
Visar inlägg från februari, 2020

Classic The Patch Notes We Want & Need.

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Classic Anyone doing any free aotc runs?

Horde side. Call it being cheap but I just dont have that kind of gold. 426 ilvl shaman. Will continue to try to gear but I dont have time for raiding and would hopefully like to get the mount. Idc about the rest of it. Anyways, thanks for reading. via /r/wow

Classic my selfmade N'Zoth-figure

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Classic Spriest or Warlock for pvp?

I'm looking to play a new class for shadowlands - either warlock or shadow priest. Which do you guys prefer for pvp and why? I've tried them both a little and found that I like shadow priest a little better because they don't have to sit there and cast as much so it's harder to get spell locked. Priests also have dispersion for when you get focused. Lock for me just doesn't seem to have much mobility and get locked down pretty easily, but people were telling me to go warlock. Just a casual player, Any advice you guys can give I'd appreciate. via /r/wow

Classic Rediscovering Wow through quests, and it's amazing.

Stopped playing for a while then decided to level a new toon. Dungeon spams are usually the way I deal with leveling but I thought: why not try the good ol' way of the quest.Boy was I wrong before. This is so much more fun. This game is still amazing. via /r/wow

Classic Who doesn't know someone like this?

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Classic odd question about the allied races

so i just unlocked vulpera now im wondering will i be able to play all the past expansions like the wow original campaign-->burning crusade---->wrath of the lich king-->cataclysm etc in order of release or becuase im using a allied race like vulpera it will start me at a later one? via /r/wow

What NA server is the best to level an alliance character on?

What do you guys think? Long term heartseeker player but the population is declining a bit and every single pre 60 dungeon group is only boosting runs for gold. Trying to find another server to level on that has the most active pre 60 player base.Edit: should have put pvp in the title, I want to be available to transfer to any server after leveling.

Advertise your LFM/LFG correctly PLEASE.

Ok, so every warrior that doesn't have Savage Gladiator Chain or Hand of Justice wants them, we all get it. However, FOR THE LOVE OF C'THUN, don't post in LFG chat that you need a DPS for arena/angerforge runs and then turn my warrior away because I'm a warrior. Seriously, stop wasting everyone's time and just type what you want. Want a caster DPS? Ask for it. Want SGC all to yourself? Reserve it. Maybe, you'll find a warrior that has one of them (SGC or HoJ) or maybe you'll find one that just wants to run it for fun.*This does not just apply to arena/angerforge runs. Just ASK for what you want instead of having further restrictions that are only revealed when some one whispers you.

Classic “Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit.”

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Classic Embracing the spooky for Shadowlands.

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Classic The flaw of 8.3: Horrific Visions Giving Gear

So I really like horrific visions but I think it was a bone headed decision to make gear drop in there because Blizz feels the need to limit how much you can hard farm gear. But the thing is that horrific visions are basically the ONLY thing to really DO this patch. That leads to frustration as people who try 5 masks and want to learn strats are stifled.I am trying 5 masks and can consistently clear 3 areas but feel so punished for trying since my attempts are hard limited. I don't even want the gear I want the mount and title. via /r/wow

Classic Level Squish for Shadowlands?

Do you think it will happen before the Expac as some sort of Pre-Patch? via /r/wow

Classic Females arent too different but male Lightforged obliterate normal Draenei in terms of looks

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Classic My drawing of N'zoth

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Classic Blizzard, if only

i could gain a little power of thrall next expansion it would fine via /r/wow

Classic Edwin VanCleef Spawn

Hello!​I have been running Deadmines to try and get the Defias leather transmog set, but no matter how many times I run it Edwin VanCleef does not spawn at the end. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but I have not been able to figure it out no matter how many times I google it.​Does anyone have any insight into this? via /r/wow

Classic Playing WoW with a virtual mouse?

I've had this problem ever since 2007If you ever try to play World of Warcraft with:Remote desktop software such as LogMeIn, AnyDesk, Teamviewer, etcKVM software such like SynergyVirtual Machine software like Virtualboxeverything will work fine until you need to move the camera with your mouse. The camera will spin wildly in circles and you will not be able to control it. It seems like no matter what direction you move your mouse, the camera always spins in the same pattern. It's almost as if the x,y of the mouse is being translated into an x+y or something like that. It doesn't make much sense without feeling it out first hand.Has anyone found any solution to this issue? It's been over 13 years and I've only found a few forum posts talking about it, but no one seems to followup and post their solutions. Hardware Cursor in the mouse options appears to do nothing. via /r/wow

Tis true


Casual player wanting to come back.

