
Visar inlägg från januari, 2022

Classic This could/should have been solved years ago.

And it was so simple too. Incredible. 1 simple email/rule update. You can't say they didn't have the technology because they did, you can't say they couldn't figure it out because they did.It's still good that this happend but the fact it took this long is laughable at best. I can't be alone here, right? via /r/wow

Classic Options for brand-new players summary?

I feel sure that what I seek here exists, and will give good odds I feel like a total nimrod on e pointed at it, in that "Oh, um, right, should known" way. Just so you know I know.I have several friends who want to be starting WoW soon, after current time sinks like moving conclude. I'm looking forward to playing with them. But I can't seem to find any single spot that rounds up all the stuff that isn't available to then right away.I know that their first characters will go through Exile's Reach and BFA. But I don't know where the race and class lines are now. Are any allied races now unlocked by default? And what about death knights and demon hunters? Any other limits of that sort I'm not thinking of?Thank you! via /r/wow

Damn Illidan chill bro


Classic Cross Faction = region specific

Curious if cross faction game play will create a more region specific setting.One of the major LF content "issues" seen is NA vs LA. Hell, is isn't a shot at people specially... EU kicks our ass... lolHowever, language barriers and frankly the LA skill cap is notable.I curious if the population will be high enough to create more regional groups? via /r/wow

When the RL is explaining something but you gotta rip the bong


Classic Yo dawg we heard you like hunter.

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Classic Blizzard nerfed deepstone oil

Kind of random and nothing was documented that I saw. But you used to be able to use deepstone oil during mount animations to freeze them. Tried doing it again today and it rewinds the mount animation and freezes just the mount instead… not too important but it was a fun thing to do in oribos… but fun detected.. via /r/wow

Lots of Players reporting lagging or skipping

After the most recent patch, lots of players are reporting other players skipping or lagging and it's affecting arena. Anyone else noticing this?

Classic Druid or Shaman for Mythic+?

I am a returning player and i will level up a new healer and I do not who is the best now for mythic+ dungeons, the druid or the shaman? via /r/wow

Best SOM server?

Wich is the best server right now, to play SOM? talking about lvling and world pvp with high population. Don't really care that much about raiding.

Classic Pirates in Stranglehorn Vale when go for fishing with my main

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Classic Learning arena with my buddies. Is this normal??

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Got permanently transmuted to a Fel Orc. Dying in MH ended this little funny bug.


Thinking about starting up on SoM

I know I'm very late to the party. I want to level a toon on SoM and am just wondering what realm to pick for NA. I like world pvp as well as raiding. Also how is the faction distribution? I typically like going for the underdog faction as long as it's within a decent parity.IIRC Jom Gabbar was the big realm. What's the ally/horde pop there?I figure it's likely gonna be a rough time trying to level here at this point but I have no desire to play any other mmo right now so here we are.

Classic Are you changing class or spec for 9.2?

What class/spec are you looking at right now with the limited info we have? What content are you looking to do with your character in the new patch? Bonus points for a pick that is not obviously meta at this time!I'll go first: I have been BM for all of 9.1 focussed on mainly casual mythic prog with a small group of friends, I have no plans to swap as the changes look great and some of the new boss fights look to require a fair bit of movement. via /r/wow

arena ruined pvp

I was in AB today during AB weekend, and damn, 15 vs 15 with objectives is so much fun when people don’t afk or give up after the first fight at BS. I cannot believe the difference of fun vs 2-5 minute arena matches. Arena single handedly destroyed bgs and removed all incentive to play them for the most part. Imagine your pvp score was based off of how you did in battlegrounds?

Classic 🎮WoW Battlegrounds-Xbox Controller🎮

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Classic Lothraxion?

