
Visar inlägg från juli, 2020

[OC] I did a thing..hope you like it, I don’t have many to share with. New to acrylic


Save the Bugs


How would one go about getting colluders suspended during the 10 hour gong window?

As the player only has a 10 hour window to hand in the quest to receive the mount, a correctly timed suspension would deny colluders their Scarab Lord title at the last minute. This has both the potential to cause hilarious drama and karmic justice for the colluders at the same time. Anyone know a good way to guarantee a 7 day suspension or something like that? Willing to throw some extra bucks for multiple accounts for mass reporting, but wondering what report would be most effective.

Classic In your, most humble opinion, Which class has the best sound effect on a single spell?

For me It's definitely the Touch of Death from Wind Walker monks :D via /r/wow

Classic Shadowlands World PvP idea - Covenant Wars

I'm hoping Blizzard spices up World PvP with something covenant related. Since they want us to represent the covenants we choose, why not have us fight against each other in PvP events? Would be cool to have a zone with a Battle for Najzatar style event where all the covenants compete for dominance against another. Or have it a rotating event of 2 covenants fighting while the other 2 have to wait for another event, in case a 4 way PvP event becomes too difficult. At the very least I want to see some Covenant v Covenant action.Could be cool to have one place where Horde and Alliance players might actually get to fight with each other and against other Horde and Alliance players. Don't know how Blizzard would handle cross faction communication between players of same covenants, but it'd be interesting to see if the players can make it work without it. via /r/wow

Classic Black empire Assault failed: Duplicate item found

I get this error when trying to complete the Assault in Vale of Eternal blossoms. has anyone else had this issue? How do i fix it? via /r/wow

Classic I accidentally

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Classic The fact that you hold onto an invisible saddle and don't stand on Jaina's elemental mount (like other elemental mounts) makes me sad...

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Classic Corrupted ashbringer artifact appearance

So i want to get the corrupted ashbringer black/red and yellow color variations but i dont have the original one which you get after you fish an item or something. However i do have the holy hidden artifact appearance and ive heard that if i complete the requirments (200wq,1k kills) with the holy one i also get the appearances of the retribution weapon. Is it true or am i gonna waste my time? Also do both legion and bfa wq count or is it just legion? via /r/wow

Classic Newcomer to wow, question about pvp

Im aware of the fact that big majority of players who are playing since the beginning of expansion are geared to the teeth, stacked on corruptions, azerite traits, corruption resistance etc.... I just recently started playing, atm about 400ilvl. Im thinking of not even bothering with progressing my character further since new expansion is comming very soon and all the gear and corruptions i collect are going to become irrelevenat/get deleted (become outdated) or whatever...I really want to play pvp, however, since everyone is so stacked rn, its extremely hard for me to compete. I know about stats scaling and all that stuff but corruptions are just so strong when you are stacked with them and you are playing versus player who doesnt have any.My question is :Would i be better off just playing my lvl110 character in arenas so i can get matched with other 110s who dont have any corruptions (like me) so i get more balanced games? would it work? via /r/wow

Classic What’s the state of Shadowlands I haven’t been paying much attention to it?

I’ve been away from the game for awhile because BFA just didn’t satisfy me anymore. I was thinking about coming back for Shadowlands but it seems that from what I’ve seen on YouTube/Twitch that’s it’s gonna launch in a broken state similar to BFA and be a complete and total disaster. If that’s the case I’m probably not going to get it.One day this game has to improve right?.......right? If the covenants and stuff are as bad as people are telling me they are then this could be worse then BFA my god what have they done to this game? via /r/wow

Classic Will whispering a bot then right-click > report for cheating be as effecting as actually targetting them in game and reporting?

So as the title says really, there's a whole bunch of level 104 demon hunter bots on my server, I play usually at 2am server time and they're always online. I've been whispering them then right-clicking and reporting for cheating but it doesn't seem to help. Like this > I go and wait at the entrance to the dungeon they're farming and select them in-game and report that way will it be more effective?Bonus fact: try "/who 104" on your server to see just how many bots you have :) via /r/wow

Why are you farming bug shells instead of helping the war effort? Yes, YOU!

Your guild isn't part of the world boss coalition, and has 0 recorded world bosses since classics release. Your guild isn't part of cross faction collusion with said coalition that is also doing the scarab lord chain. Your guild doesn't even have high guild activity...Your guild has no plan to prevent being griefed on the Eranikus chain or any of the other steps, with all the ways people know to grief now with no repercussions, and multiple accounts to spy.What else is there to do? Well, as it turns out, the server is really behind on the materials and supplies turnins. You should be farming to help the rest of the server, and in turn your guild, and then finally, yourself. Selfishly farming bug shells, at a slow rate, to be server 40th SL, when the server desperately needs material farming is... futile.

