
Visar inlägg från januari, 2020

Classic Having a problem with one character.

So on my Paladin and my paladin only I can’t see text in chats from anyone. Even myself.If I’m in a party I can see people talking but I can’t see what I type. Only time I see what I type is the bubble above my head.I’ve tried resetting all my settings and interface to defaultI’ve reset and updated my AddonsI’ve turned my addons off and still nothing.My chats work completely fine on all my other characters.I can’t figure it out.I can’t see trade chat.I’ve /join 2 or /join trade chatAll the google results I get are from like 3-6 years ago. So HELP! via /r/wow

Classic Just dug this out of my closet while cleaning

Bild via /r/wow

Classic How would you like it if the levelling revamp had...

New legacy profession mats, reps and cosmetic rewards while questing in old zones. Also maybe include some dynamic world-quests that require you to kill bosses, collect profession mats and kill other players with special rewards like bonus rep, exp and mats. Maybe covering these quests might reward tokens that you could redeem for the zone specific cosmetic rewards. I know it might take some time but the quests don't have to be creative by any means, just exciting things that someone can look forward to doing everytime they decide to quest in a new zone. via /r/wow

Classic Official Response Email to Damaged Limited-Edition World of Warcraft Charity Server Blades

Just got this email in regards to the widespread server blade damage. In case you were wondering, yes ours came damaged, too.Greetings,We’re writing to you because you purchased one of the limited-edition World of Warcraft Charity Server Blades made available through the Blizzard Gear Store in September 2019—and over the past few weeks, it’s come to our attention that some of them may have been damaged in transit.If you received one of these damaged blades, we’d like to offer our sincere apologies; we know you were looking forward to receiving this piece of World of Warcraft history, and we regret any disappointment we may have caused when your item arrived in an unacceptable condition.To help set things right, we’d like to present a couple of different options. Please take a moment to review them, and—if you haven’t already submitted a request with Blizzard Gear Store customer support—reach out to us by March 31, 2020 to let us know which option you’d prefer:· If the actual server bl...

Classic Stuck in combat Horrific Vision Orgrimmar. Plz hlp!

So i have had 2 keys wasted this week because i get stuck in combat in Valley of Wisdom. First time i was half way through clearing the zone, killed first mini boss, and wanted to Orb before pulling next group. Couldnt do it. Wasnt engaged with anything. Panicked, attacked the next group and died while panicking.2nd time was today. Cleared Valley of Wisdom, was heading to Thrall and went to Orb before engaging him. Couldnt do it, and lost right there.Is there a mob that im not aware of in VoW that keeps you locked in combat, even when out of range? via /r/wow

Classic Brawlers Guild Quest Problem

I’ve just recently came back and I’m working on getting the Bruce mount. I’ve ran into the problem of being on the quest “The Financial Participation Incentive,” and no one is actually here to win gold from.Is this just impossible to do solo? via /r/wow

Classic Rich Campbell nearly dies on stream

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Just realized I'm on a server in a different region

Hello, I am newb. Today I realized I am on a server that is not the region where I actually am. Is this going to have a significant effect on game speed, frame rate, connection, etc.? via /r/wow

Absolutely useless (but interesting) fact about rez sickness

So, I was checking some stuff on my past streams and remembered I captured a video of this unusual phenomenon: streams suck, don't dwell on that too much, just watch like 1 minute from 38:08)So, I death-warped to Darkshire with just a few XP away from leveling to 11 (for those who don't know, rez sickness starts at level 11 with 1 minute and increases by 1 minute each level you gain until it reaches max 10 minute length).In this clip, I am level 10 (no rez sickness at this level) and about to spirit rez in Darkshire, an area which I have not discovered yet (I'm just a few XP from leveling, so discovering the area will level me). You would THINK that upon spirit rezzing, I will first rez and immediately gain rez sickness based on my current level (10 - which is no rez sickness) and THEN discover the area and level to level 11, but not so. Leveling takes priority, so from the server standpoint, I spirit rezzed, then gained XP and leveled to 11, and THEN...


Bild Realm.have a great weekend boys :)(selling for anyone interested on heartseeker)

The true vanilla experience


New to multi boxing. Question about fastest way to get to level 15

I've got 2 60's on my main account, a mage and druid. Just setup a new account to play with multi boxing. My plan is to dungeon grind, stocks, sm, zf, BRD, dme to powerlevel some toons.My question is, what is the most efficient way to get my characters to level 15, so I can start dungeon grinding.Thanks

Bis resto/feral druid.. Done playing, message if interested

60 bis resto/feral male tauren druid on smolderweb with about 1k gold. more details can be explained.. email me at

Serious Question: Why are alliance suddenly so bad at AV?