As I understand it, the Nathrezim were created by Sire Denathrius and continue to serve him and/or the Jailer. They were purportedly banished because of the war they started with the Light, but the Primus suspects they were never sent away.What of Lothraxion? He's a Nethrezim, but he is one of the good guys as he is infused with the Light, like Turalyon. Should he be a pretty decent source of information regarding the plans of the Jailer and/or Denathrius? One would think that he would bring it up at some point."Hey, guys? Now that we have dealt with the Legion, there is something going on in the Shadowlands..." via /r/wow

Classic I made a Raider's quick guide for 9.1 that people enjoyed. Here's my new one for 9.2, with the new updated set information!

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Reminder this game is for raidloggers and everyone else doesnt matter

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Cleanest Archimonde kill ever


Returning Player

Hey everyone hoping for some guidance. & insight. I played WOW between 2007-2013ish and am hoping to return maybe next month.I just haven’t quite got my head around on how it all works now with levelling and making your way through the game. Can you still level up like in the classic WOW or has it changed to a more streamlined approach? I would love to go through azeroth again and the burning crusade.Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Small Indie Company


Classic [ART] Muradin Fanart! More Info in the coments!

Bild via /r/wow

screw glaives


Classic Why no Warden transmogs?

Seriously: they have some of the coolest looking weapons and armor. In Legion, why was there no glaive weapon mog for killing Cordana Felsong in the vault of the wardens dungeon? The whole armor set is a great look, probably would be mail. And there could be several versions including a normal, elite and Fel corrupted.Would you want to see these? What is another no brainer missing transmog you'd like to see? via /r/wow

I make dumb memes for my guild to celebrate new phases. Here's my Hyjal one.


Classic Totally real new expansion leak! (insane)

Bild via /r/wow

Wops !


Classic A trick I learned. Failed a few times but I got it.

Bild via /r/wow

Talking to my guild about Mount Hyjal


Classic I'm thinking of getting back to the game, but I feek a bit overwhelmed; where do I even start?

Hi everyone,I have played WoW since WoTLK when I was a young kid. Back then I mostly just wandered around the map in awe of every little detail of the world. I was too young for raiding back then and eventually had to stop playing because my parents didn't want to extend my subscription. During the launch of MoP, I finally returned to the game and paid for my own subscription. I was in a really fun guild and gradually got introduced to raiding. Unfortunately, said guild died and I began to feel overwhelmed by the size of the game on my own, so I quit playing around Legion and migrated to SWTOR.I still play SWTOR a lot, but the raiding content is nothing compared to WoW and since the news of Microsoft's acquistion of Activision-Blizzard, I have stopped boycotting the game. I feel really tempted to resubscribe, BUT... I just don't know where to start. A lot of new features have been added since I left and I don't know the current meta. I was also playing on a European ro...

Classic Chinese censorship in latest patch build

MMO-Champion's datamined changes for Patch 9.2 - Build 42069 (no I'm not joking) includes some interesting "reserved" names. Here's the full list as it appears on MMO-Champion's front page today, January 26th, translated by MMO-Champ user gaaara:BoycottBeijing (New)NoBeijing2022 (New)NoRightsNoGames (New)发改委 (New) Development and Reform Commission外交抵制 (New)diplomatic boycott抵制中国 (New)boycott china抵制冬奥 (New)boycott the Winter Olympics抵制北京 (New)boycott beijing政法委 (New)Politics and Law Committee新疆人权 (New)Xinjiang Human Rights新疆法案 (New)Xinjiang Act新疆种族灭绝 (New)Xinjiang Genocide新疆集中营 (New)Xinjiang concentration campI'm posting this here for additional visibility and awareness. I'm appalled that steps are being taken to appease a government responsible for "Xinjiang concentration camp." I really don't even know what else to say about this, but it feels really, really scummy. I can't recall a list of reserved names being datamined like this ...

The Classic SoM Raiding Experience


Classic My Dad passed away Monday, found this pic from WotLK days thought I'd share.

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I present you my final form, The Scholar - 3k Mana Lvl 39 BiS Hunter - #1 PVP King SoM




Make Two of the Same Class?

