
Visar inlägg från juli, 2021

Hypogryoh mount bug

Just picked up the Hipogryph mount, but the running animation doesn’t seem to work. Just shows me flying at 100% speed, was this the animation in TBC or is it a bug?

Blizzard said


Fix for internal arena team error?

My 5s team seems bugged, no one can leave it, not one can join, i cant disband it. Any idea how to fix?

Warden (tank) Shaman?

So I’m lvl 63 going through Outlands and it seems like everyone is always looking for a tank for dungeons. For me dungeons are the most enjoyable way to lvl up but as a shaman I can only dps or heal and even as heals, I find groups often get stuck looking for tanksI googled it and read a little bit about “Warden” shaman that can tank. I’m thinking about trying it but I just wanted to check and see if it’s actually possible or kinda bullshit or people will tell me to fuck off and I still won’t be able to find groups…So first thing is, Frost shock specifically says that it generates high threat so I’m thinking this is basically my main “taunt”. I just want to make sure it actually generates more threat than earth shock. I also read that rockbiter weapon generates threat more than other weapon buffs even though it doesn’t specifically say so. Is this true?I’m not trying to do shaman tank in the end game, but I’m just looking to see what people think and if it’s worth doing to lvl up via ...

TBC Classic is NOT Bad.. it’s actually just as good as back then, if not better and here’s why..

So for everyone trashing TBC talking all this shit and hating on it. Please stop.. you make no sense and you’re just jumping on the bandwagon. The game is great and tons of fun, and back when we played it 14 years ago none of us could even run the game at 60 FPS. Now we get to fly around at 200+ fps, not lagging in heroics/raids and the experience is 10x better. We’re older, and know more about the game which also makes it better, however. The fact that many of us are older now also is what brings the negativity. When you’re 14 you don’t give a shit about the company behind the game, or their decisions or what’s happening really. You played, you had fun, and you remember that now. Now you’re grumpy and old and hate your lives so all this little bullshit bothers you. The game is great, and it’s better in almost every single way possible. I’m sick of the haters and sick of the cry baby’s, if you REALLY hated it as much as you say you do, why waste your time posting about it and crying, ...

Blizzard still insensitive to Trans rights???

2021 and you still can't pay for a character re-customization in WoW Classic? What do you have to say Blizz??

News get out that Blizzard employees harassed their college so much the she committed suicide, and to address this harassment controversy they remove /spit from their game to make it less toxic, am I understanding this correctly?

Are these guys fucking lost?To address toxicity in their workplace they try to reflect it onto their game. What's going on with these people. I can't believe someone came up with this idea like;"You remember that girl we sent her nudes around the office to everyone and due to it she killed herself, yeah that news got out. But what if we flip it around and make are game less toxic by not allowing, people in a virtual game to spot on other people's virtual characters. That should show them we are taking care of the harassment issue"

Is it possible to share a completed quest before you turn it in ?

Title ?

The missed the most offensive thing in the game on the PTR


Does this happen on other servers or just Fairbanks Alliance?


PTR values?

Has anyone else noticed that the PTR values for some bosses / their adds are all out of wack? For example, Morogrim murlocs have 71k HP, Kael advisors have 1M HP in P3, the striders on Vashj have massive HP pools. Is this what actual pre nerf is?

Scorched Stone drop rate?

What’s the drop rate on that little fire elemental pet from Ahune? I’ve done Ahune 5x a day on normal and once a day on heroic each day the event has been out so far and never even seen it. Gotta be pretty rare huh?

Is TBC Classic any popular?

I played Classic when it first launched and it was awesome. Thousands of players around everywhere and everyone was just so excited to play it. Before it launched the anticipation was huge. But what about TBC? I remember seeing the reveal video and no one really seemed to care. I never really ever heard anyone talk about it. I didn't even know it came out until like 2 months later after it did.And now I just discovered you can buy boosted characters in TBC. So is Classic dead and does no one really care about TBC?

My guild name, Mile Hyjal Club, has been changed by Blizzard!

Today I received an email from Blizzard telling me my guild's name, Mile Hyjal Club, has been renamed! The email said it was a product of being reported but how does that even make sense?! Its been months since we've created this guild and we have had no problems (hell people have even commented on how much they like the name), but Blizzard has taken this action without even communicating with me! It seems the lawsuit against Blizzard has set the fear into them, and they are responding in the most blunt fisted way possible, blame the players and force meaningless changes on the game and community. Blizzard, its not our fault your team is rife with sexual predators and your executives tried to ignore it. The worst part is there was no guidance in their email on how to change my guild's temporary name. I hope people like joining and raiding with Guild YPHGZ.

Easy macro to fix /spit

/me spits on %t.

Why am I constantly being made to play as a horde for EOTS weekend?

I'm alliance, it's EOTS weekend. I'm being matched constantly against alliance premades, whats the deal?

