The Tale of BobbyBBlastin

I've always wondered about this. They can't ALL be bots, right? What if some poor kid is just getting into computer games and he is so bad, people keep reporting him as a bot?"I have no idea what's going on, so I am just going to follow these guys." So he follows a few bots to the first tower.Bobby thinks he is helping. Maybe he's a healer and he's keeping them alive. He's made some new friends. Bobby has never been good at making friends. In fact, these are the only people he plays with outside of cousins visiting. Sure they don't talk much, but they are completely accepting of him and let him learn at his own pace and NEVER tell him he is bad. They don't even complain.Bobby is always amazed at how long they stay on each day. He has school, but he looks forward to getting home each day and going to defend his tower with his friends. Bobby talks to his friends for hours between epic battles. It's nice to have friends that will listen and talk to.As time goes on bobby starts neglecting his homework in favor of keeping his friends alive. They need him. It feels good to be needed.Eventually, Bobbies grades take a bad turn and his parents ground him. They don't let him play with his friends until his grades improve. It's tough, but he finally gets them back up after three whole months.It is a glorious day! Not only does he finally get to go play with his friends again, but it's Christmas break! He has two whole weeks to hang out with his friends. Maybe he can even get them to talk. Maybe they don't know how to talk in game? Bobby is determined to teach them first thing!Bobby gets home, drops his backpack at the door and runs to his computer! It take soo long to log in! The game finally loads! Theres his Pally. Sitting in Silvermoon. Right where he left him. He immediately goes to his friends list to jump in their group.They aren't on. Where could they have gone? They were always on. They were dependable. They were rocks. But they were gone. "Well I suppose it is the holidays." Maybe they have family over. This will give bobby a chance to level his cooking. His friends will like that. Those fish plates people lay down are always popular.The next day Bobby logs in, excited to tell his friends all about school and his progress on cooking. They still aren't there. Where could they have gone? Bobby takes a closer look at his friends list and notices they aren't even showing as offline. They aren't even there at all! That's weird. Maybe game had bugged and wasn't loading his friends list. Bobby clicks add friend and quickly types in one of his friends names. An error message pops up saying no such character. That's weird. Maybe he misspelled it. He tries again. Nothing. He tries his other friends. Nothing. He yahoo searches this issue and finds that this typically happens when an account has been permanently banned. Banned? BANNED?! His only friends were banned? Gone? Forever! Worse still was that he didn't have any other way of getting in touch with them. He would never see them again. Bobby felt sick. He logged off and went to lay down.The next day Bobby woke up with a spark of excitement, only for it to be crushed back into his soul just as quickly as he remembered what he had discovered the previous day. He was sad. He didn't even get out of bed that day. Bobby cried.They next day Bobbie's dad came in and sat on the edge of his bed. His dad told him there are other fish in the sea. When you fall off a horse, it is important to pick yourself back up by your bootstraps and try again. Bobby wasn't sure if that was good advise or a meme. But he would try. It was an MMO after all. There were millions of other people to play with.So Bobby reluctantly logged back in. He desided he should go try some quests in that beautiful jungle area. Maybe he would find people out there. And that's exactly what happened.Bobby had gotten pretty good at keeping his friends alive, but he was very bad and doing the fighting himself. He didn't understand how other players were able to turn so quickly. They seemed like ballerina ninjas the way they hopped about and ran circles around him.As he made his way through the jungle, painstakingly struggling for every kill, Bobby found someone. A lone player was being attacked by what looked like a snow leopard with glowing blue eyes! Worse yet, they were losing! The player was almost dead but the leopard still had most of it's health. "They must be new like me!" Bobby thought. He didn't know what that long channeling spell was but Bobby could clearly see it was none too effective. If Bobby didn't do something, this person was going to die! Bobby couldn't let that happen. Bobby was going to save them! And then, just maybe, this person might be greatful enough to be his friend.With joy in his heart and Holy shock on his mind Bobby leaped into the frey! As he ran to close the gap, Bobby accidentally clicked both of his mouse buttons at the same time and his character spun around like a ballerina! THAT WAS IT! That was how others had been turning! They weren't using A and D at all! It was so liberating!Realizing he was getting distracted and had possibly cost his new friend valuable second he might not have, bobby quickly regained his composure and ran forward. The instant he was in range of the beast, he Holy shocked the leopard to get it's attention off his new friend. In his enthusiasm he had actually run past the leopard as it ran to him. Now it was behind him. Still being use to wasd, Bobby forgot to turn using the mouse and backed up until the dangerous beast was in front of him. Now he could hit the thing, but not just yet. His friend was still low on health. "First things