Classic There should really be more specs in the game in general

Probably gonna get flamed for this for one reason or another.With talk about Evoker being added and whether or not they should have a tank spec made me think about how there's a lot of classes in the game that could have other specs added to them. Obviously I don't know EVERY class in the game so a few I reasonably can't say how some would have a 4th (or 3rd in DH's case), but it's something that I wish they would do for both flavor and variety.First and foremost would be a Shaman tank spec. It's actually the weirdest one that for some reason doesn't exist. Back in Vanilla, Enhance could reasonably be played as a tank (not exactly the greatest iirc), and compounded with the fact that we still do not have a Mail tank in the game I think it's reasonable to be a nice addition to the game. There's also the fact that the Shaman specs mostly are centered around a single element (Resto with Water, Enhance with Air, and Elemental with Fire) adding a tank spec centered mostly around Earth would add more class fantasy.Another major one to me is another healing spec for Monks in the form of fistweaving. As it stands right now fistweaving is a unique way of healing in which you heal by doing melee damage, not much unlike Disc priest. Blizzard has tried a few times to balance it as an alternate playstyle for Mistweaver but generally I've seen that when it is a playstyle that is available it's either not worth playing at all or the only way to play. I feel like separating the playstyle into its own spec would allow it to be finer tuned while also adding a unique way to play the class and healing as a whole. Along with this, with there being 4 stances for monks based off the 4 celestials, it is weird that the Crane style has generally been shoehorned into Mistweaver instead of being its own spec so that all 4 celestials have a spec with the monk to really flesh out those 4 stances.Gladiator Stance is another thing similar to how Fistweaving is for Mistweavers, in that it was a more damage oriented stance for prot warriors. Sword and Board gameplay is something that currently is only available to 2 specs (generally) and both being tanks limits general flavor that could be included into the game, as I have seen many people who wish there was a sword/shield DPS spec. The biggest issue with it previously was in the way it worked as a stance for Prot, in such that it functioned similarly to Prot and the bonuses that it could achieve while also out damaging many other specs making it hard to balance as essentially a sub spec. While I'm all for Warriors having stances again, I do believe Gladiator stance being made into its own spec would add more variety in gameplay and class fantasy.The last one I can reasonably think of is a a melee Mage spec, much like a Battle-Mage. The closest you can really get to a battle mage in game would most likely be Enhance Shaman, but it is still far away from what I would consider a battle mage. The spec could call upon all forms of magic Mages currently use (Frost, Fire, and Arcane) and use spells from a closer distance.The other ones I have in mind but either don't know enough about the specs/class or history of them would be a 3rd spec for Demon Hunters, a Hunter spec similar to old survival, and a ranged Rogue spec (possibly something like a Dark Ranger but I know very little of either to make a case for it.).I don't expect any of this ever but I personally just believe adding in new or update ways to play your favorite class would benefit the game as a whole. via /r/wow


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