Classic WoW could rly need the Theurgist class.

Some older players here maybe remember the Theurgist Class back in Daoc.It was an elemental caster who could summon little Pets that attacked all by themself. Besides that the Theurg could help his group with a strong pulsing-absorb-shield, running speed, enhancing weapon dmg and attack-speed and if specced into some good st dmg and CC.The Theurg could spec into 3 Lines. Eart, Wind and Water.Each of these Elements had 1 Pet (the duration was not very long, maybe 10-15 Seconds) and they attacked the enemy you fokussed. The earth pet was a melee pet, the wind and ice pets were casting magic spells, while the wind pet stunned the enemy, while the ice pet was snaring.Ofc for a modern MMO the spells and abilities need to be updated! I could think about 2 dmg specs and 1 support spec. Maybe give the Theurg baseline running speed to be more mobile and the supporter a supporting pet and a good absorb shield and buffing spells and the dps specs the strong attack pets e.g.But i rly like the idea of an elemental caster with pets that are not permanent and swarm the enemies with their magic/brute force. Or help the team with strong shields, buffing their dmg or attackspeed.What do you think about such a class in WoW?Do you have other wishes of new classes like the Necromancer or something totally different too? Maybe some dmg spec with 1hand+shield as melee? Please keep the answers polite, thank you :) via /r/wow
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