Enchant for aoe/adds bossfights

I’m a dual wielding human fury warrior, however, for boss fights with adds(MC snakes) I switch to my 2h axe Drake Talon Cleaver, i know that it’d be better if i had a mace/sword but i don’t :(i’m wondering what should i enchant my axe with? Was thinking of crusader by default but maybe the +9 dmg enchant would be better? how about fiery? would it be able to proc on all 4 targets of whirlwind?Crusader proc is rng and i think that fixed +9 dmg on aoe is better, but may be wrong :)Opinions?

On Pagle, the Fishing Dad Server, one guild told everyone else they would rush the gates without them. They made one critical error and the Server Discord Community had a 2 day roast session in their honor. Full album of memes in the comments.


Carapace farming


Classic Sire Denathrius Boss Room

Bild via /r/wow

Classic I finally hit lvl 120 and now what?

Hello fellow friends, after a long week of quests, dungeons and fun I've finally hit level 120 in my very first character, human mage - Sargeras. I had a lot of fun trough the leveling and i am very excited to the mid - end game content.As a new player who doesn't have any alt characters, what should i do? which is the fastest or easiest way to get mid tier gear? should i do the war campaign first? or jump into dungeons looking for gear?Thank you for reading, and any piece of advice is welcome.See ya'll in Azeroth. via /r/wow

Classic WoW Usability: Move-Backwards-And-Steer

Hey just got back to the game after a 9 year hiatus; I'm still enjoying what the game has to offer but I often wish I could control the movement in the game in a fluid way. Is there any possible way to bind or modify the (move) "back" into a "move-back-and-steer" functionality so I can play more appropriately with a trackball?regards,OhLawdie i.e, someone took my Reddit handle probably just as many years ago as my last play session via /r/wow

Classic I have returned.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic New to wow, why do players want the Invincible mount?

I read up on the back story a little bit and I really like the lore.But I just don’t get the appeal of this mount outside of the lore. It looks like any other horse and it doesn’t even have any special effects on it.What am I missing? People have been farming this for years! via /r/wow

Classic How it feels tanking mythic+ with a inexperienced healer.

Bild via /r/wow

zg composition?

2 tanks with a 3rd that can ot, 5 heals, 12 dps?

Me at a random ZG pug


Is Titanic legging worth it?

Everyone is getting Titanic legging, and I don't know if I should get one too. Conqueror's legguard have 1 less hit, but have 22stamina, which is nice. And, Legguards of the Fallen Crusader is pretty much the same as Titanic legging without the hit. If I already have hit cap, should I bother get Titanic legging?

Classic Arthas and the culling

How was Arthas killing off the infected populace? Was he giving them a peaceful death or was it a painful one? via /r/wow

Classic Are you planning on getting the new expansion?

I am planning on returning to WoW when the expansion hits. Hopefully, it is better than the mess that was BFA. via /r/wow

Classic Get rid of in Shadowlands

I'm fed up with being required to have an addon to join mythic+ or raid group. I'm playing on laptop and it's using too much memory. At least make ingame mythic+/raid score panel and let your progress be displayed. I think that another good thing would be mandatory proving grounds to join.What you guys think about that? via /r/wow

Classic Found this cute little thing while doing world quests in Nazjatar. Meet Vyzzy!

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Classic You may be ready to run in simple circles around Oribos, but I present to you: ADVANCED LÖÖP

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Classic As a Horde player, Shadowlands lore will be a complete failure if I don't get to strangle Nathanos to death with my bare hands.

Yes, I know he's technically already dead, whatever. I have had to sit through countless quests with this undead fuckboi snidely backseat gaming me to death and then smugly acting like he's been of any use at all after I do all the heavy lifting.If my character does not get to choke the remaining unlife out of his useless reanimated corpse and send his soul into the nether then I can only surmise that Blizzard doesn't have the slightest clue how to bring any meaningful closure to a character's story.No this is not a shitpost. If I do not get to personally eradicate Nathanos's existence entirely there will be no meaning to the Shadowlands lore at all, and no matter what masterful story they manage to pull out of their ass it will be for nothing.Do NOT fuck this up Blizzard, I swear to god. via /r/wow

Classic I can't reenter the chamber of heart??

I'm trying to turn in the Lost Flight quest but the teleporter right near Magni won't let me click on it and walking on it doesn't work. How the hell do I get in? via /r/wow

Classic Funtivities

I haven't been playing wow that long but I found this area in panda land where you can raise your own serpent and that is the reason I like playing MMOs for fun stuff like that since a lot of you are vets of the game what other activities that are just fun things to do that I can do kinda like the one I mentioned? via /r/wow

Gate's open come on in! - AQ Drama Megathread

Come one, come all to the recreation of one of the greatest events in MMO history. Join the war effort today as we aim to open the gates of Ahn'Qiraq to defeat the mighty C'thun. Mathematically impossible? Only if you are talking about my chances of getting the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal!Here on /r/classicwow we are hosting a bit of a war effort ourselves. WE NEED ALL OF YOUR POPCORN!!! Use this thread to rant and rave, hem and haw, vent and gripe about how the war effort isn't going the way you'd have hoped. All the drama and sweat you've come to expect in one place! Going for Scarab Lord? Is your GM making you grind his carapaces? Doesn't that caraPISS you off?! Everyone gather round for wild guild stories and player experiences. Did I mention I like my popcorn with extra salt?