Server Search

hey could anyone help me find a US server that is low level friendly, I played for a short few weeks during the end of classic before the tbc launch and had a blast and low level areas were lively with other players, I ran into some money trouble and had to unsub for a couple months and now that Ive come back Ive noticed that most servers are dead in low level areas, does anybody know any servers that are good for low levels for alliance.

Was the HS queueing method for warriors known back in original TBC?

Queuing a heroic strike results in applying your ability’s miss chance to your offhand, which can significantly increase fury warrior dps. Was this known back in the original vanilla/TBC days? I’m curious if modern warrior dps is generally better than the old standard.

Arena Balance

Is it just me or does any 2s/3s comp with a warrior/sham or warrior/druid seem very unskilled and forgiving to them making many mistakes but still winning.Was watching a 2.3k warrior streamer who claimed to be one of the highest rated warriors on tbc private servers play 2s with an rsham against a hunter druid.The warrior missed 90% of his kicks on clone/roots by kicking air or getting faked (looked alot like sonii in the awc missing every kick), and the shaman only successfully grounded 1 scatter freezing trap out of 10+ which is arguably very easy to do.Scatter lasts 4 seconds which leaves plenty of time to press grounding compared to the usually less than 1.5 seconds due to haste that a priest has to press death on something like poly or deathing blind which has no cast and just requires amazing awareness.Despite playing bad they ended up winning that 2.3k rated game because the warrior triple mace stun procced the druid in bear form and with some windfury procs the druid died in l...

World #1 Smite DPS on Prince, and my first attempt at "editing"


New Transfer just arrived on Whitemane

So you Ladies and Gentlemen just got a new addition to your server in the form of a Prot warrior Named Morgaz. He's coming to the server unguilded after a failed mutiny on the guild from the Server Blaumeux.He was formerly a Raider of Breakthrough, notoriously one of the most toxic guilds on potentially the most toxic of all the classic servers. He was the one responsible for destroying Breakthru by getting discord privileges, and while the group 1 of discord was doing Loatheb, deleting all of their voice channels and wiping their raid, followed up by stealing their raid ID and then holding the group 1's lockout for that naxx hostage when they tried to clear the following day. This is not a witch hunt, and all can be seen and read on the blaumeux server discord. he tried to mutiny and destroy yet another guild before leaving Blaumeux, yet he failed miserably, taking no members with him but having no compunction about taking the Guild Enchanting Bank for ...

Activision Blizzard's ties to the CIA and the War on Terror


Why are RuneScape bonds accepted in the game, but WoW tokens are frowned upon?

I've played RuneScape on and off since 2006 and always been active in the community. What I've noticed is that bonds (basically WoW tokens) are generally more accepted in the game than WoW tokens in WoW. I see content creators like Asmongold constantly bash the tokens, but RuneScape content creators seem to accept it as a necessary evil to combat illegal gold selling.I was wondering what the difference between the two is. Since RuneScape is an even more economy based game than WoW, you'd expect it to be the other way around.

Primal Nether in prep of next phase

Hi guys, pvp exclusive player here, looking to assemble mats for the eng epic goggles for when the next phase comes out. What would be the best and quickest way to grab 1 primal nether - taking into consideration that I am not revered with any factions for Heroic content? The closest one is Cen. exp. with halfway to revered.Thanks for your help

Leveling during midsummer fire festival is insanely over powered… I love it!

I honestly can’t believe how insanely broken the midsummer holiday buffs are… I love it! With bonfire’s blessing, burning blossom crit bonus, and maypole 10% xp bonus, u can easily level 1-10 in just 1-1.5 hours. With a warlock, u can do it even faster!I am currently leveling a warlock and to put into perspective how crazy this buff is. At level 1-5, bonfire’s blessing gives any melee, spell, or wand hit a 30% chance to deal 50 damage. At this level range, a 2 second cast of shadow bolt does ~15 damage. This means every single hit has a 30% chance to basically launch 3 free insta cast shadowbolts with no cooldown. At level 6-10, the buff dynamically increases to 60 damage. Even with rank 2 shadow bolt, this still results in 2-3 free shadow bolt casts per proc! Assuming u use a wand, u can easily insta-kill just about anything around your level. Wands can fire pretty rapidly, giving u tons of chances to proc the extra damage. If ur a warlock like me, your pet’s attacks also proc the bu...

Finished 3 Atiesh at the same time! Super late, but still super excited!


Daily Questions Megathread (July 31, 2021)

Our Daily Question Megathread is for those questions you don’t feel warrant making their own post, such as:Will Classic run on my particular potato?When does my class unlock a certain ability?Which dungeons are worth doing while levelling?Feel free to ask anything related to WoW: Classic!Ask the unanswered questions you’ve never gotten around to asking.You can also ask these questions over on our Discord server!

