Advertise your LFM/LFG correctly PLEASE.

Ok, so every warrior that doesn't have Savage Gladiator Chain or Hand of Justice wants them, we all get it. However, FOR THE LOVE OF C'THUN, don't post in LFG chat that you need a DPS for arena/angerforge runs and then turn my warrior away because I'm a warrior. Seriously, stop wasting everyone's time and just type what you want. Want a caster DPS? Ask for it. Want SGC all to yourself? Reserve it. Maybe, you'll find a warrior that has one of them (SGC or HoJ) or maybe you'll find one that just wants to run it for fun.*This does not just apply to arena/angerforge runs. Just ASK for what you want instead of having further restrictions that are only revealed when some one whispers you.


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