So, I may have accidently got a Druid killed...

So, this weekend I decided to clear out the quest log of old quests and figured I would clean up Redridge. Prior to that, I cleared a Deadmines Dungeon with an overly aggressive Paladin tanking and a Druid. In Redridge I was advertising to clear out Lieutenant Fangore while grinding the gnolls for pendants. The same Druid invited from the Deadmines run and rushed over to me. I greeted him and told him I was in the area and would wait for him.Well, a few minutes later the Druid ran in as I typed out we should strategize the fight as it's a hyper spawn. I even made mention I can use Target dummies for our escape. Clearly the Druid didn't bother to stop and rushed in to take on Fangore...About 15 seconds into the fight the bodyguards spawn in on the Druid. I threw down the Target Dummies and tried to deflect aggro off the Druid. It seemed like it would work except the two adds spawned in to patrol and got in on the fun. I watched him struggle and jump like he was going to get away, but those gnolls were on him badly. He collapsed to the ground and cried in anguish of his death while I was at 28% health and made a run for it. I managed to get on the path westward towards the keep and managed to survive the onslaught of gnolls by strafing and throwing down a Target dummy, I was at 13% health after the gnolls fled.Part of me feels some guilt that I got him killed, but another part of me thought it was hilarious in disbelief that he died just that fast.His last words to me in whisper was:"HM?"Not sure what that means.Anyways, thought I share a memorable experience with you all. Stay safe and watch for those hyper spawns.


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