Fun mobs to kite in Outlands

I came to this sub a few months ago before tbc to see what notable mobs there are to kite in Azeroth, now I'm LF Outland. Atm the only kite I've found that's any fun are the linked packs of 70 elite demons at the Dark Portal and taking them to Honor Hold/Shatt. Unfortunately Pit Commander is too fast (even with druid travel form + lvl 60 pvp set bonus) :(. Outland is full of big elites, what might I be missing? Bonus points for mobs with devastating aoes for maximum mayhem >:)

Karazhan never changes


People that have been banned, what happened and how did it go?

Basically the title. I read a little while ago about ban waves for people who bought gold or were botting but also read that some innocents got caught in the crossfire. I’m just curious as to what consequences occurred to you justly or unjustly and how you dealt with it.

What a terrible way to die


6 Hour arena. The true TBC experience.


Unpopular opinion - I happen to really like the hawk strider mounts

On retail, I was so happy during BC when I got the white hawk strider on only my second run of MGT.Used it as my primary ground mount ever since. (Up until the point I quit retail during Mists)On my Blood Elf paladin in Classic, I only purchased the 85s level 40 paladin mount for the cheap riding training. I have never used it nor is it on my bars.Because I love my bird.And before someone says it - yes, they are in your opinion, “chocobos”.

Thanks for fixing the game btw


Evolution of World of Warcraft 2001 - 2020


Dumb question

Where do I learn Ritual of Souls rank 2?

Blizz why you ruin game twice? :(


Mage in my Ramps Heroic as using "The Sun Eater".

Edit title: was using**I politely asked him if that was an "RP Weapon". He replied, "I know it's not the best for mages, but it's the best I could get for now".Here are the stats+22 StamEquip: Increases defense rating by 13 (5.50% @ L70).Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 19 (1.00% @ L70).

Orc stun resist

As an alliance rogue is it best to just not even try to stun them?



Wonder if this guy enjoys classic rock? Personally never noticed this little easter egg until today!


HealComms on PTR - Broken with VuhDo, any fix?

It seems HealComms (libhealcom4.0) are broken with Vuh-Do on the PTR. However it works with other addons like Grid2. The odd thing is both addons use the LibHealCom4.0 library.Have any other healers gotten healcomms to work on the PTR specifically with VuhDo? Also is it working with any other addons than Grid2?My guild is practicing SSC/TK and not having healcomms makes it a lot more difficult to heal efficiently. I could switch to another Addon like Grid2 that is working but am so use to VuhDo id rather not if possible.Thanks for any feedback fellow healers.

Midsummer world event

any idea when the Midsummer world event ends?

References to Alex Afrasiabi and Foror removed from the game

Loaded up the game this afternoon and had a small update. Wasn't sure what it was, but checked a few things and noticed that things like Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying, Foror's Eyepatch, and even Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream have been renamed.It seems that Fras Siabi has also been renamed to Ezra Grim. I don't play alliance so I haven't checked Stormwind but I assume Field Marshal Afrasiabi has also been renamed.

Enh Shaman Desolation vs Wastewalker

The title basically. To me, Desolation looks better because of all the intellect but I guess that isn’t really best for an enhance shaman? Is it better to just focus on attack power, crit, and hit?

It's not fair! I'm not supposed to lose!!!


Resetting Arena Points while also Requiring Ratings is a Drastic Deviation from TBC PVP Progression

Please allow me to show one example of a season 1 two handed weapon:Gladiator's MaulIn OG TBC once you earned 3750 arena points you could buy the Gladiator's Maul no questions asked -- season or rating did not matter.In TBC Classic you can earn 3750 points in season 1 but never hit the 1850 rating meaning your points will get reset every 3 months and you might not be able to buy the mace until season 3 when it is available for honor.The difference between those gear progressions is staggering and the additional two layers of uncertainty is why nobody wants to casually play tbc arena.Thank you.

Druid's Swift Flight Form Coming in Phase 2 of Burning Crusade Classic


Classy Friday - Hunters (July 30, 2021)

Classy Fridays are for asking questions about or discussion of your class; each week focuses on a different class. No question is too small, so ask away.This week is Hunters.Hemet Nesingwary's looking for able-bodied followers for an expedition into the depths of Stranglethorn Vale.The ideal applicant should:Have an aptitude for grueling repetitive tasksBe capable of long periods of manual laborBe capable of enticing adventurers with mediocre rewardsHave 2 years experience of being a Quest Giver or utility NPC (Desirable)The squeamish, non-adventurous, and Druids need not apply.You can also discuss your class in our class channels on our Discord.

Fuck the "BiS" mentality

I did a raid yesterday and won a set of gloves, fair and square. The gloves was a huge upgrade for me allthough not my "BiS". After I won the troll and equipping them, an officer and the other tank whispered me if I was willing to give them up, just because it was the other tanks "BiS".After I told them the item was already equipped I got "You should think twice before needing items" "Oof" and "Equipping an item without having sockets available is a big "yikes" ".​The mentality of some people is so toxic..