Daily quest givers are missing their blue exclamation points?

When I logged in today, I did my normal round around Dalaran for the cooking and fishing dailies. Everything was perfectly normal. Then I flew over to start the Kalu'ak dailes.On the way, I disabled Questie to try to track down an fps hiccup I've v been having. when I landed, the NPC had no blue exclamation point. The quest functioned normally. The silver question mark popped up, turned yellow when the quest was complete, and went away when I handed it in.I then went over to Dragon blight for the next one and it was the same thing. I swear these NPC's had the quest marker yesterday and the NPC's in Dalaran had them.Am I crazy? Please help!p.s. I've deleted Interface, WTF, and Cache, and did scan and repair through the launcher. Still the same on a clean login.Update: The NPC in Howling Fjord has the blue mark....weird for sure
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