Classic Remove WoW token limit or give us high gold value wow token

150k-200k gold is nothing, with goldcap being 10 million and mythic raid clear carries costing several millions at best.With a limit of 10 tokens per week it means you can only buy 2 million gold per week which is a very small amount, just create a token that is worth 2 million gold for us willing to spend money on it, I guarantee it will sell very well.​And for the boost haters, this is exactly how the game works these days if you want to enjoy WoW.If someone enjoys pushing high m+ but doesnt want to mythic raid because of how absolutely degenerate and metaslaves most mythic raiders are, you are forced to buy mythic boosts for 259 and special gear of each raid tier.If someone enjoys casual pvp but doesnt like rated arenas, they need to buy pvp carries in order to enjoy casual pvp and not get stomped by people with double their health.​WoW tokens are the only way people who dont take the game too seriously can have fun, and even though it is extremely unethical, at least it gives an path for us working casuals to be able to actually enjoy the game. via /r/wow


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