Meanwhile on Herod.


Potential new player questions

A friend and I are thinking of trying out classic here soon and have a few questions.​If our main end goal is to PvP should we roll on a PvE or PvP server? We don't much care for wPvP but aren't opposed to it if it isn't going to be constant ganking while leveling in some of the contested zones.How much endgame PvP would we need to do in order to be competitive in PvP or, is there some kind of vendor for low tier PvP gear like there was in MoP?Based on the two above questions which server should we roll on? We'd be going with the Alliance most likely.​Thanks for any help in advance!

Classic Just realized that Blingtron follows the numbering of each expansion.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Anyone having trouble logging in?

Bought the shadowlands heroic edition on my second account and now Everytime I log in. It will get stuck on loading screen and wow crashes. Anyone else experiencing it and know how to fix it? via /r/wow

Classic Can a casual/solo player enjoy Shadowlands

Old WoW player from Vanilla and WOTLK.Considering coming back to Shadowlands but has the following concerns:1) I absolutely do not want to join a raiding-guild that raids on a set schedule.2) Most of the time I plan to play solo or with random people3) I want to PVP without being hurt too much by not raiding. Back in WOTLK, some of the best PVP gear such as weapons and trinkets/rings etc still came from high-end raiding.Would i be able to enjoy shadowlands? via /r/wow

Classic Brewfest Pretzels from the World of Warcraft cookbook!

Bild via /r/wow

Classic How to find a guild

How to find a guild on retail nowadays? I tried to ask in a trade chat and in guild finder, but looks like guild finder have outdated information in it. Any advices where I should start? May be there are some popular discord communities for people like me?Want to find a friendly guild on Darkspear-US that are doing normals/heroics, nothing fancy.Thanks! via /r/wow

Classic 110.000 Thousand Battleground wins for Honor 500?

So I did not play a lot of pvp in Legion and im currently Honor level 14 it took me ages to go from 13 to 14 and after calculating how many bg's I would need to do it was about 110.000 wins for 40 Honor each win is that right? via /r/wow

To the warlock that soul stoned me when I was afk. THANK YOU!

I know I'm not just speaking for myself.

How is your server’s phase 5 going?

Pyrewood Village:War effort on alliance is full on a few, low on the low end mats. Horde seem to not care and expect alliance to do itScarab lords: Different guilds sticking to different hives. At least 10 people I know want scarab lord. Looks like there will be at least a few weeks before war effort is done.Griefing seems pretty low, all a bit unexciting

Me after this weeks BWL run


Soft Reserve PuG Template - AQ20 Addition


Classic The Problem with the Question of Choice in WoW

WoW isn't an RPG anymore. When was the last time you booted up WoW so that you could feel like an elf hunting a bear in a forest? Or a Troll looking for their voodoo ingredients for a ritual? If you look at the amount of RP going on in WoW, there isn't much. I play on an RP realm, mostly for flavor, but even on RP realms there's a small amount of players who actually RP.WoW is an lobby based loot game. It is competitive. It can also be casual, but no doubt competitive. Most player experience revolves around getting loot so that your character is stronger. What is the point of strength if you can't test it? Warcraft logs,, arena leaderboards, these are the places that players compare their strength.Shadowlands is attempting to bring more player choice and differentiation into the mix. The goal seems to be to make you feel like you're unique and have made an impactful specialization decision. Something like a class choice, or a gearset choice. When Ion expl...

Classic Do we have a deal?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Reputation with 7th Legion

Hey guys, I have 9500 rep and need 11500 to Exalted with 7th Legion. I end campaign and a lot of quests with 7 legion. But now Im stacked cause only way Im getting rep now is from WQ. Is there any way to farm this rep except WQ? I play Alliance. via /r/wow

Classic Realized it would take 14 weeks from now for a character to catch up their cape from 50 resistance...

Pretty insane.People are already running ideal corruption builds in PvP with less than 20 active corruption, and by the time a newish character reaches ~85 resistance, all those other characters will be at 0 ovr corruption.And you’ll basically never catchup in ovr damage with fully resistant/corrupted players.This kind of gating might make sense in PvE (never in PvP) for the first 2-3 months of a patch, but 7-8 months into it just let people be on even footing. via /r/wow