about it the first time round. It makes perfect sense - less development for Blizz, no alternate timeline fuckery, much less risk of failure than creating entirely new xpac (let's be honest, do we really trust this bunch to make good new classic content?) and a meaningful progression for classic characters. Let's call it Cata Reborn.

Looking for HQ picture of classic WoW map

I want to frame a large print of the classic WoW map but can’t find anything that isn’t blurry. Does anyone have a high quality photo saved?

Classic Old raids and dungeons should drop new loot

Guilds should be able to choose which content to work through and get updated gear via /r/wow

Classic Looking for a HQ picture of classic Azeroth Map

I want to frame a large print of the classic WoW map but cannot find a good high quality version. Does anyone have one saved somewhere? via /r/wow

An Idea for post-wotlk

After listening to asmons interview with Ian I was thinking, they currently don’t have rigid plans of what to do after classic wrath.What if (hear me out) we go straight to cata BUT all characters start at lvl 1, you get to keep mounts and that sort of thing but everyone starts at lvl 1 in their starting zones.The world has been completely revamped and basically the whole leveling experience is new.Personally I would love it, some people wouldn’t ofc.Leveling up in vanilla during launch week was probably the most fun I had in the game for years and it really felt like an mmorpg again.So hey, let’s push for catafresh!!!

Classic Slime Cat Mount For Completing All Season 4 Fated Raids on Normal. Title For HC, Raid Ports For Mythic

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Classic Why is the Mail Benthic Armor is bad?

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Classic new player struggle with nighthold raid to unlock nightborn race

I got no friends playing wow and was Wondering if any people wanna help me with a raid called nighthold. I made it to 3 boss left and am struggle vs the bio guy in the garden. I try again in like 18 hours. If anyone got 20min to spare. You can dm you name and I add you or reply here. via /r/wow

Easiest addon(s) to get a mostly transparent UI?

I use an OLED TV as a monitor and want to avoid burn-in as much as I can by making everything mostly transparent.Which UI addons have the ability to modify the transparency of every part of the UI? Or at least the parts that are always on screen (Unit frames, action bars, etc.)?

Classic How could account-wide reputation work in WoW?

Bild via /r/wow

Can anyone give me an invite to the Fight Club discord?

the ones in wowhead and reddit posts won't work

Classic WoW has the most depressing afterlives concept I've seen in fiction

You die and instead of being released from your day to day burdens you get the same thing you had while you were alive. Who wants to deal with conflict/politics and dying after you already died. Death is basically "Living: 2.0" and now when you die, you become pure anima and your consciousness gets erased. Really depressing stuff. via /r/wow

Classic Mighty Carvan Brutosar

Sort of new to wow and just learned about this bad boy.Anyone want to donate to a poor fella and help put the cause?? LoL.But seriously. 5 million gold! Is it truly worth it? via /r/wow

Classic I’m sorry, but is this really necessary? Why is this a thing

Bild via /r/wow

Classic I’d love an expansion based off of the Venthyr.

Bild via /r/wow

Weapons while leveling as horde Paladin

Now that I realized horde paladins get absolutely fucked in terms of quest weapons compared to alliance I’m kinda in a pinch on upgrading my weapon around level 30On alliance you’d get a real good weapon once for your class quest (the horde variant is outclassed by normal quest rewards before you even reach the class quest)And the big sm quest gives you a super good two hand weapon or good one hands while the horde equivalent is mediocre and no two handSo tldr anyone knows if there’s a good quest reward weapon somewhere or do I have to suck it up till ravager or whatever ?

Death Knights Would Have Fixed Classic's Imbalances

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're hyped for WotLK Classic. I'm in the same boat.The upcoming classic expansion got me thinking about Death Knights and how they would have fit in the original classic WoW. And after reflecting on it, I think DK's would have made the game better if they were around from day 1.CLASSIC TANKSOne of the biggest complaints about classic is the class balance. Now, I personally think classic was much more balanced than people give it credit for, but with one caveat: classic's balance came at the cost of the paladin's class fantasy.Paladins are supposed to be a tank class. They were legitimate raid tanks in TBC and WotLK. They were tanks in Everquest, the game that WoW is based on. They are tanks in the lore. They are one of two classes that can complete the quest for Quel'serrar (warriors are the other class). And their class-specific enchant from Zul'Gurub even provides defense.However, WoW's paladins were not desi...

Classic Now THAT'S a Hat!

Bild via /r/wow

SOM mega-server merge

Thoughts?​We all want SOM alive but Horde is dying, can we tag u/blizzard

S3 gear available at a discount in post-season?

Having a bunch of arena points Id love to spend on s3 axes, should the rating requirement drop. Am I able to do that, or will my arena points be converted into honor on may 3 as the season ends?

Classic which server should I play on?

