
Visar inlägg från maj, 2022

"I have more health than the tank, think I'm gonna pass on this run boys"

My experience as a newly lvl 70 prot paly tank in short. Everybody wants a tank for pugs and heroic dungeons, but nobody wants to help them gear up. If I'm not full t6 already, forget it. I insist that I'm using full consumables to make the run easier and that I know how to play, but it doesn't matter. I can't even get a raid for Kara as an OT.

Classic servers?

Does anybody know about when the servers are going to be coming back online? It was supposed to be about an hour ago and I'm currently not able to be at my computer. via /r/wow

Classic Which proffesion is better ?

I am a begginer rogue. Which profession will benefit me more ? Herbalism and alchemy to make potions, or lw and skinning to make gear? (Gold isn't too important). via /r/wow

Best way to find people to do dungeons with?

I’ve met a few people who sometimes do dungeons with me, but they only play for a few hours then leave.I want to farm dungeons and shit to get more XP and gear. I’m in a random guild and just asked if anybody will farm ZF and nobody replied.

Did they ever ask?

Has anyone ever seen a question about RDF in a blizzard survey? They say we don't want it in Wrath, but have they ever asked us? And on that note how come they only do interviews with YouTubers that don't play wow or only play retail. They don't do interviews with the hardcore wrath/classic player's.

Classic Blizzard should implement community created content akin to Steam’s workshop on a much smaller level.

The content I’m referencing, in terms of WoW, would include glyphs, flavor textures, hairstyles, etc.Obviously there is room for debate with regards to how it would affect the top %1 of Mythic Raiders, and the PvP imbalances it could cause.However, there is plenty of designs created by the community that can be found in this very subreddit that individuals would LOVE to see (referencing the individual whose created dozens of glyphs in their free time).Variety with regard to customization cannot be understated, and I hate to see concepts like those shown in this subreddit go to waste. via /r/wow

Classic I haven't been to WoW since the Pandarian Expansion. Idk WHAT has happened, but I heard there's this new guy called "The Jailer" but I know only 1 true Jailer in Warcraft Lore. Someone probably made this already but I made this for this one special occasion.

Bild via /r/wow

Chasing one of the MOST ICONIC weapons in WoW HISTORY


Classic How to get bis memory for my DK

So i need the memory Rage of The Frozen Champion that drops from Skoldus Hall torghast which right now isnt open. Is there any other way i can get that memory?THanks via /r/wow

Classic Question about lockouts.

I tried sharing my SoO lockout with an alt, but it gave my lockout toon progress as well. I did it the same way I do the Ulduar lockout share. Does this one work differently? via /r/wow

Here you go boomers


Classic is killing World of Warcraft and I baited this guy into taking me to his key to prove it

Bild via /r/wow

Classic How to get bis memory for my DK

So i need the memory Rage of The Frozen Champion that drops from Skoldus Hall torghast which right now isnt open. Is there any other way i can get that memory?THanks via /r/wow

Classic Turns out I'm not the only one frustrated with this bug

Bild via /r/wow

Octobers the Paladin who famously got the "World first" Hand of Ragnaros With asmongold share a now and then picture from Faerlina.


Classic How do I play on a chromebook?

I normally play on my regular windows PC but I’m traveling and I’m addicted to this damn game so I wanna know if it’s possible to play on my chromebook and what steps I need to take if so. via /r/wow

Classic What are the easiest affixes to push rating in Mythic Plus?

Curious for everyone’s opinions on this as well as how this weeks affixes rank for you via /r/wow

Classic Anyone feel guilty for not playing their main toon?

I haven’t played since the beginning of BFA and I recently returned. I have played my undead priest since BC, and when I came back I wasn’t having as much fun as I used too on my priest, so now I’m playing a hunter and really enjoying it, but I just feel so guilty that I’m progressing on a character that is not my main, all my reputations, transmogs, professions, etc, are just sitting there. I want to enjoy my priest but it’s hard atm. Anyone else having this issue? via /r/wow

Classic Battlepet Supplies

Hi everyone! I'm wondering where you can buy battle pet supplies like bandages? I've looked everywhere but can only find those stupid stones. via /r/wow

Classic Need SEVERE help picking a class for Solo Content

Okay I am very desperate at this point because I am super indecisive as a somewhat new-ish wow player about the class I want to play for the long run. I've been trying out every single class at this point in order to better understand what I like and dislike and it's been challenging. Every class has some sort of strength such as substainability or mobility, but that would always come with some drawbacks for me. This is my train of thought right now as to how I feel about the classes in WOW:Death knight: cool class fantasy, good substainability, but poor mobility.DH: everything about this class seems cool from double-jumping and metamorphsis, but Havoc tend to be more AOE based and weak with single big target fights.Druid, paladin, monk, priest, shaman: I personally do not enjoy playing as a healer, and I don't really like it when people ask me to heal in BGs and dungeon runs. It's really stressful for me atleast and not in a fun way. I'd definitely consider tankin...

