
Visar inlägg från oktober, 2021

Classic How to mute Sunwarmed Furline mount

For those who, like me, likes cats in any forms but cannot stand the loud meows this mount makes when summoning and taking off (which sound like I stepped on his tail, even though I swear I did not), here's the sound IDs to mute:for id=3598611,3598625,2 do MuteSoundFile(id) endMuteSoundFile(3598635);MuteSoundFile(3598637)I added this code to my personal addon to run on startup, but it can be included into macro (using /script command) or made in WeakAura - hopefully somebody can comment on how to do that.P.S. just to avoid accusations of paying real money to evil Blizzard - I did not, bought the mount with gold (via game token from AH), it is not that expensive, taking into account how easy is to earn gold (having 10 max level alts) via /r/wow

Classic How do you keep the game engaging apart from end-game content?

Title says it all. Just wondering what interesting things you people do, except M+/PvP/raids, that simply takes your attention enough to keep things fun and engaging. It feels like nowadays I just log in, and basically sit AFK somewhere while I watch videos on YouTube rather than actually playing. via /r/wow

Classic Hallow's End | Pixel Art by Wizardries

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Classic Trying to do something with animation

Does anyone know where i get character models for specially mankrik, preferably for like sfm or gmod but if anyone knows where a blender file that would help as well via /r/wow

Classic Probably my favorite thing in Shadowlands. Covenants working and fighting together, side by side.

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Hogwarts vs Lurker - rShaman POV


Find out how this profession-less asshole farms the same thing you do but better.


Classic My Dread Sentinel's Ebony Headgear out of cardboard

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Classic Challenge Modes or Keystones

For those that remember Challenge Modes in MoP and WoD, who preferred them as opposed to current day/retail Keystones? I personally used to like Keystones as they were a fun way to keep pushing yourself/team BUT after seeing it is just a spitting image of Diablo’s rifts (especially how you just re-farm the same exact gear each season) they lost their luster for me. I wish they would bring Challenge Modes back, make a leader board so min maxing players can continue to push faster and faster while giving everyone sick mount/transmog rewards. Imagine if each patch you could go farm a new tint for your transmog set OR have a mount one patch and tmog another. Thoughts? via /r/wow

Classic More Free WoW Digital Stickers (Check comments)

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Classic Zul'gurub saber mounts.

Swift Zulian panther or swift Zulian tiger. comment via /r/wow

Classic Best server for Horde RP in EU?

I miss rp :(( via /r/wow

Classic Returning to WoW after 4 year break

Hey guys just had a few questions before I jump back into WoW. What is majority of the player base playing? Shadowlands or classic? If classic which one? Also, is does the game have a plenty of content to keep you playing for months? via /r/wow

Classic Is there anyway to make questing/leveling with 1 other person more challenging?

My gf and I want to play together, but leveling is so easy it's braindead and less fun. Any way around this? Dungeons obviously, but for overworld leveling content? Any kind of class combo that is more challenging? via /r/wow

Classic Content, Story, Pacing...

I've never been an elite max level super-raider or anything, I don't run +9999 Keys or threaten people with death for missing their timing.None of that bothers me, or even intrigues me, but....The lack of content has been affecting me, because I love this game for the story. And this year has barely seen any advances in said story, in fact, this expansion feels like it's crawled by at a pace even a snail would scoff at.I know the story has never been of the greatest quality, but at this point it feels like it's not just low quality but also in quantity.I can barely bring myself to justify a subscription at this point, anyone else feeling this? via /r/wow

Why did everyone hate MoP?

So I was 9yo when I first started playing WoW, which was right before MoP was released. My first memories of this game were playing Mop, so I really really like the pandaren and pandaria. I totally understand WHY people didn’t like it in general, but what is YOUR opinion on it? I’m just curious :)

We couldn't find a 5th so we started with 4. We had this rogue join last minute and the mount dropped. Everyone but the rogue had the mount and we felt bad. We never see the pet drop once and saw 8 mounts...


Faerlina horde side recruiting for ssc/tk

Baked Goods on faerlina horde side is recruiting ranged DPS, and shamans of all kinds for ssc/tk raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 9:30pm server.Like many guilds phase 2 has not been kind to our numbers and recently we had 10 of our core raiders leave. Before this we were making steady progress and expected to have KT down within a lockout or two (wiped on him at ~30%). Mostly we are looking for warlocks and shamans of all kinds, but really any good ranged DPS will do. Plz comment here with your information so we may get in touch in-game!

How much will SOM impact the current TBC Classic player population?

I am just getting back into TBC Classic and have just started wondering about SOM and how it might impact TBC population.Will you be leaving TBC to play SOM? Do you see the population of TBC dropping drastically?I enjoyed vanilla/classic but would like to do arenas.Basically I am now confused on where I should put my attention/time because of course starting fresh with everyone sounds exciting.How are you all feeling?

Classic Happy Halloween, enjoy my covenant sigils I carved

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Classic Alliance Halloween Jack-o'-Lantern

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Classic Happy Hallow's End from Sylvanas [Fanart made by DarkenDen]

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Classic I thought I was gonna die dead (vanilla)

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Any change to respec cost in SoM?

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drink walking

is this still possible in tbc? drinking water right before the game ticks to check if you're drinking. hearing conflicting opinions

Classic Little dude was definitely worth the 30 min in hearthstone! Enjoyed my time but back to leveling this warlock through my first BOA play through

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Classic Coming back after a 3 year hiatus, is it worth it?

