Why is Cata Classic more realistic than a horizontal progression of Classic Era?

Wouldn’t new content for Classic be more inviting to old and new players rather than a re-release of Cataclysm? And wouldn’t this new content be likely more enjoyable over an extended period of time?I don’t understand how Blizzard could come to the conclusion that continuing classic past the original trilogy would be a wise move in the long term. And if Cata Classic is coming, then where does the classic progression end? With the average wow-fan having much less time to play than they did in the past, wouldn’t just slowly releasing bits of new content for all levels 1-60 be advantageous to the lifespan of Classic Era & HC?I don’t see HC lasting much longer than 8-16 months without new content, especially new mid-game content.And I don’t see new players coming to Cata.And I don’t see old players enjoying Cata, MoP, and BFA again for very long.
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