Classic does anyone know what this is from? i found it while cleaning through my bags

Bild via /r/wow

Leveling a prot warrior through dungeons and pugging, straight prot to devestate, or is it worth it to grab improved thunderclap first

Basically as the title says.the short versionOriginally I was just gonna level a warrior, tanking dungeons, and speccing straight prot. But, I thought maybe the improved thunderclap would help more early on with aoe threat. Or would it be better to stick to my original blueprint of straight prot?longer versionI decided to try and level a warrior through straight dungeon grinding as a tank. Mostly just an alt I can jump on and tank a few dungeons when I want a break from my main. I also decided that it might be interesting to try and do it leveling straight prot, but looking at the talent trees I thought going straight to improved thunderclap might help with threat. It already gives increased threat, and doubling the damage would net a lot of extra aoe threat, especially for the leveling dungeons. Since it would maxed out by level 17 I'd have access to it for all dungeons past RFC, and then start going full prot at 18 and beyond. But that would also slow down the prot tree progress...

Classic Is it worth it?

Do you think it would be worth it to get into Season of Mastery this late? I love Classic and just want to have that spark of joy again that I don't quite get from other games. I'm just worried it wouldn't be worth it this late into the game and if the servers are populated or not. via /r/wow

Can we get another character slot on a server for a DK / new boost?

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Classic I want the Claws of Shirvallah back in Dragonflight

As a Druid I loved this appearance. A new expansion and a new opportunity to it bring back. via /r/wow

Classic I grew up with WoW & the UI always ticked me off a bit. I got back into it recently and discovered someone made a GW2 UI addon, so i mixed it with some of Icehud and Bartender4, Can't wait to spam level my new Paladin 🥰

Bild via /r/wow

Classic What are the exact mechanics of combat ressing in raids and M+?

The only thing I know for sure is that the CR charges are cumulative for the entire group and not reliant on individual character's cooldowns... But that's about it, and I have not been able to find any definitive answers to how they work, other than some very outdated articles and forum posts.So, how do they work?Is the number of available charges dependent on the number of classes able to do CRs? Does it work the same way for raids and M+? Is it different in mythic and non-mythic raids?If yes, does having engineering with the CR item count towards this total?If no, what's the "default" number of available charges?Do CR charges reset with each raid boss pull?Does using a Soulstone before pull count towards the total available number of available CRs during combat?What's the rate in which CR charges (re)generate? 10 minutes per charge? Is it different in raids and in M+?Are CR charges consumed only when the ress is accepted? Will a charge be consumed if I cas...

What addon does this?

I cant figure out what addon it is that put a rotating yellow border around ME in the raid frames. If anyone knows please let me know :).

How many times did you quit, only to come back to WoW?


Classic WotLK release in Russia

Hello everybody.I'm common russian citizen. And I'm here not for any political discussions. I'm here for answers, that's many other russian WoW fans is looking for.Any legal ways for payment is blocked for russians. Now there is only 2 ways that we can pay with. First one is farming gold for buying WoW tokens and reload wallet balance. Second one is buying timecards. I don't know where they can be obtained, but they work, and this is the easiest way for paying. So we can pay our subscription.Yesterday Diablo Immortal were announced for the whole entire world. Except Russia and Belorussia. And when I heard this bad news I asked myself: could it be that WotLK wouldn't release for two of this regions? Will it be possible to download the WotLK client? Or we would not allowed for playing it at all?If the answer is absolutely no, then now I can just delete the client and forget about Blizzard games. I and, as I can assume it, most of the Russian WoW commun...

Classic ulduar. who is this no name, untargetable, unkillable enemy following me through the raid and slowing my movement speed

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Preacher making a great point about toxicy in mmo's and the social construct

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Fastest Way to Grind Renown?

I blew through the main campaign on my first 60, and didn't do any dungeons or end game content except the bare minimum to get Threads of Fate unlocked for my DK. Now my level 49 Blood Death Knight is part of the Venthyr Covenant, and I'm trying to get as much Renown as fast as possible.Should I just tank dungeons to 60, and then switch to Heroics, then Mythics when I've got the gear? Would it be better to do all the world quests and daily/weeklies? Probably both right, but which should I prioritize (keeping in mind the near instant Queue times for Tanks)?Do I have to follow quest lines that (I think) unlock as your Renown goes up, or is it just a good idea?My end goal is some of the transmog gear from later Renown levels, so I'm pretty sure I've got to get as high ranking as possible. It's level 77 for the last piece that I need, any idea about how long that would take if I could dedicate an entire weekend to grinding?Thanks in advance! via /r/wow https://ift....

Classic The Fleshcraft sneeze. When you're a Necrolord and you see someone else Fleshcraft, so you do it too.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Is there wow twink raiding guilds?

Is there wow us twink raiding guilds ex aq 40 and molten core via /r/wow

when your alt passes by Goldshire on an RP server and sees a guildie [NSFW]


Classic Tanks and DPS, when you’re pugging, what healer do you like to see most?

