My Watch Has Ended

Well, it finally happened. My decision got made for me, and it was abrupt. I think every one of us who will level with ourselves and be realistic and honest knows that this game is an addiction. But we all love it. I know I did. I went from Classic all the way through WOTLK up til now, starting my own guild for wotlk, loving it, hating it, laughing, pulling my hair out, etc. Then my computer started to run the game a little more poorly than usual with the patches. I think that happened to a lot of us come WOTLK. Whatever, favorite expansion, I’ll deal with it. Then Wotlk started to lose its sheen. So recently I’ve been back on era. Grinding to 60 with all of my will power and energy, staying up all night many nights, and I actually caught Covid last week so I’ve been off work for over 5 days. I grinded on my paladin so much. Did my first MC and ZG today, walked away with good loot. Then my pc started making this popping noise. While the root of the problem isn’t a huge deal and is pretty replaceable, it’s got me thinking: I could put some more money into this computer (money I barely have), and have a lot more fun on Classic. Keep my wotlk guild going by reluctantly raidlogging and not abandoning the team(I’m one of the main tanks for 25 man. Our group also hasn’t been doing well this phase.), or, I could finally get out of the raiding I don’t really want to do and just call it quits on WoW for now. Or maybe for good? There will be more iterations of WoW later. But is it healthy for me to be playing? TLDR: computer is broke and it’s semi minor, but do I dump more money into my addiction or do something better for myself?The other big question is, and this is for my real gamers out here who understand: how do I fill up the space that WoW leaves empty? Hours upon hours, days upon days, where do I find something that I give a shit about now? This addiction has me way worse than I thought and now that my computer is deciding for me. I don’t wanna watch movies, I don’t wanna play other games, I just wanna play WoW. But I don’t wanna play WoW anymore. But I don’t wanna do anything else. Surely someone else has felt this way?Whatever happens in the future: goodbye world of warcraft. At least for now. All the friends I’ve made and all the good times I’ve had were wonderful. I’ll never forget these memories. They were real to me.
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