New Transfer just arrived on Whitemane

So you Ladies and Gentlemen just got a new addition to your server in the form of a Prot warrior Named Morgaz. He's coming to the server unguilded after a failed mutiny on the guild from the Server Blaumeux.He was formerly a Raider of Breakthrough, notoriously one of the most toxic guilds on potentially the most toxic of all the classic servers. He was the one responsible for destroying Breakthru by getting discord privileges, and while the group 1 of discord was doing Loatheb, deleting all of their voice channels and wiping their raid, followed up by stealing their raid ID and then holding the group 1's lockout for that naxx hostage when they tried to clear the following day. This is not a witch hunt, and all can be seen and read on the blaumeux server discord. he tried to mutiny and destroy yet another guild before leaving Blaumeux, yet he failed miserably, taking no members with him but having no compunction about taking the Guild Enchanting Bank for which he was responsible for.His last act of cowardice and revenge, all the while knowing the rest of the guild was looking to transfer off Blaumeux in the immediate future, was to mail members COD messages from his transferred characters for 10000g, which due to the character not being a valid recipient on the server anymore, were unreturnable and effectively troll stopping members from transferring. Again, not witch hunting, screenshots and tesitomnials are available on request in order to ensure this is all correct and not misrepresented information.Beware is the caution I recommend if you are potentially thinking of adding this toxic loner to your group. He definitely has a pretty facade and speaks as if he would never be capable of any of these actions, but after a year and a half of knowing this player, it becomes clear he is proud of his actions and sees nothing wrong in treating groups of people in this manner.To the Server of Whitemane Horde in Solidarity,Mazbloodhoof - formerly Blaumeux, currently Sulfuras


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