Classic Niche Old World Druid Trouble

TLDR: Can I use cheetah form in zones where flying is allowed (old world)? if so, how?So I started a druid a while back with the intent to keep it at 59 and do all the old content at current level (mostly quests and stuff) in hopes of doing loremaster over a long period of time. Was going fine until the newer change to how riding is learned. I had been running around in just my cheetah form just cause I liked it and was enjoying taking it slow, but now that i auto-learned flying I seem to be unable to get into cheetah form in any zones where flying is allowed. Again, super niche, but was wondering if there was any way to do what I'm trying to do?I remember that glyph that turned your stag into a separate form and was mountable by others, but I can't find the glyph anymore and I feel like I remember not being able to change the appearance of that new stag form.Sorry for the wall of text but if anyone has any advice LMK! This isn't so much a complaint/rant or anything just was wondering if I could play the way i originally wanted to is all<3 via /r/wow


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