Classic Returning player need help

Tldr: brewmaster or guardian druid. Which class is more fun for you and what are your pros and cons to either?Hello everyone I played the game some during BFA and ALOT during the first two seasons of shadowlands. My first character was a demo warlock and then I mained hunter for a long time. Towards the end I got tired of DPS and tried a blood dk. When I started playing blood dk I was playing a lot and really stressed and ultimately had to quit the game as my life got too busy. I hated blood dk for rp and rotation. It just wasn't my style. I fell in love with tanking though! I'm now in a place where I can return to the game and I want to tank again. This time around I want my experience to be much more casual and I don't care to much for what is meta as I won't be pushing extreme keys or anything. I have my choices down to guardian druid or brewmaster monk. I like the rp aspect of both of these characters and they seem interesting. I also have the aspect with either of these classes to be a healer or dps if I choose which is nice not being locked to one spec forever. I only will have the time to play one class and not have multiple characters. In your experience which of these have you enjoyed more? Just looking for feedback thank you! via /r/wow


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