I have literally won every single game since the AV patch came out. Every single game. And they weren't even remotely close! The entire map is red. We control everything. We far the alliance at their Graveyards, and intentionally drag out the game to 30 minutes for the extra bonus honor. They're just getting raped! It wasn't even this bad prior to the patch, pug vs pug.It's like they've lost the will to fight, rolled over, and just take it in the ass. WTF is going on?Don't even try to bullshit me, and try to tell me it's the map either. There's no way that's what the reason is!

Classic Glimpse of Clarity proc rate

Does anyone have any numbers on the rate that this corruption effect procs? I got it on 460 pants with socket yesterday and I have the corruption headroom, but I'm not sure it's worth even playing around with. via /r/wow

Classic Question about Time anomaly

If I'm constantly on 4 Arcane charges, do the other two effects trigger more often? Or does the game treats them as if they were different spells/procs? via /r/wow

Classic Looking for an automount addon.

Hey ho,I am looking for an automount addon that automatically mounts my char to one of my favourite mounts. I know the dugi questing addon has it but i dont want to install all of it just because of one feature. I was looking on curseforge and googled a bit but until now no success.Would be awesome if somebody knows.​Thanks in advance! via /r/wow

Classic Thanks to everyone that camped 3 hours with me, it was worth it.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Pawn Stars: HIGH VALUE RARE LOOT: Frostmourne

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Going back to do old quests (loremaster), need addon advice

Instead of re-leveling another toon, or making more alts, I'm going to try and do a 'completionist' run on my years old main. I'd love to get loremaster and do every quest for every region I can (yes, I'm that guy now). I know about All The Things addon, but is there any other recommended questing/loremaster addon that you all would use? I'm just going to head back to Northshire as I did a decade ago and plow through quests, pickup pets, etc along the way. via /r/wow

Classic For druids out there, you can fly inside this area in vale

Bild via /r/wow

Classic "All i ever wanted was to study" origin?

I keep seeing this quote, it seems almost as if i can remembr hearing it but i cant figure out where. Where have we first time hear or saw this quote, help me! via /r/wow

Classic Can't rename my beast master's pet. Is there a bug right now? I was able to rename my pet before I switched talents to bring out 2 pets at once and now the option just isn't there for either pet. I tried switching talents again and nothing. Anyone know what's up?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic What do you think about character boosts and will they get removed with Shadowlands?

I got the urge to play WoW after a years break and was gonna bring a few friends with me who have never played WoW. I was hyping us all up with an excitement adventure from Durotar to Barrens, from Outlands to Northrend and eventually finally reaching that max level which not every player can achieve only to find out you'll just get a free level 110 or even 120 with the expansions and we turned away.I then found out the level cap will be decreased with Shadowlands and it got me thinking are they taking the leveling experience back to the roots and maybe remove the character boosts? I feel like if they'd implement a classic type leveling experience (a bit faster would also be acceptable) to retail we'd have a great game I'd be excited to come back to.I do see why character boosts exist as there are so many expansions and levels, but for me personally there's no value in having a max level character anymore especially as I'm not that into the end game stuff. At l...

Classic My level 7 sword auction will end sometime in 2156 AD.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic My kitty headphones

Bild via /r/wow

[Q] Didn't pvp for a few weeks. 9/9 WSG games were vs a premade... Is this the norm now?

All good fun to play premade vs premade but queue'ing solo is just no fun for now. What happened in the last few weeks? Litterly only encountered alliance premades and after the 9th game i just didnt bother anymore. Is this the new norm?

Just saw the original manual on Blizzards website. I want my free trial.


Someone fell in the lava during our last MC and our team grouped up to help summon them out, things didn't go exactly as planned...


Graphic glitch in Org I thought was cool


19 Twinks HAVOC's Alliance VS Google Twinks 10v10


With BWL coming up, what is the best DKP system out there?

My guild have been using rolls +1/+1 for loot in MC up until this point, but we are planning on switching to DKP once BWL gets released. There are several ways of handling DKP. You can have a decay on DKP to prevent hoarding. You can have a min/max price on items. You can bid for items or have fixed prices. There are lots of ways to do this. What is the best way in your experience? Would like a fair system and avoid loot drama. Thanks!

Raid frames addon?

Can anyone recommend a good raid frames addon so I can make the frames tiny instead of covering half of my screen? Thanks

Is it possible to have multiple windows of WoW classic to be open at once?

