Classic Mages of r/wow, share your experience

Greetings, an almost 10 year druid only player here.I'm a very casual player who mainly focuses on completing lore-quests (well, its quality is another subject), at best, NM raids and not high-lvl keys. As a druid, it's a very great experience, because I have great sustain and self-heal, which helps me a lot in solo-content.However, last few months I was thinking on making another character, namely, a mage (I always liked the concept of mages, especially in Azeroth). Unfortunatelly, whenever I try to level it and complete actual-content quests I face some difficulties: having no self-heal makes my questing quite miserable, since I have to regenerate after every fight, if I manage to beat 2 at best 3 mobs (with full cast) to begin with. I know, this will be solved once I get good items, but prior to that it really feels painful.Share your experience, how do you cope with that? Maybe any piece of advice? P.S. I really like the concept of the arcane spec, but it's even worse in terms of the abovementioned reasons, so playing frost makes it a bit easier, tho quite boring, because it feels so slow compared to arcane :( via /r/wow
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