I am a returning player but never got a character to max level. I want to come back and I am interested in eventually doing end game raids and such but also want to play pvp. I like there to be a high population. The idea of playing a RP server that also does pvp seems cool too. I would like there to not be a huge difference in faction population for the reason that I don't want super long que times for pvp. via /r/wow

Classic There should really be more specs in the game in general

Probably gonna get flamed for this for one reason or another.With talk about Evoker being added and whether or not they should have a tank spec made me think about how there's a lot of classes in the game that could have other specs added to them. Obviously I don't know EVERY class in the game so a few I reasonably can't say how some would have a 4th (or 3rd in DH's case), but it's something that I wish they would do for both flavor and variety.First and foremost would be a Shaman tank spec. It's actually the weirdest one that for some reason doesn't exist. Back in Vanilla, Enhance could reasonably be played as a tank (not exactly the greatest iirc), and compounded with the fact that we still do not have a Mail tank in the game I think it's reasonable to be a nice addition to the game. There's also the fact that the Shaman specs mostly are centered around a single element (Resto with Water, Enhance with Air, and Elemental with Fire) adding a tank sp...

If I delete some characters, can I get them back indefinitely?

Hi all.Returning WoW player here. I initially set up on Grobbulus when TBC Classic first launched, but some returning friends are wanting to play & they want to play Alliance. Understandably since Grobbulus is a PvP server, I cannot make Alliance characters on the server.My question is, is if I delete my characters on Grobb & don't recover them for quite some time, can I still get them back at a later date, or are they gone into the nether forever? I worked really hard on my hunter, and honestly would like to continue playing it (may just server transfer it, but, GrobbMob baby...) and would hate to see it go.​Thanks!

Classic DBM and Weakauras should be baseline and the addons be broken

I think at this point DBM for dungeons and raids should be built right into the game. Weakauras should also be worked into the game as a form of customization and functionally. By doing this Blizzard could better control the functionality that these addons offer and can design content around it without having to making the game overly complex due to the arms race they have been having with these addons. Just curious what others think, am I right? Am I wrong, if so why? I genuinely believe this more than anything else that blizzard is changing for the new xpac is the actual problem with the game’s difficulty and playability. Just curious what others think. via /r/wow

Classic Which character do you not want to see in future expansions?

For me personally its Anduin & Thrall. Im tired of both of them via /r/wow

Classic Request: Class recommendation - Flashy, melee, AoE, DPS

I use to love tanking and healing but I've grown out of having responsibilities that are instant wipe if I mess up. I know there are DPS checks but not in the content I would be playing in.​I'm trying to find a good melee DPS that can pull a ton of mobs and AoE them down while looking cool doing it. Can someone give a suggestion on this?​Reason I want DPS is because if I decide to go play a dungeon I would like to avoid having to swap specs as I plan to play casual with it this time.​Thank you via /r/wow

[Wotlk] Dagger rogue pve, Assassination vs Subtlety rogue in PvE?

From what i've read both of them are sub-optimal PvE specs, but if one were to go dagger rogue and not combat, which would be the better performer overall in PvE? I like playing classes/specs that not many others play (Throughout TBC i'm maining spriest and doing it quite well, and spriest is not rare, but havent been in a raid with more than 2 yet). I would stay with shadow for WotlK too, but honestly it is getting tiring a bit in TBC and i am looking for something new in WotlK.

Classic The light has abandoned us

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Any way to play the full game? | All Zones

Hi there,I've been playing WoW since before Cata on and off and play up to and slightly after SL, but stopped. I've come back and been enjoying myself. It's nice to be back. I've geared up a few of my chars I want to take into 10.0 - I've also just created a new char and have got to level 20 and been thrown straight into BfA content...When creating the character I didn't choose Exiles Reach(?), I chose the original starting zone for Tauren and have played in that starting area, then took a quest which took me on a boat to Zuldazar with Princess TalanjiIs there no way any more to play through the normal campaign/story in the old content zones? Why have these been cut out? ... other than playing Classic, of courseFeel like we're missing a lot of the lore here... via /r/wow

Classic I want to be hopeful, butt.....

I've been through it with this company being a BM Hunter always on the backburner always behind everything else in every aspect of every expansion. Isn't it time that you finally at long last update this class back to where it should have been this whole time?! via /r/wow

Classic Dracthyr, Drac'thyr, Drakthyr,...

Please stop the bot, there are different ways to spell it in different languages. Thank you. via /r/wow

Classic Returning Player. Do Twinks still exist?

Bild played WoW in some time. Played a little bit of BFA and skipped all of Shadowlands. Only just realized the level squish actually made my lvl 60 twink unable to even enter the raids he has gear from. Nevermind the fact ZulGurub hasnt existed in years. via /r/wow

Classic Looking for a party

Guys if anyone is still not I. A party I would really need one I’m playing and the classic wow and I really need some people with me via /r/wow

If the dungeon finder was added, everyone would remember how toxic it was.

People want making a group to be easier, but you don't remember getting randomly kicked for perceived underperformance, or for literally no reason, the BLAST BLAST BLAST mentality that made dungeons incredibly unfun, the bots who can now spam it, the dps who q as tanks for a shorter wait, the groups who insta-disbanded if they got Oculus, the rampant ninja-looting, I could go on and on. The dungeon finder is and has always been incredibly toxic, and you would remember that if it was included. Fortunately, they've said they're looking at adding a version of retail's mythic dungeon tool, which I think should satisfy both camps.

Classic which server to choose "Twisting Nether" or "Outland"

i want to join new wow server but i want active pvp server with good number of players which one should i join via /r/wow

Misspoke my question and really want to know if Alchemy or Enchanting is the better way to go.

I put Inscription instead of Alchemy because it's the end of a long day. But excuses aside, I am just coming back to Classic now that TBC has landed and having a ball. I hope you guys are too.