I was a completely new player to wow when the classic came and I got to lvl 30 and got kind of bored after that and quit. I used to be orc warlock.However I actually wanted to be a dwarf and was just peer-pressured to playing horde. My main reason I quit was playing horde and not the race I love which is dwarves.So my question is: Is it worth to come back to wow classic? And if yes, what class is the most optimal for dwarf? I know it is also subjective but I mean stuff like clearing monsters, sustain etc. Probably gonna play solo since my friends already quit/ play horde. Thank you! :)

Would people be opposed to adding 1 rep per HK in WSG?

As many know, the getting WSG rep is a grind and a half, especially if you aren't part of a good premade that can force quick wins. It especially sucks when you have a really competative game that lasts 30 or 40 minutes with 40+ HKs per person but getting only 10 rep because your team just barely didn't get those caps.I was wondering how opposed people would be for importing the +1 rep per HK over from AV to WSG. It could take a small edge of the grind while rewarding competitive games.

Mages with winter's chill, I appreciate your sacrifice


Rookie Shadow Priest going PvP

So I finally decided to hop into PvP scene after getting some decent gear and engineering. ( I'm actually against this but since everyone has it ) I'm aware that Spriest is top tier pvp class but somehow I really suck at it. The reason might be because I'm Alliance and everything is undead on my server.I have all pieces of Necrophile set, 2 of tier 0 warlock items ( head and belt ) felheart gloves and anathema. I'm gnomish engineer and cycling between Death ray, Shrink ray and Net-o-Matic with Insignia always equipped on cooldown. I'm typical shadow spec with improved vampiric embrace and inner fire. I have some really problematic match-ups but the general issue is ; I don't know what I'm doing generally.I panic and get out of shadowform to cast renew when I get shadow interrupted.Don't know how to answer an undead on first fear break.Not sure when to cast silence and mana burn.When to leave shadowform to heal.My most problematic match-ups are as follow...

Is this a good BWL guide?

Bild'm doing my first BWL tonight and gave this a watch. Is this all good and accurate? Is it sufficient information for a DPS Warrior?

Bloodvine Set - Tailoring required?

Quick question about Bloodvine Set. Saw today someone mention that the set bonus is what requires tailoring - not the actual pieces of gear. Is this true? As a Shadow Priest crit % is pretty low on the chart. Curious if I’ll be able to wear these pieces without tailoring and just miss out on a stat that means very little in order to keep eng/mining throughout Classics life span.Thanks.

Classic How can I show mana bar under health bar in Threat Plates?

I am trying to PvP more and it would be nice to see when healers are getting OOM btu cant figure it out to save my life. via /r/wow

Classic I race changed a character and it broke add-ons on him.

The add-ons reset every time I load into something on him and only him. I can't load any of my add-on profiles from other characters on him either. Add-ons work fine on everyone else.Was curious if this happened to anyone else and if there is a fix via /r/wow

Classic Solid PvP healer

I am currently considering to level and play either a paladin or a druid. I am playing with three mates so I decided to go healer and we intend to do PvP at the end game, but also mythics but no raids.With that in mind which one of these two healers would be best? I played both seriously in PvP back on cataclysm but it’s been a while. Any advice is welcome! via /r/wow

Classic Wow character models compared to every other mmo

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Classic Places where I can discuss advanced PvP

Hello all! I am Lannera-TolBarad and by no means I am a newcomer to WoW or its PvP.I achieved several 2K PvP achievs in Legion and some in BfA, but now I am to push to 2K4 and would like to know if there is some Forum, Guild or Community where I can find other players with similar experiences and exchange some ideas. via /r/wow

Mages be like.


Juju Flurry, do mages benefit from this? I never see any mages using them, I have never seen them mentioned in guides.

But looking at the tooltip, it looks like it would be really good, especially when aligned with toep/AP.

Fps drop/stutters

Ill start off by saying that my computer is pretty nuts, just to close that out. I can run every game on Max graphics and not have any fps issues, but for some reason ever since Bwl came out im having fps drops/stutters every raid (especially on razorgore and the techinicans. And last week i Even started getting it in mc. (I never Get any fps drop at all outside of raids). I have fps capped at 100 and it will often go down to 70 for a second then back up to 100 in mc and bwl. I never had any issues in mc before bwl btw. Any ideas what could be causing it?

Do you guys think guarding an aoe spot with a main is bannable?

