Arena Balance

Is it just me or does any 2s/3s comp with a warrior/sham or warrior/druid seem very unskilled and forgiving to them making many mistakes but still winning.Was watching a 2.3k warrior streamer who claimed to be one of the highest rated warriors on tbc private servers play 2s with an rsham against a hunter druid.The warrior missed 90% of his kicks on clone/roots by kicking air or getting faked (looked alot like sonii in the awc missing every kick), and the shaman only successfully grounded 1 scatter freezing trap out of 10+ which is arguably very easy to do.Scatter lasts 4 seconds which leaves plenty of time to press grounding compared to the usually less than 1.5 seconds due to haste that a priest has to press death on something like poly or deathing blind which has no cast and just requires amazing awareness.Despite playing bad they ended up winning that 2.3k rated game because the warrior triple mace stun procced the druid in bear form and with some windfury procs the druid died in like 5 seconds through barkskin.The countless scatter freezing traps that could have been soaked with grounding would have ended the game for the warrior/sham even faster had the sham played his class at even an average level (not even good).Same goes with the warrior missing more kicks than even your average 1600 retail arena player would yet hes 2.3k in 2s qualifying for glad this season and is on the front page of the pvp ladder.My goal isn't to talk bad about the game or anything just trying to see if maybe there is something I am missing.I play an undead priest and getting to 2k in tbc was way harder than it should have been due mainly because of warriors and druids.Once I had a warrior on me I had to successfully bait or fake pummel every 10 seconds just so I could not die.If I had chastise it would have been an entirely different game but I guess thats just tbc lol.


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