Curious to hear what people like to see when pugging. I essentially only play healer, so I don’t get to see what it’s like to play with other healers. So I’m interested to hear what everyone is hyped to see show up in the group. via /r/wow

Classic Mouse 4/5 is not recognized

I'm trying to bind mouse 4 or 5 on Wow and it doesn't work. It is also the only game where it doesn't work. I am using a Logitech MX Master 3 mouse for Mac. via /r/wow

Classic Eonar the Life Binder doesn’t exist?

I’ve defeated every boss up to her that was available to me; Garothi, Fellhounds, Antoran High Command, and the Portal keeper but when I’m in the room for her fight there’s nothing, no npc to talk to, no buttons or anything. I didn’t play in legion and wanted to ask if this was a common bug, or if I’m blind and missed something simple. via /r/wow

Can't log in to battle net even though my connection is fine

Hey guys I'm not able to log in to the battle net desktop app even though I have a good connection and the correct info+ authenticator, I've heard of this happening before and I'm just wondering if anyone else is having the same issue today or if there are any quick fixes. any response is appreciated thanks

Classic Are there going to be no balance changes in 9.2.5?

Title. Looking through the patch notes it seems like no balance changes were announced. I know cross faction is the main feature of the patch, but still, patches like this are basically the only time they do actual balance tuning instead of the 4% aura buffs we get in hotfixes. via /r/wow

Classic upgrading a legendary

Maybe I am just missing something big here... I can't finger out how to get Cinders. People have been telling me to run higher Torghast, but does that just mean the hardest one? Because I have been struggling a bit with those. I tried running a higher layer on the easier ones but for a layer 6 it says I need a torment and I don't know how to get one and google hasn't been helpful. One person mentioned running a lower to get one, but I just ran a 5 and nothing. via /r/wow

What are “Megaservers” ? Keep seeing this being thrown around. What are the best Horde and Alliance US East servers/realms?

I frequently have been seeing people mentioning and talking about “megaservers”. What exactly are they? Are they a cluster of multiple servers. What are the best Horde and Alliance servers for pushing and running content? With LFD tool confirmed not being implemented in WOTLK Classic, a heavy populated server would be nice for dungeons and raids. Also Wintergrasp would be fun on a balanced server I would guess. Am open to both PVE and PVP. Grobbulus just happens to be the only RPPVP server. How is Grobbulus?

Classic What race/class combo are you planning to roll once 9.2.5 drops?

Many of us felt like half the races in the game weren't really an option since we wanted to play with our friends/guild and were therefore locked to one faction.What new character are you making now that the restriction of factions is being removed? via /r/wow

Its a love hate relationship with WoW


Classic im confused on how leveling works

i see that you level til 10 in exiles reach which is from shadowlands im pretty sure so why do they make you level 10-50 in the old expansion bfa then level 50-60 back in shadowlands and when will the leveling 10-50 for shadowlands come out via /r/wow

Classic Why do some battle pets auto resummon after flying and others don't?

So I've been searching around online but can't find any info on this.Most of my Chars have a specific battle pet summoned to follow them around. Now some will auto resummon after using a flying mount and others don't.I thought originally it was down to pets who can fly stay/resummon and the ones who can't you have to manually do it.However, my Warlock, for instance uses the Corefire Imp as his pet, which obviously isn't flying. Whenever I fly and then dismount it's always resummoned but my Death Knight uses Boneshard and I have to manually resummon it after each dismount, same for my Shamans Spirit of the Spring.Anyone got any ideas on why this is? Not really important just a bit baffling. Xx via /r/wow

"You think you do, but you don't!" He was kinda right after all, I guess.

We think we wanted modern Blizzard to host classic servers, but we didn't.We didn't know what he already knew, that:Blizzard would not properly care for queues and massive server lagsBlizzard would not properly care for balanced factionsBlizzard would not properly react to dying serversBlizzard would not ban bottersBlizzard would not ban gold buyersBlizzard would not ban gold sellersBlizzard would not properly support the classic servers with GMsBlizzard would only milk it (well we kinda knew that one I guess...)

Classic What is fun about playing classic?

I'm not trying to bad mouth the game but I cant find it fun and I find a lot of games fun. I cant for the life of me play wow without having depression. I played a while ago got a level 25 warrior and quit because all the quests are the exact same. I picked it up again recently because my friends said it got significantly better and it just did not. All the quests are the EXACT same. Its either go and kill thing or kill things and gather their 5% item that you need 10. Its not fun solo but then when you get a friend to duo quests you end up needing to do even more collecting since it doesn't share. You just end up sitting there mindlessly killing thing. On Rare occasions do you find escort quests and they're even worse. My friends just keep telling me I'm stupid, I don't know what good games are and that if I want to have fun in WoW I need to level up and do endgame stuff. How do my friends play it for hours on end? What's fun about Wow Classic? via /r/wow http...

Classic im confused on how leveling works

i see that you level til 10 in exiles reach which is from shadowlands im pretty sure so why do they make you level 10-50 in the old expansion bfa then level 50-60 back in shadowlands and when will the leveling 10-50 for shadowlands come out via /r/wow