
Visar inlägg från februari, 2023

Best way to obtain Jeeves?

Do I still need to get the other repair bot recipes? Best way to get the Jeeves recipe itself?

Classic How it Feels Fighting Heroic Rasz

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Classic I shit you not, guardian druids are getting nerfed in 10.0.7

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Still can't do parses over 90 but at least I have a fancy hat


Classic Shoutout to the dev who decided that what professions needed was an extreme RNG element attached to the quality of their items.

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Classic Deadge

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Hardcore quest achievements are so much fun!


Classic Gathering Icons Map

For when flying around gathering ore/herbs all day, is there a non-bannable addon that "changes" the icon(s) on the minimap for whichever ones you set? For example if I only wanted to farm drac ore and writhebark. Is there a way to see which is which without cursoring over every yellow symbol that comes up..? via /r/wow

Classic Just now seeing the Mike Ybarra drama. Is Blizz/WoW doomed? I’m genuinely having lots of fun in DF and I’d hate to see it go downhill…

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Classic As a blood DK seeing all of these healers complaining.

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Classic Tell me what our raid can do better on Heroic Raszageth!

Bild by another post on here recently, I wanted to see what the WoW community can make of our narrow losses to H Raszageth. I've seen some talk that Hero on pull is the wrong decision, and the other guild officers and I are discussing this strat. What else you got for us?P.S. I'm the enhancement shaman in the logs, Hollowheart-Undermine. If any Enhance mains wanna tell me how to up my parse, I'm happy to take that info too!RaiderIO: via /r/wow

Classic Healer design thought - link to DPS output

Has been a lot of talk lately about how punishing this expansion is for healers. I think part of the issue is that having team members die on every single pull is a genuine threat on M+ weeks like next week with bursting and grievous, which just makes healing a high stress game where a single mistake can brick your key.A thought: what if healer design was changed so that dying wasn’t so much of an immediate risk (bigger health pools / better defensives / whatever) but instead there was a concept called ‘stagger’ or similar that reduced your damage or threat dealt proportional with your current health.Not only would it motivate DPS to not take damage in the first place (because damage taken would directly result in reduced damage output) but you could balance healers fully around keeping your group topped up as much as possible (ie actually being a healer) and not worry about personal DPS, because your best contribution to group DPS would be making sure they have maximum uptime.It woul...

Classic 24 hour ban, on a scale of 1-10 how offensive is this name?

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Transfer to Thekal is unlocked

No text found

Classic This is the cutest thing i've ever seen

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When you miscalculated your cd's on Algalon as a Warrior tank


Classic difficulty with edit mode

I am just getting into WoW, and I've been getting all the right add-ons and such for my two main classes, and after setting everything up. I go to try to move my; player frame and target frame, so I can then move them and have them save, but after I try moving them it doesn't seem to wanna stay and the save button doesn't get highlighted?Any ideas will be so helpful, I have been try to trouble shoot it. Nothing yet has come up.Here are two screenshots of of all my add-ons:​HUGE thanks to anyone's help! via /r/wow

Classic Era Whitemane News Report


Classic Casual professions need to be a thing

Currently on the realms I play, the mats for a craft/enchant cost more than the ready craft/enchant.So, if I am a crafter/enchanter, but have no gathering professions/alts, and I need to buy the mats fromt he AH, I will be crafting at a loss.Not to mention that r2 is basically cheaper on the AH now than r1 is, which makes people that can only craft r1 pretty useless.I understand why professions reward people that try hard. That makes sense to me. BUT there should be some sort of "casual" profession progression as well.Like, this late into the patch, me as a casual player, I have reached decent ilvl and can even do a few mythic bosses. Because of nerfs and natural progression.BUT there is no equivalent to "nerfs" and "natural progression" to my professions. I am extremely far behind and will be far behind until the next patch, maybe until the next expansion. I can only craft lower quality, and I have to buy mats, which for me basically means I have to acti...

Classic New Player Question

I’m new to WoW and one of the biggest reasons why I got into the game was because of the really cool gear and mounts. I love cosmetics in games. Once I get to 70 how hard would it be for me to go back and get some cool mog items as well as mounts?How soon after I hit 70 can I or should I start farming some transmogs and mounts?What would you do if you were me?I’m a Hunter btw. via /r/wow

Faction change broken for anyone else? Can't proceed to customization.