Has anyone made more then one character of the same class?I have a paladin that I’ve specced Holy and love, but I also want to dabble in Retribution. Is it crazy to make another paladin? It’s a shame classic doesn’t have dual spec.Anyone else run into wanting two different versions of the same class? Feral and resto Druid? Prot and Fury Warrior?

Can you transfer your charachter from SoM to TBC or is it just ”2019 classic” to TBC?

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Classic Worth crafting legendaries now?

I've just switched my resto sham to Kyrian and want to craft the Kyrian leggo but not sure it's worth it with 9.2 (hopefully) around the corner... are people bothering making new legendaries, esp. the covenant legendaries? via /r/wow

Is there a way to get behind the hyjal portal?

The underdog faction on servers would appreciate that knowledge.

Switch to TBC

Currently enjoying SOM, but I'm interested in TBC. Never played it. I know its going to be a bit rough leaving behind the +40% quest exp rate, but I was wondering how the leveling experience is in TBC. With an increased level cap of 70, are the earlier levels any faster than standard classic?.. or is reaching 60 the same time investment as reaching 60 in classic, and then you have 10 more to go?

Classic Stuck in Throne of Thunder Raid

Does anyone know how to get to the halls of flesh shaping in the throne of thunder on raid finder? I tried the feather but it won't let me go into any of the halls. I'm stuck at the roost of Ji Kun. None of the videos I watched of the raid actually show how they entered the halls. via /r/wow

For those of you with only one raid day this week due to the Thursday release, what are your plans?

Archimond progression? Right into BT after 1st Hyjal boss? Go into BT after first wipe in Hyjal?

Best EU SOM PvE server for PvP? (Horde)

Hello,I really want To give season of Mastery A try and looking for good server for PvP mainly.I want To play Horde and on PvE server as I do stream wow on Twitch some times and dont want To get corpse camped while levelling.Any good suggestions? :)

Loot master needed my boomkins loot list for tier 6:


I am quitting WOW SOM

There’s a big elephant in the room that hardly anyone talks about that makes this game bad. That’s the community. The community is full of try hard min max’ers. They take a good thing and squeeze all the fun out it. I started leveling in SOM a a few weeks from the official release. I was lv 20 I’ve seen people with full BIS gear and with rank 10-13 tittles. Forces me to have to no life it just to keep up. Then I found out that people are buying large quantities of gold and just buying their way to BIS. Why? Why would someone do that? Everyone is quick to blame blizzard and forget that they themselves have to take some responsibility. I can’t even farm my own gear in LFG because everyone is reserving gear. And don’t get me started on guilds. That’s just a whole can of spoiled worms. Honestly fuck this game and any iterations of It. I am going back to Candy Crush and Animal Crossing. Peace out!

Classic "If" the next Expansion will be about Dragons it would be a great time to give Eranikus finally salvation. The Classic Quest "In Eranikus' Own Words" has never been finished.

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Classic Remove WoW token limit or give us high gold value wow token

150k-200k gold is nothing, with goldcap being 10 million and mythic raid clear carries costing several millions at best.With a limit of 10 tokens per week it means you can only buy 2 million gold per week which is a very small amount, just create a token that is worth 2 million gold for us willing to spend money on it, I guarantee it will sell very well.​And for the boost haters, this is exactly how the game works these days if you want to enjoy WoW.If someone enjoys pushing high m+ but doesnt want to mythic raid because of how absolutely degenerate and metaslaves most mythic raiders are, you are forced to buy mythic boosts for 259 and special gear of each raid tier.If someone enjoys casual pvp but doesnt like rated arenas, they need to buy pvp carries in order to enjoy casual pvp and not get stomped by people with double their health.​WoW tokens are the only way people who dont take the game too seriously can have fun, and even though it is extremely unethical, at least it gives an p...

tbc guilde from hamburg

moin, is here a guilde from HH or some player?