Classic WHAT IF: Blizzard announces a new Cross Class system, What combos do you think would be cool?

This is not meant to be an actual suggestion, just a fun thought experiment.So, Blizzard comes out and says they will be making a new system for Cross classing, Where you can choose 2 classes, and it will mix into an entirely new spec for you to play as, What combos do you think would create a fun spec to play? After having thought about it myself, I think a few of my favorite combos would have to be warrior/demon hunter, Paladin/rogue, and Rogue/hunter. I can imagine a warrior and DH mix would be a demon hunter wielding a big 2 handed weapon, dashing around, sending out fel flame blade beams from their weapon. Paladin and rogue would use the light to disorient and bare down on their enemies with a quicker fighting style then Ret, burst of light being one of the many way they do so. And finally, i just want to see rogue and hunter mix because then we could see a faster paced, gunslinger-esque spec dual wielding hand crossbows and pistols, something similar to Lord Godfrey in SFK.What combos do you guys think would be fun to mess around? via /r/wow
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