Classic Problem with logs posting / recording can help ?

Hello,I have an issue when I take logs.The logs are recorced until or if there is a wipe.I log like this :-got an account on wowlogs-installed Warcraft log uploader-when I enter a raid, I type /combatlog-the file goes into my log folder no problemAt the end of the raid I upload, and it records everything until there is a wipe. Like if when I go into the instance again as a ghost, the logs stop to be recorded. First time I noticed that, if I wipe I re type /combatlog when I enter. But then it doesnt work. Lost many envounter duo to early kelris wipe ans I wonder where the problem comes from.A friend is taking logs like I do and he has no problem. If you have any Idea ?I use DBM but didnt check the auto record, because I do it manually.Thanks via /r/wow


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