Classic Alive you say?

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Classic Who Was Afraid Of This As A Kid

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Classic is there a way to add WoW Classic's shield blocking sounds to Dragonflight?

I made a new prot warrior in retail, and i never notice when he blocks because they took those sounds off. This is extremely disappointing since that's one of the reasons i like tanking in Classic, especially during Shield Block or Redoubt effects. You know, when it sounds like 5 people hitting an old car door with a baseball bat.I thought this was an easy fix for an addon, but apparently, there's nothing like it out there. Any workarounds, let me know. via /r/wow

Classic Returning player need help

Tldr: brewmaster or guardian druid. Which class is more fun for you and what are your pros and cons to either?Hello everyone I played the game some during BFA and ALOT during the first two seasons of shadowlands. My first character was a demo warlock and then I mained hunter for a long time. Towards the end I got tired of DPS and tried a blood dk. When I started playing blood dk I was playing a lot and really stressed and ultimately had to quit the game as my life got too busy. I hated blood dk for rp and rotation. It just wasn't my style. I fell in love with tanking though! I'm now in a place where I can return to the game and I want to tank again. This time around I want my experience to be much more casual and I don't care to much for what is meta as I won't be pushing extreme keys or anything. I have my choices down to guardian druid or brewmaster monk. I like the rp aspect of both of these characters and they seem interesting. I also have the aspect with either of...

Classic How to break up with guild nicely

So ive come to the decision that I am going to leave my current guild to look for and join a higher end guild. Love the people i play with but they have reached their cieling and I want to keep pushing in raids. How do i go about doing it nicely and respectfully? I feel somewhat bad, I carry them pretty hard in the healing department and I think they are going to regress by a few bosses when I leave but I really want to see and down higher difficulties. And advice is appreciated! via /r/wow

Classic Returning To DF, Cross Faction and Realms Questions

Came back to the game and noticed you can join groups for PVE content which are cross faction which is fantastic. Furthermore, you can mail across faction (at least for the same account) and overall it seems they have minimised the difference of being in differnt factions. Is there still anything noteworthy that is exclusive if you are on 1 faction or the other, I mainly want to know since half of my chars are horde and the other half are alliance but all my friends are Alliance. I'd like to know what I'll be limited from playing with my freinds who are alliance if I chose to level some of my horde chars.Also, what impact does Realms still have? What does the realm determine now? via /r/wow

Classic Deleting a catalyst charged item.

If I delete the piece I made a mistake on can I use the catalyst charger again. I don’t want a charge back, I just want to wait the week and charge a different item. I hope this make sense. via /r/wow



Classic Re: Neltharax nerfs

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Classic Secret room in Valdrakken inn

So far I've seen a group of npc's dancing and also a fight club. Anything else go on down there? via /r/wow

Thinking about horde Whitemane classic era

What should I expect? Haven't played on pvp servers but love to pvp. Is there a good pve presents to?I played on Feathermoon in vanilla so rp server but pvped in TM vSS and then when bgs came out.Thinking druid or rogue.Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!

Classic Sad But still playing

Hello everyone i just started playing wow about 2 weeks ago. and today on my gathering(Mining/Herbalism) alt i farmed a bunch of materials for my main "IroncladBluf". but i normally go by IroncladBrad and i made a mistake. So if someone out there with the WoW name IroncladBrad, I hope you enjoy the rare ores I got you.​ via /r/wow

Apparently hearthstones (and the teleport) is a real thing in the Warcraft universe.

I always thought that hearthstones were simply a game mechanic that was necessary for the MMO, but not actually a thing in the actual Warcraft canon or in-game universe. Like talent respeccing or unlearning professions.Until I read an official World of Warcraft novel (Before the Storm) where Anduin Wrynn uses his hearthstone to get back to Stormwind.Anyone else not know this? What else is an actual thing in the canon and not just game mechanics?

character gone?