If it is, can it be possible for it to be the same account? and if it is possible, is this against TOS in any way? Could I be banned?

Classic Void elf racial

The void elf racial could use a COMPLETE overhaul.10 minute cooldown.Unusable in arena.Unusable in instances...But... IN OPEN WORLD ONLY... allows you to open a door to the void dimension, and then, place a buff on you that opens a door BACK to the normal world 30 seconds later. The doors stay open for 10 minutes, allowing ANYONE from EITHER faction to step into the void realm. When a non void elf steps in, they have 1 minute before they are forcibly ejected from the void realm, and are unable to return for 10 minutes.This would allow so much hijinks and fun. It would be crazy fun to sneak an entire raid in using two void elves working together to lay doors hidden in inconspicuous areas.... via /r/wow

Classic Corruption system should have been like essences : you pick what you want

They removed TF for it's rng and they add more rng to the gearing system, seriously blizzard, you should have added a system where we can choose our corruption. via /r/wow

Classic New Character Title Defaults

Has anyone figured out what causes new characters to get what title by default? For the last couple years, ALL of my new characters have had "the Explorer" by default, but I've seen other people with others as their default title and a character I just made got "Elder" as its default. via /r/wow

Classic my first thought as i saw this

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Questing through Vol'dun again, I probably shouldn't have gotten on this wagon as a Vulperan.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Looking for Advice on a 120 character

So, as the title sort of states I was given a 120 token for a new character, hooray right?Well in my group we need DPS and in reality i was looking to be.., I dunno, Optimal about it?​Anyways, I was wondering what a good recommended DPS class would be, for someone. (I googled it and was sort of overwhelmed). via /r/wow

Classic New to Retail

Coming from Classic (both current and from 15 years ago), so I know that the game has changed tremendously. I thought I would still give it a try, so what should I know? What matters and doesn't matter anymore? Anything that I MUST do, or must avoid? Any advice is appreciated. via /r/wow

Classic How to remove this Button?

Bild via /r/wow

Classic AH still having issues?

Hi guys, I recently came back for 8.3, I was well aware of 8.3 auction issues, but I thought they were fixed.But just now, I tried to buy 1219 of Osmenite Ore and it just stuck on greyed out "Buy Now" button when I pressed it. Then I tried to buy 219 pieces and it's still stuck, I tried leaving it like that, but I just get disconnected after some time?I don't understand, how do you even use AH now? via /r/wow

Classic Need help with elvui mod if possible.

I dont know if this reddit is the best for asking this but here we go: i use elvui for a while and i have a huge problem, i want my action bar to hide when i am not in combat, and when i join a fight the action bar appears, but i also want that when im not in a fight and the bar is hidden, i can see the action bar by passing my mouse there. But i cant make to happen both. If someone could help it would be great. via /r/wow

Classic If you could swap your main to any other class, and all the essences, gear and knowledge of the class would transfer with you. Would you switch? If so to what class?

Is there any other class you'd rather play, but you're sticking out your main for obvious reasons or maybe you don't want to master another?If you had an opportunity to switch everything over and know the class as well as your main. Would you switch? via /r/wow

Classic Although BFA has been an uneven expansion to say the least, I think Mechagon is some of the best content they've ever made. Here's hoping they use it as a model in the future.

I'm a couple patches too late, as I took a break to play classic and got back into my schoolin', but I felt the need to talk about Mechagon in some fashion because I've been having a blast.Where to start?The flavor: It's a remote island of robot-gnomes who are fighting against the oppressive regime of an even more robot-gnome (some would call him the robotist-gnome to ever live). It's completely silly and absurd, and has no effect on the overall plot of BFA. I think this is important because Mechagon is so isolated as a piece of content that you can't compare it with the rest of the expansion; it escapes the worst pitfalls of BFA. It reminds me of single player expansions like The Pit for Fallout 3 or The Shivering Isles for Oblivion: small, self-contained stories with unique and fun mechanics.The surprises: I've avoided pretty much all information about Mechagon, and every day has brought something to my attention that makes me laugh or excites me. I found...

Classic My boyfriend and I just spent the evening wrapping my keyboard, night elf style. Car vinyl, a heat gun, scalpel and 2 hours later, here's the result.

Bild via /r/wow

After 3 months of Molten Core and 16.5 days played on a mage alt, it is done.


Gotta love classic and the quests you fulfill for people


How much is hit worth past 6% for raiding?

This question is for a duel wield orc warrior using axes. I recently got the flameguard guantlets from MC and idk if I should swap it for my devilsaur set. Is 2% hit better than 20 attack power and 0.5% crit? Thanks