Classic An Immersive Controller Experience

Rediscovering WoW: An Immersive Controller ExperienceAfter finishing Diablo 4, I was hesitant about grindy games, but something unexpected happened. I found myself craving more of the loot grind and decided to give World of Warcraft (WoW) a shot, remembering its grindy nature from the past. A recent graphics update caught my eye, and the vibrant visuals reminded me of my love for WildStar.It had been a solid ten years since I last played WoW, and I wasn't deeply familiar with end-game content. This time, it felt like embarking on a new player's adventure, and I was excited to see what lay ahead. As a gamer, I did my research, watching numerous videos to determine the best class, race, and faction for me. Eventually, I settled on a Pandaren Monk as my chosen character.From the moment I started, I realized something was off. Using the keyboard didn't feel right, and the distant zoom level prevented me from appreciating the beautiful details up close. Then, like a stroke of luck, I stumbled upon a modder's console controller port. I decided to give it a shot, and to my amazement, I fell in love with this playstyle. The controller made the whole experience so much more immersive and enjoyable.I couldn't resist enhancing my WoW journey further. My excitement led me to explore various immersive mods and tweak the UI to my liking. Hours passed as I meticulously adjusted every little detail, making my key bindings logical and comfortable. I cherished this process, despite acknowledging that setting up this playstyle with mods might be overwhelming for others.Leveling up with the new expedited campaign quests was surprisingly straightforward. I zoomed all the way to level 60 at an impressive pace, mainly focusing on the campaign and skipping most side quests. However, it puzzled me that I stayed in one zone during this journey, unlike my previous WoW experience, where I traveled far and wide across the map.As I approached level 65, I noticed a slight decline in my combat effectiveness, but it didn't deter me from taking on multiple dungeons. Being a controller player, I felt a sense of achievement as I pumped out some serious DPS. Yet, I knew that raiding and tackling end-game content might pose challenges on the controller.Playing with an over-the-shoulder view brought an unprecedented level of immersion. Every detail, architecture, and the enchanting environment came to life with the updated graphics. In fact, I couldn't help but imagine how amazing WoW 2 would be with a better graphics engine.Despite the enjoyable aspects, I faced a few frustrations along the way. Progression felt unclear, and the lack of communication about the ongoing war, various realms, and the best leveling paths left me puzzled. Solo play had its limitations, as some stories required larger groups, and I had to rely on guilds, group finders, or other platforms for certain content.Naively, I thought a single playthrough would encompass the entire WoW story since its launch, journeying through each expansion until reaching Dragonflight. However, I was amazed at how quickly I zoomed through the levels, barely experiencing the game's vastness.With so much content awaiting me, I realized I might need to create alts to fully explore other continents and enjoy the war campaign and other odds and ends. Even after completing one playthrough, I still don't know what would be the best approach to experience each new area and expansion. Adventure mode seems promising, but I remain unsure of what to expect.Despite feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of content, I had an absolute blast playing WoW on the controller. The upgraded armor visuals, easy leveling, and the new flying system were exhilarating. The freedom to explore distant mountain tops, castles, valleys, and beyond was awe-inspiring. The variety of mods allowed me to customize my gameplay, truly making WoW my own adventure.Of course, it wasn't all perfect. The vanilla UI was a sore sight until I installed the immersion mod. I also relied heavily on mods for various aspects of the game, and towards the end of my playthrough, I missed out on many quests because I was eager to experience the main storyline.As a game that has stood the test of time, I expected a grandiose story in WoW. Unfortunately, I felt like I only scratched the surface, merely experiencing 5% of the story in the end (Dragonflight expansion). It left me yearning for more, like wanting to defeat Raszageth, only to find out the final boss fight was locked behind a raid.In conclusion, my WoW adventure with a controller was a revelation. The immersive experience made the game truly come alive, and without the controller, I doubt I would have made it through the journey. Despite some drawbacks, the joy of adventuring in the amazing World of Warcraft will forever hold a special place in my heart. via /r/wow
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