Classic What should I play this season?

I know this is dumb and I should play whatever I enjoy, yada yada. However, I want to play something good, something that is a popular pick for m+ and raid. Here are my options, I am looking for a main and an altRdruid - it was my main in season 2. Got ksh but honestly was very stressful. I'm not sure if I need practice or if I need to not play healer. I enjoyed playing with all my friends and guildies and being able to heal them, but the gameplay is nerve-wrackinghavoc-Dh I heard is flavor of the month again. Seems cool. Never played it seriously before but I have a 70 toonMM hunter. It was my main for 5 seasons before last. I hate how hunter feels absolutely abandoned and boringMage. I made a 70 mage these last weeks. I feel like mage should he good but, much like the dh, I would only play it if it was the flavor of the monthBalance druid. Should slap but I swear the gameplay is so weirdUnholy dh. Maybe it will be good and also I would have a chance at the legendary. I never got a legendary weapon and I think getting it would be a lot of fun, but then again, not getting the legendary from sylvanas was soooo frustrating that maybe I better just spare myself the headachesThat's about it. It might not look like it but I am very excited about the new seasom, I hope we can all enjoy it. I knpw I will, regardless of what I end up playing via /r/wow


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