For instance, a mage aoe spot that you would park your 60 at and camp enemy players so they leave. thoughts?Edit: I meant more of the camping the shit out of people part, but thanks guys. I should’ve clarified I meant a low level zone.

Looking at the Zandalar Tribe reputation rewards.


Classic Can I unlock Archdruid title on an alt?

Been googling around and had no luck so thought to ask here.So I got a druid A that I did all the things back in Legion, and got the title. Now I used the Shadowlands boost to kick up another druid (B) in the opposite faction and been trying to find out how to get the title to the B. I though the titles were account wide? I did all the legion starter quests and got the weapon and was even made into an Archdruid but no title. I did manage to find how to get the flight form but... well think that looks dumb so who cares.So is there a shortcut to the title somewhere or do I have to do the whole chain again from zero? via /r/wow


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Classic Was Astral Influence ninja nerfed? Everything I can find says it's 5 yards but in game is saying 3...

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Classic WoW Gold Guide - To Be A Gold Maker! Part 1 | 8.3

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Classic Thoughts on WoW content old and new.

As the title says (had to change it cause unpopular got my post insta deleted), what are y'alls unpopular opinion about WoW? I'll start.I think that in TBC the only good zones are Terokkar Forest and Nagrandand for WotLK it's Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, and Howling Fjord. via /r/wow

Classic Killing honorless targets should corrupt players

If you have rez sickness, you are an honorless target. If you kill someone who has res sickness, your taking a mean action, that is arguably chaotic evil by lore standards. Good! You should be corrupted by that action! If you kill a player who has rez sickness, you should be afflicted by the gaze of N'zoth. Your corruption should be increased by 100 for a few minutes.:O via /r/wow

Classic Mythic raider returning after my guild disbanded in 8.2. What should my first steps be towards getting raid ready for the new patch?

No text found via /r/wow

Icy Veins/Wowhead classic enchanting guide incorrect on Large Radiant Shards and Small Brilliant Shards?

On both Icyveins and Wowhead, the claim is that a level 49 rare will disenchant into a Large Radiant Shard. But this is incorrect, it gives Small Brilliant Shards instead. Level 45 rares however do disenchant into Large Radiant Shards.Anyone have a correct disenchanting guide?

For those wondering why people are upset about the WOW Token being added. Blizzard them selves stated that they won't be adding them and now they change their stance on it. Who knows what they'll change next.


Spotted in WPL Faerlina

Watch the nameplate on second video. Is this bannable??Part 1 Part 2

Mages be like.


Classic Instead of power progression, Legion had cosmetics as incentives to participate in a variety of content. That’s the model that we should return to in Shadowlands.

Running content you don't normally do to unlock a cosmetic reward can be fun. If you don’t do it the most you miss out on is cosmetic, not relevant character progression. Also, assuming it’s not a timed thing like the mage tower, it’s something you can come back to and work on in future expansions.Who is going to go back to BfA to farm essences...?Essences should have been a system you grind currency to spend on. That way players could focus on the type of gameplay they enjoy the most and it would have been far less frustrating.The artifact appearances were so much fun to work towards. I hope we get to see that kind of thing again in Shadowlands. via /r/wow

Classic You know what would make Inscription amazingly useful?

If Blizzard would create essentially what amounts to a transmog system for spells. Most any spell that has any kind of colored lighting effect should essentially be able to alpha shift it's RGB pretty easily into different colors. They would be a great candidate for making new, personalized glyphs. An inscriptionist would be able to make a glyph for a chosen spell to match it to a selectable color from a basic color wheel + alpha channel. Bake in some limits (ex. to prevent invisible spells), and you have what would amount to an endless number of cosmetic glyph possibilities.This sounds eerily similar to what people have been asking for with outfit transmog since inception. The problem there is the texture colors are caked in, so without a major rework, you'd only be able to alter the entier piece's RGB channels at best. This would look terrible on like 90% of outfits, which makes it not worth the time for Blizz to implement without a rework to do it properly. But it's...

Classic Well guess it's my lucky day!

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TSM4 ~ Auction House Addon Guide

Hey guys I'm not trying to just advertise my channel here. But I know a lot of people struggle using tsm4 auction addon so I made 2 videos on how to set it up and use it efficiently.​Before you say it, Yes I would love more views on content I spent hours making.​But I get more joy out of hearing people tell me that it helped them understand how to use this difficult addon.​I hope this helps you make tons of gold and love to hear any feedback or questions you may have!​part 1 basics -​Part 2 more advanced -