Unpopular opinion(?): Cataclysm was hype back in the day

I felt more interested in making this post because every now and then, I remember Totalbiscuit's Cataclysm videos, which were so enjoyable to watch after I ran back from school. Heck, they still are. Trolls are number 1 race.Am I misremembering this?Cataclysm was extremely exciting when it was announced.By then, we had all been exhausted by being in regular Azeroth. Or maybe we just took it for granted. Either way, the new zones, stories, and soundtracks were fresh and interesting.I don't remember seeing a lot of people speak up about zones such as Feralas or Desolas for example, but these days more people express that they prefer the vanilla versions.I remember all my wow friends talking about the new class and race combinations, talent systems, worgen and goblins, zones, Deathwing, etc.I definitely rank Vanilla above every other expansion, but looking back I feel like it's a bit complicated to rank Cataclysm. It introduced huge changes that were refreshing, but I guess it still doesn't compare to the spirit of Vanilla.
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