Been toying with the idea of getting back into workd of Warcraft, havent plated since shadowlands was released, but is it worth it? Ive heard alot of mixed reviews about the games current state and im curious how it is holding up against past expansions. via /r/wow

Classic Henry Cavill could've carried multiple seasons as Arthas. Unfortunately, I don't think that will ever happen.

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Classic Raw gold farming w an army of alts?

What’s the raw gold methods people use? Is it just callings and mission tables now? via /r/wow


Will Aliance suck at PvP in battlegrounds like they did in classic? Only way for us to win was through sniping groups.

How's Vanilla Classic 10/2021?

What's up everyone.I wanna go back playing but I don't know if it's worth the sub, mine ended after the tbc launch and I quit because vanilla obviously died. But now in october 2021, if anyone there is still playing regular Vanilla Classic in high pop realms, how is it in terms of community? Is people starting to come back or Orgrimmar is still a ghost town?

based on a true story


Classic The true purpose of the map

​Maps in WoW are very useful :) via /r/wow

Classic Why

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SoM Proposal: Allow WBs in raids but give extra loot for non-WB kills

With harder content I worry SoM will suffer the same issues we're seeing with TBC and the 8/10 curse killing the population. I think part of the appeal with Classic was that the content was more accessible due to world buffs.Another worry I see with SoM is that they haven't increased loot with a 12 month cycle. You will see even fewer guilds run splits due to the increased difficulty. Extra loot for non-WB kills will still give players the choice to grab buffs on content they're struggling on yet reward players that don't need it. Hell you could even add a title/achievement for non-WB clears.On another side of things even if you didn't like world buffs in raids you can't deny there was a significant community that did. SoM feels like a bit of a contradiction as they buff content to appeal to more hardcore players yet many hardcore players enjoyed playing with world buffs in Classic. This also allows for monthly DMF speed runs to still be a thing for those playe...

Daylight savings and ST.

Do EU servers follow DST? I've just had a mini panic when I realised clocks change in a few hours because I raid directly before work (I leave the second we end our raid and get to work 5 mins before start lol).Fingers crossed, tried googling it a bunch but some customer support posts say it follows UTC other say it uses Paris local time depending on when the question was asked so just want to make sure it still does go back an hour tonight.Ty.

Classic There is a random airstrip behind the Emerald Dreamway

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Classic Feelings about Max level boost for "qualifying accounts"

How would you all feel if we were offered a max level boost, requiring certain metrics be met. Such as...Completing the covenant/korthia campaignhitting max level on x number of charactersx amount of played time on the boosted classcompleting all current dungeons on MEssentially whatever metrics would show sufficient knowledge/experience such that a player wouldn't be completely clueless about how to play the desired class. via /r/wow

Classic Time travel damage difference

HelloSo new player here i want to ask if im suppost to use chromie time to do old content or i can just take a portal lets say to Northrend and i will be able to do the content without using chromie and i will do more damage because i used chromie for northrend and i notice some mage that was level 10 destroying the mobs with two shots but i had to spend like 10-15seconds level 41 to kill one mob does that mean i can just travel to Northrend without chromie help and one shot the mobs there via /r/wow

SoM changes give tanks and healers time to shine!

The SoM raid changes specifically - they are pretty awesome. More adds, more aoe/fire to avoid, and much more health for bosses and trash. It's a nice challenge for us players but it will also challenge our raid rosters.From my experience raiding in SoM, the more tanks and healers we added, the more content we cleared. The sweet spot was 6 tanks and 14 healers.

R13 Spriest LF Guild/Server for SOM. Aiming for R14 Rogue.

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Spriest or warlock for SoM (PvP purposes)

Title.Mained a rogue in classic but looking to get into casting this time around. Been interested in playing a troll spriest but not sure how mana efficient spriest is compared to a lock. If all else fails, I’ll just resort back to rogue but wanted some advice beforehand.

Classic How to climb Varian's grave in stormwind ?

Hello there, so basically I'm kinda new to the game and my destiny is to climb on that thing to T-bag the dead king (yes). I have tried everything in my power but I couldn't achieve to land on that monument. I have farm to buy a griffon and switch to a priest for the levitation spell (that was not the plan) and I still can't finish the prophecy. So if anyone as any idea I would be very grateful via /r/wow

Classic me no liek munt it arr bad giv upvotz plzzz

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Classic Mac Players, I Have Questions!

Mac players, I am looking to upgrade my laptop and am looking to get away from the typical “gaming” laptop. I am debating on getting a MacBook but am hesitant because I want to be able to still play WoW when I’m on the go away from my main rig. So a few questions I have:1) is it reliable? I don’t care about maxing our settings, I’d like to run at medium if possible at 60fps and I’d be happy.2) I am a religious ElvUI/WA user. Is it possible to run these without much problems?3) what has your overall experience been gaming on a macbook? I don’t play really anything other than WoW so that’s all I’m truly concerned about getting to run on a it.Thanks for your time! Hopefully y’all fine people can point me in the right direction! via /r/wow

Classic What's the thing you MOST regret doing/not doing in wow?

Mine has to be not getting Grove Warden. I started playing when mop released and stopped until legion pre patch. Just missed out, and it haunts me every time I log on. The things I would do for that mount. The other moose mounts just don't compare.... via /r/wow

Classic Moments before disaster

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Classic Returning player here

Returning player who hasn’t played since Mists of Pandaria, I know I’ve missed a lot, are there any tips a basically new player should know before going hard into the game? Currently a Level 10 Night Elf Warrior with the Fury specialization. via /r/wow

Classic Asmongold’s mum has passed away. Let’s show him some love!!

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Classic 9.1.5 around the corner and an RMT face off xD

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