Classic WoW's Past in the Future (pure nonsensical speculation)

Since WotLK Classic is pretty different than the original, and the direction Dragonflight has been heading lorewise.. does anyone else here think that Blizzard will finish the Classic series with Wrath, and maybe having the end of it somehow tie into our ending of Dragonflight with some kind of completely different outcome in regards to preventing Cataclysm?. With all the alternate timeline nonsense going on right now in Dragonflight, I've been getting an increasingly growing sense of everything just completely resetting due to some kind of unavoidable event wiping out our Azeroth.. and that Classic is supposed to feel different because it's probably the only alternate universe much similar to ours..I don't know. Maybe I'm going a little crazy with all the time travel and alternate universes and alternate timelines and alternate characters doing alternate things in alternate places..Ugh. Someone help me. I can't even talk to my therapist about this without sounding crazy.Anyway, happy Sunday! via /r/wow


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