Hi everyone, I think my character is missing. Let me give some more context. So when classic era came out I started playing with my human warrior until he was like lvl 41. Then TBC came out and i cloned him. Leveled him tot lvl 70 and wheb wotlk came out leveled him to 80 (still have this char) However, the clone on classic era (lvl 41) was still there in the time when i was leveling thru tbc and wotlk. Now i haven't checked upon him in months while i was gearing up on the warrior in wotlk classic. Recently i began playing on wow classic era again with a new char and tought to myself hmmm let me check my warrior (lvl 41) again but he is nowhere to be seen. I checked every realm, made a new char on the realm the warrior was on but nothing... he is just gone... someone who knows what could have happened? Don't know if things changed in classic era, been a while since i played. Thanks!

Classic Guild discord taking no prisoners today..

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Why Wow Classic Era is FAR superior to Burning Crusade and WOTLK

Classic enthusiasts can agree that the classic experience is far superior to retail. Where they disagree on is at which expansion the experience started to derail. Most consider BC or WOTLK as peak wow. I want to provide counterarguments for that, because I don't often hear them. I want to make the case that peak wow was actually what is now considered Classic Era, i.e. before Burning Crusade. And I think that a lot of people ditching WOTLK for classic era is only proof of that.So here goes!Flying mounts - The single most important and often overlooked mechanic. Flying mounts completely ruins world PvP because people can just fly away from engagements. It also created a meta where players would skip questing for dungeon grinding (to level), then flyback to do all the quests for the gold/rep. And most importantly, wow is about the journey. Flying mounts allow you to skip the journey. Going from point A to point B on land might seem tiresome, but it often got you into fun little adv...

Classic I get 900 trader's tender

And i dont know why, is there any bonus or something? Or im lucky with some bug? via /r/wow

Classic Just wanna share a "bug"

Idk how it happen, but it just kinda did lol via /r/wow

Classic Warriors Tanking Dungeons without a Shield

First, Im a casual player. Im not up to speed on all the secrets of DF yet.I've healed two heroic dungeons in the last week where I had a warrior tank that was using two handed weapons without a shield, but neither would answer my question about why they were doing that...The first guy ran way ahead and pulled mobs while I was out of range. He immediately left the group. They both had being in a huge hurry in common...Please tell me this isn't just elitist players tanking in a dps spec to get through a dungeon 20 seconds faster... via /r/wow

Classic Blizzard's CEO Destroyed our hopes for A New Era

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Classic QoL idea: allow Druids to choose which cosmetic forms are part of the shuffle when you use the glyph

I have the Fel Werebear form, so if they never add this I'll be fine, but I'd like to turn on the shuffle glyph and have it cycle through a few of the other forms I have too. via /r/wow

Classic Monk flaming DH all dungeon whispered me after key because I told him to chill out, he did not chill. No way to report to Blizz somehow.

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Will there be more burnout due to so many BIS items coming from Ulduar 10

Back in the day there were a lot less BIS items from the 10 person version but due to the ilevel buff this is a bit different. As a result you're seeing many people raiding multiple versions every week on their mains and alts. The sheer amount of time can certainly lead to burnout.I noticed in my guild for example people running 3-4 raids just in a day. It doesn't help that for some classes it's not just the bis but also 2nd bis which is also from the 10 person version.

Ulduar Progress after 5 lockouts


Classic Terrible feast placement….took forever to start key!

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Classic Returning to DragonFlight!

Recently returning from almost a year away. Currently just hit level 60 and am in the middle of the Ardenwald quest line for Shadowlands. I know have access to the “The Dragon Isles Await” quest to go to the new area, but will I be missing anything important/relevant by skipping the rest of the shadowlands campaign? via /r/wow

The joys of Ulduar


Classic Healer/Dps what u wish your tank did for you ?

Hello I’m new tank , and I noticed even when I’m doing every mechanic right and doing my pulls sometimes something goes wrong . So obviously not everyone is bad it’s has to be me . Tell me how can I make your life easier via /r/wow

Aspect of the Wild vs Nature Resistance Totem

Given a 25 man with at least 2 shaman, as well as Frost DK, and a hunter, is there any reason to use Aspect of the Wild instead of nature resist totem?One shaman can drop wrath of air, DK covers melee haste with improved icy talons, and the other shaman is free to drop nature resist totem. Is there any other air totem worth dropping once those buffs are covered?Is there any particular reason your raid prefers to have a hunter do it rather than a shaman?