I honestly can’t believe how insanely broken the midsummer holiday buffs are… I love it! With bonfire’s blessing, burning blossom crit bonus, and maypole 10% xp bonus, u can easily level 1-10 in just 1-1.5 hours. With a warlock, u can do it even faster!I am currently leveling a warlock and to put into perspective how crazy this buff is. At level 1-5, bonfire’s blessing gives any melee, spell, or wand hit a 30% chance to deal 50 damage. At this level range, a 2 second cast of shadow bolt does ~15 damage. This means every single hit has a 30% chance to basically launch 3 free insta cast shadowbolts with no cooldown. At level 6-10, the buff dynamically increases to 60 damage. Even with rank 2 shadow bolt, this still results in 2-3 free shadow bolt casts per proc! Assuming u use a wand, u can easily insta-kill just about anything around your level. Wands can fire pretty rapidly, giving u tons of chances to proc the extra damage. If ur a warlock like me, your pet’s attacks also proc the bu...