Is Prepotting sweaty or is it just another consume to bring to raids?

As stated in the title, I’ve seen comments on a few posts where some people believe that pre-potting is a sweaty thing to do. When I played retail TBC and WOTLK, that was just another item in your raid toolkit just like a flask or food. I ask of you all now, what is your opinion? Is Prepotting a sweaty try hard activity or it is something every raider should use to boost their dps in raids?Full disclaimer. I am an alchemist and will sell those pots to you.P.S. I use damage pots, tank pots and usually just mana pots on my healer.P.S.S. I know that you don’t have to use prepots to parse higher. I also believe that people using all available options to increase their dps as a raider is just the basics of being a good/helpful member of your raid.Thoughts?
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