first." He thought. "My friend needs health." So Bobby healed him.His new friend out of immediate danger, Bobby turned his attention back to the spectral beast. This fight took everything bobby had learned. What he couldn't figure out though is why the other player wasn't rejoining the fight. Maybe his friend was hurt worse than he thought. Had his friend died from something else while he was focused on the his own fight? Something he had missed?The leopard was truly formidable! He hit all the buttons. In the end, it wasn't enough. As Bobby's health reached zero he heard the familiar death cry of his character. Relief! As Bobby hit the ground he realized it was still standing in consecration and his seal of corruption hit one last time! VICTORY! Bobby had fallen, but so had this terrible foe! He he had laid his life down for his friend. They were safe, and that was all that mattered.Finally having a moment to take a breath and look around, he found his new friend near by. He wasn't dead after all. In fact, he wasn't even fighting anything. He was just, standing there. Bobby was confused.Bobby finally looked at the chat window and his heart sank. The other player had been talking to him. No, not talking, yelling! At Bobby?!"No!""STOP""Asshole!""Fucking piece of shit bot!"Bobby was so confused! He didn't know what to do! Why was his friend so mad at him? He was only trying to help!"Please don't be mad at me! I'm sorry" Bobby tried to reply. But he couldn't! He was still dead on the ground! Bobby quickly released and with all the panic and desperation he had ever experienced he ran back towards his body. He had to get there! He had to apologize. He didn't understand what he had done wrong, but whatever it was Bobby was sure he could make it up to his new friend. Oh God! What if they don't accept my apology? What if they won't be my friend?!As Bobby ran, he took another glance at the chat window."Report BobbyBBlastin! He's another trash bot lol! Fuckin thing killed Loque'nahak while I was trying to tame it."Fear washed over Bobby. Report? Like my report card? What does that mean? Was he in trouble? Were his parents going to find out? Bobby knew his only chance was to get back to this player and try to explain himself.At last Bobby reached his body and resurrected with such shame. The very instant he was back all hell broke loose! At least four alliance players jumped on him and he was killed before he could do anything about it. As Bobby lay there, he saw his new friend standing off to one side. Not fighting Alliance, but laughing. At him. Bobby released. And again he ran. When he got back he was again killed the moment he got there! He was getting frustrated! How could he apologize if he's filthy alliance never gave him a chance! He ran back. And died.This time when he ran back there was a 2 minute timer! He couldn't do anything but stand there, helpless! Finally the timer ended and permitted him to finally respawn. Nothing happened. The Alliance were gone. The other player was there, though. This was it! He finally had the opportunity! He hit enter! He began to painstakingly and slowly type out "I am sorr- suddenly his monitor blinked and he was back on the login screen. There was a message.You have been disconnected from the server.Bobby frantically clicked out of the window, retyped his information and hit login! Another message.You have been permanently banned from World of Warcraft.Bobby had never seen such bullshit! Was this from that reporting? Had that player been a server owner? Is this what had happened to his first friends? Had that been the person that banned them?!Bobby was angry and confused, but more than anything, Bobby was sad. If only Bobby had not been grounded. If only Bobby had been there to protect his friends, maybe they wouldn't have been banned. The way Bobby figured it, when he had not joined his friends in AV, they must have gone looking for him. Surely they would have known he might be in this jungle zone since he was often there between battlegrounds.That was it. Bobby had been the one missing and his friends had come looking for him, but they must have run into that person instead. The one that could call for reports and ban people permanently from the game. Bobby hated that person, and their stupid game.Bobby didn't know what to do. He didn't have any other games to play. He had saved up for 3 months just to buy this game and it had taken his entire allowance every month just to continue playing. And now he wasn't even allowed back again!His parents were not going to be happy. They would say he is wasteful and didn't understand the value of a dollar.They were indeed upset. After scolding him about being so reckless and not taking better care of his toys, his father give him a weak smile and said get ready for bed and he'll be in to read Bobby a bedtime story.Bobby's parents didn't believe in reading children's stories. Usually his father would read a few pages from the newest self-help book he had bought. Tonight it was "Think and Grow Rich"As Bobby laid there listening to his father explain how to manifest wealth from his mind, it occurred to him. If his parents had not grounded him, his friends would not have come looking for him and would not have been banned. If they had not been banned, he wouldn't have been off looking for friends and gotten banned himself. This was his parents fault! Why did they grounded him for so long! Why couldn't they understand that he had finally made some friends! That he was finally happy! AND THEY TOOK THAT AWAY FROM HIM!Now Bobby was alone.Bobby would make them pay!This has been a story bye DeepStory AI
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